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Southern Cross

Half asleep, Crimson nearly jumped from the sudden announcement over the mansion's speakers. So they're leaving...should I see if they need more, I still have things to ask Mar and my sister... Hopefully their mission goes well. The fox returned to his breakfast, trying to move his body out of first gear.

The vixen chuckled after breaking off their kiss, her tail swishing a little. "No, you are, dragon are." Ada nuzzled his chest again before Ikonnen's message played from the hallway. Concern was in her eyes as she looked again to Mar. "Should we go and see Dorothy off..."

Jedrek entered the dark sanctum and headed for Kubrika whom was still seated at his elegant throne. The shadow dragon grinned while setting down his prize, the petrified statue of Kellie. "Lord you can see, I and the others have completed your task and we also injured some Cross members in the addition, I've gained some new powers..."

OOC: Sorry I was so late posting his new stats, I've been busy with final exams, heh.

Updated Profile

Name: Jedrek Ryu (Shadow Spirit)
Age: 19 (Shadow Spirit) ???
Gender: Male
Race: Shadow Dragon
Weapon: Sky Scorcher
Weapon Speciality: Halberds and Spears
Dark Inferno: Breathes flames of darkness on foes
Seventh Hell: Covers weapon in dark flames for extra damage
Shapeshifting: Allows the user the change the shape of their body into various shadowy forms
Description: A shadow dragon of the purest black, Jedrek's former body is no more. Now a living figure of darkness, the only break in his ebony shape is his menacing red eyes.
Limit Breaks: Final Eclipse: Shrouds the sky in darkness before all opponents are struck with bolts of black lightning
Bio: The ancient spirit of the dark dragons has awoken in Jedrek, radically changing his body but the shadow spirit has chosen to lock away the former dragon's mind in the process. Ruthless and cruel to his enemies, he shows no remorse as he follows Kubrika's command in hopes to cover the world in shadow.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Dorothy followed Kurtz, smiling to him the whole time.

Upon hearing that Dorothy would leave, Mar got up from the bed, "I got to go with her" he said, fearing the mission could end in her sister perishing. With swift movements, he slipped his armor on, grabbed his swallow and sheathed it on his back, "Ada, please stay here" Mar said to the vixen, "You should try and reicorporate your relationship with your brother, I'll go with my sister. I promise I'll come back soon, okay?" without leaving her other choice, he gave Ada a quick kiss on the lips and then sped off out of the rooms and to Ikonnen's office.

Upon reaching it, he crouched slightly just so his humongous form could enter the room. The dragonute eyed Ikonnen, "Sir, I heard the message. Dorothy is going out the mansion on a mission right?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I don't stay here much," Shadow said, "Either out figting, training, or whatever. So when I do come back I usually just crash on the bed or something."

Katt looked up at the loud speakers, then quickly turned her attention elsewhere as she wasn't called for anything. Darn, I really wanna get out and do something. She thought as she headed back to her room.

Hiro leaned up against a tree, he had removed his damaged armor to get a better look at the wound on his arm, leaving him in just his white shirt, "Well the pain stopped at least," He thought as he stared at the large black spot, which was now slowly spreading down his arm towards the fingers and, at a slower pace, up his shoulder, "It's not rotting anything, I can still move the arm. This is wierd." He thought, it didn't make sense, the pain had stopped shortly after the initial bite, but the disease seemed to still be spreading, but didn't seem to have any adverse effects like a poison. Well, no harm no foul. But I better hide it, don't wanna worry anyone at the cross," He thought as he tore a few strands from the bottom of his shirt and wrapped his arm.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Wengren reached Ikonnen's office then blinked at the sight of the mountain of meat that was Mar that was already in his office. He quietly walked in careful not to step on the dragon's tail walking to the side he looked up at the dragon with a smile "Hope you're enjoying yourself." He gave a small wave to Ikonnen "Wengren present." he leaned up against the wall with his staff laid upon his shoulder.

< Silver's Room >

Silver's ear perked up hearing the hearing the announcment over the microphone "Huh another mission is being handed out." he then felt his stomach growling "" he then slipped out of his room and headed to the kitchen.

< Kitchen >

The silver wolf licked his lips as he openned the fridge then he saw some fried chicken that caugh his wolf eyes. He quickly grabbed the chicken fried chicken put it in the oven. With a smile on his face he hopped onto the counter waiting for the chicken to get done.
Lu, glancing back at Shadow, giggled softly, "You've changed since last time" she grinned, "Guess being a kid isn't the same as being almost an adult" she smirked, then loosened the bands on her wrists, the garb's sleeves letting loose now.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Colby was sound asleep as Ikonnen blared on the intercom and slept through it.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: Whoops, almost forgot about Jedrek.


"Very well" Kubrika said, lifting his view just to eye the stoned (OOC: This just won't get old) Kellie, "The Vampire... hmmm... leave her here. Jedrek, you've done a good job, you may do whatever you want now, I must attend our guest, or should I say... trophy."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ikonnen's eyes weavered back, a small grin on his face - his plan of finding out was only just beginning.... He rubbed his paws together, before turning around. "Yes, Dorothy will be going out on a mission. Ever heard of the term 'Myrmiddon'?"

Kurtz moved himself quickly, for of course, Kitt's room actually wasn't that far from Ikonnen's room. Taking a small little breath, he opened the door to Kitt's Room, and started walking down the corridor. "Better not be late~~"

Erne stared softly at Yoosei, and winced. "If... if I knew if he was still in that cave of sorts... I would tell you.... but... I'm unsure..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I'm not the only one," Shadow smiled taking a quick glance at Lu's chest.

Kitt turned the corner, heading towards her room as she yawned a bit in boredom, Darn I'm bored. Maybe I'll head to the training facility later on. That's always good for a nice workout. She thought as she reached for the doorknob, only to have the door swing open infront of her and Kurtz rush out followed closely by Dot. Kitt looked at them as the went down the corridor, Wonder what those two are up to? Wonder what Kurtz was doing in our room. she thought as she held open the door and walked in. She slumped down on her bed happily, So soft, She smiled as she relaxed, she brought her tail up and wrapped it around herself as she always did and noticed something odd about it. The tip of it was splitting, almost like it had been cut down the middle, it was only a few inches but she was sure it hadn't been there that morning, That's wierd. Maybe it got stepped on? No I'dve felt that, She thought, knowing how much it hurt when her tail was squeezed roughly or stepped on, Oh well, I'm too tired to think about it now. She thought as she rolled back over and went to sleep.

Hiro walked through the large double doors, rotating his shoulder a bit in nervousness, Just need to relax, it'll be gone by morning I'm sure. He thought as he walked through the mansion towards the kitchen, his stomach was about ready to devour itself he was so hungry. He walked through the doors to see Silver sitting on the counter, "Anything good on the menu today?" He asked as he headed to the fridge.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad