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Southern Cross
Kit looked over at the vixen as she approached, starting to smile, but it soon faded as she saw the large dragon over her shoulder. Oh no, She backed up a bit, sweating slightly as her body warmed up again, Of all the people to run into. "He's, p-probably in his office." She said quickly as she continued backing off, notting tacking her eyes off Mar, "Just, follow the hall. Can't miss it."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kellie jump over Jedrek as he swung is halberd at her. As she landed behind him she, "Ice blade," she cried out as frost appeared on the gun blade, "Your finish," as buried her frosty blade in his abdomen.

Ooc: Crimson let me know if I went to far in my post


"This place as a basement," said Colby as wide eyed in surprised.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

Ada raised an eyebrow at the strange girl before saying, "Alright, we appreciate the help should really try to calm down...I know we were former Insane but we are trying to put that behind us..." She started down the hall for Ikonnen's office before looking over her shoulder, seeing the nervous reaction on Mar's face from Kitt. Hmmm, maybe these two fought before or something...I knew this wasn't going to be easy... "Let's get going, dragon boy."

Jedrek or at least what was formerly Jedrek laughed as the vampire pierced his abdomen, the shadow speaking in that same demonic voice. "Foolish vampire, I'm not the same weakling you fought before..." With an amused grin, Jedrek struck Kellie with his massive fist, flinging her to the cavern wall before he pulled out her gunblade. Some shadow seemed to bleed out of his body before it sealed up completely. "Now die, Dark Inferno!" The shadow's muzzle opened wide as flames of the purest ebony began to head straight for Kellie.

Within the mind of the shadow creature, Jedrek yelled, Who are you?!, while his body became bound.

The shadow dragon smirked, "I'm you, or at least the truest form of you, Jedrek. You were going to try to join the Cross and everything, so I decided to put a stop to that. After all, we can't really spread shadows across the world without Kubrika."

You can't hold me forever... Jedrek protested, struggling against the mental bounds.

The shadow dragon laughed, Too late, it has already begun, now if you excuse me, I believe I'm going to go feast on that vampire.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
As Kellie was engulfed in flames dark aura surrounded her as she summoned the power of Diabolus to protect her. "Noooo help me I'm on fire," she cried out in mock agony as she summoned her gun blade.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

Quote:You might want to argue, DMX, but you still should've not posted, regardless of if Crimson did or not. It's not a race to reply, as you have before told me, and you could've left it until I posted. Am I right?.

Never intended arguing, I didn't even start this. I'm defending myself of false accusations of rule violation. Now, stop this, as a fellow mod I hate spamming this RPG-zone, if you still want to continue this senseless whining of yours, you have PMs. Stop because you are not only ruining the fun, you are also embarrassing yourself. I won't respond to any OOC meant to this matter here, understood?


Dorothy huddled Kurtz, soon she broke the hug and pulled back, "I... Can we go to our room? I feel a bit dizzy with all what's going on?" she said softly.

Mar looked over Kit, passing by the vixen following Ada, he smirked. His old habit of liking fox girls hadn't gone yet and as soon as he went by her side he made his prescense a lot more evident for her, releasing a bit of his brimming dark aura just to let her have a shiver while slowly walking behind his parnter. He couldn't help but love embarassing girls.

Lu sighed in discontent, "Barbarian" she said and vanished in a poof of smoke. She reappeared on top of Zerus' back while he charged, "Impressive" she yawned.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Fine. But I'm wondering how I'm 'embarrasing' myself, or so you put it.


Zerus, moving his claw back quickly as he continued to run but twist, fired off a sphere of fure at Lu. "Ha, already guessed your speed. Rule #1: Don't let your opponent surprise you."

"Well, Kit will probably be in there. And I was hoping to just help you get better alone - I mean, I work best when dealing ith it quietly...." Kurtz started quietly, looking at her quietly. "But... let's go then, anyhow."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Lu smirked as her shadow clone disappeared from the top of Zerus, "Who are you aiming at Lecture-Boy?" she mocked, "Come on, I'll let you have a starters' blow" she said and stood still, her right arm even so oftenly swinging back and forth.

"I have to rest, Kurtz" Dorothy sighed a bit, "We'll deal with this, later" she said.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Kurtz? Lol. XD


Zerus, growling slightly, sweat-dropped. "Dangit... she's probably stronger then me..." But still, he rose his arm up, and, charging forward while remaining in control, he swiped his sword at Lu - an accurate one at that.

"Alrighty..." Kurtz nodded softly, and smiled, before blinking. "Let's go then... I don't want'cha getting anymore dizzy then you are now."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

After traveling down the hall some, Ada opened the doors for herself and Mar to the well furnished office, looking to the marble desk across from the door and a chair spun backwards. "Sir Ikonnen, do you have a moment?"

The shadow dragon chuckled as he stared down Kellie. "Impressive, so you have the power of a summon...but even he can't protect you forever." He quickly lunged towards the vampire, hoping to strike before she could defend. black flames dancing along the edge of his halberd.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Kellie tried to block the blow form the halberd but only succeeded in lessening depth of the blow into her shoulder, "Sap," she cried out is she placed her hand on Jedreck chest draining some of his energy from him. "Hiro remember what a dampire can do when a vampire is near then," yelled Kellie as she tried to get Hiro to tap into her power. Knowing that she could not last even with Diabolus's power forever.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz