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Things You Wouldn't Hear In A Digimon Episode
Megagargomon: DIE! *Fires his entire artillery at a random digimon blowing a crater the size of a large building into the ground*

Gallantmon: Can you say overkill?

OOC: Please read the new announcement on the board.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
TK - What do you guys think of my new hat?
Patamon - Eerrrmm... it's... wierd.
TK - *takes off his new pink, frilly hat* What about it?
Everyone - *sweat drop*
Agunimon: Ah another bad digimon down the toilet *reverts back to Takuya.
Everyon: *stares and sweatdrops*
Takuya: What is it? *blink*
Zoey: *blushes deeply* T-Takuya!!! *runs away*
Takuya: What what is it!!! *all of a sudden feels a cool breeze in between his legs* It happened again didnt it?
Everyone but Zoey: *nods simultaniously*
Takuya: Damn it I hate it when I lose my clothes when I change back!!
Rika - ...
Rumiko - Rika?
Rika - Mom!
Rumiko - *spots Renamon before she can vanish* :shock: *faints*
Renamon - Oh, for fuck sake! :x
Rumiko - lol
Rika - Stop doing that!

Director - Rumiko!
Renamon *does her wicked-awesome ninjutsu vanish trick and appears on a tree branch, like always*
Renamon: What the...? *looks down* Oh for fu- *Branch breaks further, causing her to slip off and hit the ground* Oof! *looks up in time to get brained with the falling branch*

Scene freezes, and a man in a tacky suit comes walking out on the street.

Suit-Man: Every day, hapless digimon fall victim to what we call the 'Three Stooges' effect. Its not their fault. And now your insurance won't go up just because your partner fell victim to a clownish accident.

That's All-State's stand. Are YOU in good hands?
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Impmon - *hiding behind the tree with a saw in his hand, laughing his head off at Renamon*

lol Couldn't resist.
Neemon: I like jelly-flavored air!

Kouji: (To Bokomon) Were his parents brother, and sister?
Bokomon - No, they were Bush and Blair!

lol Another one I couldn't resist. Sorry if that offends anyone though...
The first episode..

Kuwagamon flies overhead.

Tai: What the fuck is that!

Koromon: Thats one crazy motha fuckah.
*after all digimon digivolve for the first time*

Tai: What be this shit?!
Agumon: We just opened up a case o' whupass on this foo'.
Gomamon: word, G.
Gabumon: Fo' shizzle.

Tai: Trippin' on the ebonics?
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)