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Southern Cross
"DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER!" Hiro shouted as he lifted up his blade and swung it at Jedrek with his blade. There was a loud clang of metal as a long black blade blocked the attack.

"I thought I killed you." Shadow said as he applied pressure and pushed Hiro's blade away from Jedrek, "Oh well, guess I just get to do it again."

"Wrong, I'm alot stronger than I was last time." Hiro said holding his blade at the ready.

"And so am I, and I was stronger than you before." Shadow smiled as he held out his blade.

"I held back last time, hoping there was still some good in you. This time I'm taking you out!"

OOC: Need to wait for Kyo, and Matt.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: sorry for my absence around here, i sorta of got lost *sweatdrops* anyway
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Kellie looked at the wound on her arm that Jedrek gave her and grinned, "That tickled slightly and pay back is a bitch," she said as she put her hand on the blade of her weaopn, "Ice blade, Sap," as her sword became as cold as ice and glowed with reddish life draining aura. Kellie ran at Jedreck with her gun blade in front of her trying to run him though.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: You're lucky that I don't scold you guys - DMX, Crimson, Disturbed and Crazyweredragon- who posted after Shadow. He clearly said to wait for me, and you contined~~


Kurtz cuddled Dorothy a little closer to him - his muzzle softly touching against her long snow-white hair. "...I guess... this is more complex..."

Zerus didn't do anything at that time - it had all come on so fast, and yet, he wasn't prepared.

OOC: You're lucky. I got lost here, so my character won't do a thing until I find out what.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

[quote="Dragonknight Kyo"]OOC: You're lucky that I don't scold you guys - DMX, Crimson, Disturbed and Crazyweredragon- who posted after Shadow. He clearly said to wait for me, and you contined~~[/quoute]

Next time anyone posts after an official pause has been annoucned and it isn't an accident, (I.E. same time or within 2 minutes) it will be deleted from the topic to avoid losing someone.


"Too slow!" Shadow jumped over Hiro's head as his blade swung underneath him, "That's the thing about big swords, take forever to swing." he smiled as he swung his dark sword.

"GAH!!" Hiro stumbled a bit as a gash opened in his arm, one of the weakest kinks in his armor, "I've learned a few tricks though, cure." The wound on Hiro's arm instantly stitched itself together, "And this little one," He pressed his middle and index finger to his forehead and seems almost to dissipate.

"What?" Shadow readied himself, "Nice little parlor trick, but that won't save you. RARRR!!" Shouted in pain as Hiro's blade swung down on him, the coat he had grabbed was made from a special material that was as defensive as any armor, but it still cut through and gashed his shoulder, "Not bad, but I don't fall for the same trick twice."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: I think, though, Shadow, there was a bit of doubt of if you meant the people in the cave to wait. But still - notice the time difference between your post and DMX's. Three hours. He could've noticed that, and asked first through a PM, before posting. Disturbed and Weredragon, okay, I've told them already I won't scold them - they were part innocent.

But, I've got my official timetable now. Looks like I can access the net only for about two hours on most of the weekdays... Don't lose me guys throughout the week, I'll be back to my humble PC before ya know it and my time will return.


Zerus, deciding that it was now time to move, pulled out his shortsword, before cursing. "Damnit!!"

In almost a glint of light - his hair could be mistaken for red, as he charged forward - although, probably, Shadow would have been stronger then him.

Appearing in front of him, he performed a jump, before attempting to slice down on him.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Little hint," Shadow said as he dropped down to the ground, "Never attack an opponent head on!" He kicked up and caught Zerus in the stomach, throwing Zerus over him and at Hiro.

"Watch it!" Hiro shouted instinctively as he was knocked to the ground by the flying Zerus, "Leave him to me." He said as he stood up.

"Don't feel bad, I'll deal with you after I kill your friend here." Shadow said as he pointed his blade at Hiro.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Jedrek did the same as he cried, "Seventh Hell!" His halberd burned with scorching flames as their weapons clashed. Though Kellie's ice had been canceled out, the dark dragon wasn't prepared for the Sap magic as he felt his power draining slowly. "B..bitch! Take this!" Knowing he had to break free of her weapon, Jedrek made a desperate lunge forward, trying to cut the vampire in two.

Crimson took a last look at his twin before he sighed. Talk about unexpected...still... He smiled as he looked at the clear skies above.'s good to have you back sister. The fox looked to the watch on his wrist and blinked. Damn, looks like it's back to the lab for me.

Ada cuddled against Mar before they started down the long stairwell, heading for Ikonnen to find their room. "I appreciate your support, Mar...I'm not sure if I could have done it alone..." She looked back and smirked at the dragonute, her tail wagging slightly out of joy and something else. "So will you be joining me for a little "rest", dragon's been a while..."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: I count only 22 posts since Kyo's last reply and Shadow's second warning. There was no flood as we didn't leave him behind for a page.

As soon as I saw Shadow's first message for us to wait, I deliberately stopped posting Lu's part, since I guessed we'd stop that till Kyo made Zerus react. Even when Crimson, CW and Shadow kept posting those parts for the Yellow Cave, I maintained myself to leave Lu static till Zerus' action.

I only kept up what wasn't related there, hence Mar's and Ada's part, which has no relevance whatsoever to Hiro, Yoosei, Zerus, Kellie, Lu, Jedrek or Shadow.

For short, I followed the rules and what I had interpretated from Shadow's request of not to post anything, because of the same reason I didn't detect any flood, so Zerus would have a chance to react while we continued, seemingly my efforts were in vane as after the first OOC, CW responded, Crimson made Jedrek react, which made him act Kellie, which made Hiro defend her, which made Shadow go and fight him. Lu didn't move at all.

So, mind telling me, where the did I confuse you, Kyo? Because Lu didn't do anything after the Plasma Spike which was before Shadow's request.


Dorothy huddled Kurtz gently, she still was thinking, not making any noise at all, she needed the comfort she was recieving. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to concentrate.

"Don't you worry" an enticing voice resonated next to Zerus, "I'll take you on, little boy" Lu said as she finally made her entrance after cancelling her Plasma Strike from acting near the battlefield.

"A while?" Mar blinked, "It has been, what? Seven hours?" he said, a bit surprised at her request.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Yoosei kept looking around in almost a desperate way. Who should she help first? What should she do? Those thoughts surely popped up immediately when her sight fell upon what was happening there right in front of her eyes. She wanted to react but yet her body seemed paralyzed in fear. Her memories came back to her, to haunt her down. Thoughts of how weak she is was making her feel useless.

Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions