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Southern Cross
Wengren smiled slightly and nodded "Yes..I was the little..worm who intruded on you rudely before." he then bowed graciously "I'm terribly sorry for that, my...mind wasnt full intact at the time." he then straightened back up "With the help of the Holy Gem and Alexander my body became alive again., it was truly amazing."
"You want an answer... ma'am?" Ikonnen asked quietly, before he sighed. "...I am Kubrika's cousin, to be exact."

With another sigh, he then added. "In the beginning... I thought the undead virus thing he had made... I thought he was only going to test it on one person... which I allowed, it could've helped later hospitals to... find a cure for it if it worked... But he... he went and used it on them all..."

Looking up into the night's sky, he sighed, before taking another glance at Ada. "I tried to stop him... my knights were nothing against him at that time, though..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ada nodded her head, her green eyes not seeing any signs of lying in Ikonnen's, a little happier now that some of the holes had been filled in. "I see..." She looked over to Wengren and could hear the regret in his voice. "I suppose I can forgive you for that, our minds were also not intact...though it seems you were able to break free of your seal sooner..." Ada raised her staff as it glowed purple, pointing it towards the druid before it faded back to normal. "I have removed the curse from you when you were still Grimlock...I hope you can forgive me as well for treating you so cruelly then..." The vixen turned her view back to Ikonnen soon after. "Sir Ikonnen, I'm sure that you have little trust for us right now, but I want to see Kubrika fall as much as you...may we join your forces?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Hearing that, Ikonnen almost smiled. Should he trust them? But, then again, his own thoughts hit him. He should. Glancing over Ada and Mar in almost one second, he smiled. Just as he had thought - the two that Kurtz had kept going on about back some years ago.

With a cheery smile - which was, of course, odd for him when he looked at ex-Insanes, nodded. "...It would be an honour to have you in the Cross, ma'am. And, you're... uhm... quite hasty to judge friend." Saying that, he took a beady glance at Mar, before turning to Ada. "...I'll trust you... for now. Many have to build up their trust before being truly recognized.... and some members, well, they may even fight you.... since I think one or two carry a grudge."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Wengren smiled as he twirled his staff "Hey if I Mr. Undead Grimlock was able to then I'm sure these fine chaps wont have a problem." he then smirked "I wasnt exactly met with open arms when I came here but they grew on me." He then turned back towards the mansion with his staff laid upon his shoulder "I'll go and...inform people that we have new members..and make sure that they behave themselves as well."
"Thank you, Sir Wengren. At least then, our new members won't exactly be killed on entry... I think most of the Cross kinda hates the dragon-boy and ma'am here for their near destruction of the West Side..."

The dog then blinked, and quickly pulled up his PDA. "..Oh, that's right... I forgot to check how the repairs were getting on... silly, stupid, clumsy me."

Sighing deeply, he placed the PDA back into his seemingly large pocket, and, looking up at the new arrivals, he tried to put on another smile. "...But, if you plan to be staying here... then we expect you to be in top shape.... we haven't exactly got any neighbours anymore to protect the base. We've only got ourselves now."

But all too soon, Ikonnen reminded himself of something, and frowned gravely. "Incidentally... you aren't the ones who destroyed the other alliances... are you? Because if you are, I'll have to reconsider all of this."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ada nodded slowly as she remembered all that they have done. Mar and I have many sins to atone for...but considering he didn't have the whole place firing on us there's at least some hope I suppose. A frown grew on her muzzle as she answered, "I understand your apprehension...we have caused much destruction...but I am willing to try and earn your trust...I'm sure my magics can be of great help to the Cross..."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Wengren waved his arm before he entered the mansion looking around "Now where is everyone?" his ears twitched and heard voices from down the hall "Ah here we are." he quietly walked to Kit's room and peered in and saw Colby, Kit, and a dark wolf laying on the bed "I hope I'm not interupting anything but I have something important to talk to you all about." he leaned against the frame of the door.

Disturbed looked up and saw Wengren "Hey Wengren!!" he hopped up off the bed and stood in front of him "Oh I am Silver. I'll tell you more about it later. What was it that you needed to tell us?"

Wengren nodded "Right then." he looked at the other two making sure they were hearing him "We have three new members comming in. Most of them you already know and have fought before."

Disturbed took a step back hearing Wengren then raised an eyebrow "Who?"

"Mar and Ada are joining the Cross." Wengren stated noticing the disbelief in the dark wolf's eyes "Sir Ikonnen and I both expect your best behavior while they are here, understood? No fighting or attacking them!! Or else you will take their place within Kubrika's Insanes, do I make myself clear?"

Disturbed nodded "Yes Seargant."
OOC: Um, Disturbed, Jedrek left for the Insane's Castle if you didn't see that one post, you might want to change your post.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ikonnen, realizing their words were not of the filth he had been dealing with for years, but yet quite the opposite, he nodded. "....Even if you destroyed the alliances... There is a little glimmer of hope for you two here. But,"

He then stared coldly, and cricked his fingers. "...You know the consequence if you are still with Kubrika."

But, taking a more lighter tone after that was said, he beamed. "Well, it's great to have another magic-caster. We have very little, to be honest. Only the White Mage and now you."

Taking a glance at Mar, he was about to say something, but cut himself off and chuckled. "I take it he's some form of Dragon Warrior of such. But, anyhow. You were just in the nick of time!"

With a grin, Ikonnen revealled a little more. "I was about to send little Dorothy-Anne on a trial... she really does need to get some more physical strength when she gets back... I was planning to send our Dragon Knight and first luitennant with him, and one other."

Gulping slightly, he glanced at Mar again, and then Ada. "If you will be as so kind to bear me with your names, maybe one of you would like to go? I plan on sending the team to a little coast not far off from the city itself."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds