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Southern Cross
"I'll stay with you." Erne stated softly, and smiled softly. "I wouldn't send you off and let you suffer on your own...."

Zerus, noticing his wounds were being cleared, smiled slightly - before his head drooped down. He had already used most of his energy in the battle with Lu... and his stamina was still quite low, even from the healing.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
A smile appears on her lips and she reaches out her paw and holds his paw softly.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Wengren sighed slightly looks at Zerus's face he could tell "Can't walk can you?"
There was no reply from Zerus - he had blacked out, his fur a little more lively, but still partly pale.

Erne, moving his other arm, started to walk slowly with Yoosei towards her room, a little blush crossing over his features as she held onto his claw. "Hey.. don't worry about it. I'm just being a friend for everyone,"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Alright come on." Wengren picked up Zerus and threw him over his shoulder "Yoosei is worried sick about you, you know." he then started making his way out of the cave with Zerus on his shoulder.
Yoosei noticed the little blush and couldn
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

Ada watched whilst Mar and the other left for their mission, her eyes locked on the dragonute before he was out of sight, the vixen entering the office after her brother.

"Sir Ikonnen, I'm aware you've already sent a trio on a mission, but I ask if there is another mission you need volunteers for. Besides helping our allies, we need to try and gather information on the rumored gemstones, for the ones already in our possession aren't enough to power the Soul Extractor. After all, we can't beat Kubrika physically for his spirit will merely possess another." declared Crimson, whilst the full light of morning shone through the windows in the office.

"Other gemstones..." uttered Ada before she withdrew something from her robe, one of the two Garnet Gems she and Mar held. "My apologies forgetting about this, but I have one of these "rumored" gemstones. I and Mar found it whilst exploring a seaside cave. I suppose Bahamut would be in safest hands with you, sir."

Crimson's eyes widened as his green eyes peered closer at the garnet now seated on Ikonnen's desk. "Could it really be..."

The shadow spirit groaned at the silence about the castle, Jedrek growing restless. "If Kubrika has no orders for me then I shall find my own prey...let's see what the shadows have to say..." He chuckled whilst putting his ear close to the shadow casted by a suit of armor. A few minutes later he stood up straight and laughed. "Sky Dragon's Island, eh. Perfect, the kid, his sister, and the red haired dragon all in one place." He chuckled with glee before drifting off into the shadows once more, preparing to pursue the other dragons.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Silence dawned in Ikonnen's office, as he stared at the gem now on the table. That was it - the very key to a winning line. He took a gulp, before lifting his head up. "...That's it. This IS the power you can use."

Moving his arm, he flicked his arm out. Two other gems landed down on the table quietly, and the Dark Gem as well - which, would have been surprising for those who had been with Kellie, since she had absorbed one just like that into her.

"The four gems." Ikonnen then stated, placing all four side-by-side, as they all glittered in the morning light. "The summons contained within."

He sighed. "How will I explain to Kellie too... that... the Dark Gem I gave her is a crafted one, and not the real one in front of me?"

OOC: Disturbed, you'll have to fasten up your posts. I'm not going to keep posting the same message of 'Zerus is still knocked out' XD


Chuckling softly, the serpent nodded, as he continued to softly walk. "Anyhow... I take it the mission went to pot."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: Sowy..


Wengren finally made it out of the cave carrying Zerus "Lets get you back to the mansion." He quickly started to run back towards the mansion.

After about an hour of running the elf's eyes finally gazed upon the lights of the Southern Cross's Mansion. He bolted for the mansion's large doors running right through them. "WENGREN IS BACK AND HES NOT ALONE!!!" he yelled as he bolted straight for Yoosei's room.

< Corrdors >

Wengren quickly came to Yoosei's door "Yoosei!!" he knocked on the door "Wengren's got a present for ya." he chimed.
"What?" asked Lu as she crouched to loosen the bands on her legs, just above her sandals, "You wanna see?" she smirked.

Kubrika shook his head, "My, you've forgotten I can read minds, little girl?" he said, standing up and floating in air, getting next to the unmobilized Kellie. "It saddens me to know that you decided to elope from here" he said, lowering his head and folding his arms, "You've what? Developed feelings? How can you be so weak? You are acting no different from the same humans that have been hunting your race since the beggining of times. I take you under my wing and this is how you pay me back?"

As Mar and Dot left with Kurtz, the dragon couldn't help but try and talk with his sister, "Uhm... Dorothy?"

Dorothy was trying to ignore him at first, but she remembered what she had made herself promise in her mind, "Yes, Alexander?"

"Uhh, call me Mar, I hate that name" the dragonute added, before continuing, "I just wanted to ask... well... how are you?" he said and lowered his ears.

Dorothy stopped walking and turned around to face the wall of armored muscles, she looked up on his seemingly sad face, "You are just going to ask that?"

Stupid question... he thought, "I, well..." Mar started babbling nervously.

Dot just couldn't help not being amused at the dragon's embarrasment. She finally let out an audible giggle after forming a growing smile on her face, one that Kurtz would be able to notice.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad