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Southern Cross
"Little busy," Hiro jumped out of the way as the large skeleton swung at him, "You all mind showing our guests a nice welcoming?"

"None shall be permitted to the cave till the trial is over. Then they can try and fail like you." The large golem said.

"Anyone ever tell you you talk too much?" Hiro said as he swung at him, the large blade cleaving through his arm like a blowtorch through ice.

A yellow cave, I wonder if this place has one of those gems like the red cave did. Well, that'd make a great gift for the master. Maybe we can try for a whole set after we kill whoever has the others. Shadow thought with a small smile.

"I'm sorry Colby," Kitt said, "But I just don't want to talk now." She said. It was niche that Colby wanted to help her, but the problem wasn't that she was almost rapped. Why can't I stop thinking about him. I should hate him, but... I hate everything about him so... why do I love him? She thought sadly.

OOC: Sorry quick posts and then bed, had to help a friend of the family's move and I'm exhausted.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Ada lead Mar down the hall of treatment rooms, before stopping at one at the end of the hall. "Dragon boy...she's in this room...are you ready?"

Crimson was obviously a little shocked to hear this before he shook his head in disbelief. "This I'm going to have to see...thanks for your help, Wengren." He left the kitchen to see the mansion lobby deserted. "Huh, wonder where everyone went." He shrugged as he began searching, letting out a sigh as he knew how huge the mansion was.

Jedrek descended and landed a few moments later behind Shadow and Lu, his eyes peering in the dark cavern. "Heh, so what are we waiting for, we've got a vampire to slay." The dark dragon walked in, keeping a tight grip on his halberd to defend against a possible ambush.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Three... four. In total" Lu continued for Shadow, then followed Jedrek, "Let's go, this'll be fun" she said with a wicked smirk appearing on her face below her mask, "I'm going to enjoy this" she said.

Mar nodded to Ada, "Yes. Let's go."

Dorothy concentrated again, "I know these prescences... I don't know how, but I'm sure I've met them two..." she said, softly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Are you sure you don't want to talk Kitt," said Colby took out her helt of her sword and waited for Kitts reply.

"At least everyone but me gets to rest for little bit before the fight brakes out," Kellie said as she sighed.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

Ada nodded as she opened the door, hoping things would turn out for the best. The black wizard walked in and indeed the white wizard recovering on the bed along with a red haired dragon. Her attention though was turned to the blue dragoness resting below. "Dorothy, I presume..." She stepped aside to let Mar through.

Crimson growled as he looked about the wondrous rooftop lookout though he could find no sign of the new Cross members Wengren had described. "Where haven't I looked?" The fox sighed as he went back down the stairs, sniffing the air in hopes of finding the vixen or dragonute's scent.

"Crushing skulls, got to love it." Jedrek smirked as he ventured into the cave, his eyes perfect for dark places such as this. Maybe that red haired dragon's here...I never did get my rematch against him... The assassin followed the scent of his prey as he went down the path the Southern Cross members had taken.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Dorothy widened her eyes, getting off the bed as she saw Ada and Mar in person, "What the... you... Ada... Mar... I thought you two..."

"We are not Kubrika's Insanes anymore," said Mar, before continuing "sister."

Dorothy blinked, "Sister?" she repeated, "Mar, what are you talking about?"

Mar looked down, his ears lowered, he dropped his swallow, knowing he wouldn't need it, "Dorothy-Ann. Y-you... you are my twin sister..." he said, looking again on her.

"I, what? But... that's impossible... sir Ikonnen told me he hadn't found anyone else but myself... besides... my dead father..."

"Kubrika found me besides my dead mother" Mar disappointedly said.

Dorothy widened her eyes, her maw was open, "T-the dream... the babies... I thought it was... just... just a nightmare..."

"I had it too..." he said, looking on the ground with his blue eyes.

"Mar... Why you never told me when we were young?" the dragoness asked.

"I didn't know myself" he continued, "I recently got myself informed."

"I want to know everything" Dorothy said, "If you'd be so kind, please inform me and Kurtz why have you been like this all this time" she asked sternly.

Mar looked on Kurtz, then on Dot, then on Ada. He wasn't sure himself of how to tell it, so he wanted to leave that part of to the vixen.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Ada nodded as she stepped forwards, ready to tell the tale once again to Dot. "I'm sure you recall when we were all just kids growing up in a village that's now gone. When Kubrika attacked with his undead army, trying to find new candidates for his undead virus, we were all scattered as the villagers were slain or sent to be experimented on. Mar and I were not so fortunate and were captured by those zombies. Kubrika saw the potential in both of us however, so he corrupted us and used a memory seal to lock away our true selves. It was a magic so strong even I was not aware I was being affected by it, even after all these years. Only after I saw you earlier this day did I realize the truth. I hope you can forgive me for trying to hurt you, Dorothy...I was not myself...neither was Mar..." The vixen took a deep breath as she set her staff down. "I know this is a lot to take in, but you have to try and trust what I've just said."

Crimson panted as he sat down on the stairs. " sign of them..." He perked up however as he noticed the doorway to the medical bay. "Of course, I've haven't looked there yet, but why would they be in the sick bay?" The fox quickly made haste towards the medical wing, wondering if what Wengren had told him was really true. Ada...can you really still be alive...
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Wengren drank the remaining carbonated fluid in his pepsi then sat it back down "Dont tell me..hes related to Ada."

< Southern Cross Corridors >

Disturbed continued walking down the corridors sighing "What could possibly have Kitt upset? Maybe she's just feeling the aftermeth of her close encounter with the dragon. They should stay their distance for a while untill Kitt can sort things out for herself."
"Huh?" The large skeleton stared towards the door that Hiro and the others had entered through, Those other humans got past the barrier that easily? Of course, I lowered it in order to let that vampire in.

Hiro noticed the distraction and quickly leapt up towards the monster's head, "See you in hell!" he shouted, with one swing of his sword the skeletons head fell to the ground, the rest of his body crumbling after it.

"All right." Hiro smiled in victory as the panels retracted into the ground and he picked up the orb from the pile of bones, "That was easy."

"Four against three huh?" Shadow responded as he walked through the cave, "That's kinda uneven, we should wait and let them get reinforcements." He smiled as he walked through the cave, crushing a few bones as he walked, Wonder what this place is.

"Yeah," Kitt said through the door, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I just need to be alone for a bit." She said.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Colby sighed as she walked away from Kitt's room and yelled after Disturbed, "Yet for me Disturbed."

"My turn now," said Kellie as she walked into a room that was darker than the darkest of nights. The doors closed behind her sealing her in. Shadows swilred around Kellie forming shadow versions of her friends.

"Hiro does not love you. How can he you monster," said S Yoosei solemly.

"I know Hiro loves me he said so himself," said Kellie weakly as she trembled in fear of her own insecureties.

"How can I love someone of the darkness and that wich feeds on life itself," S Hiro said with much veemon in his voice.

Kellie trembled there not wanting to believe what they are saying.

"Now you die monster," said S Zerus as he raised his sword ready himself the lope off Kellie's head.

Ooc: Guys these are shadow version of each of you not your real charecters
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz