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Southern Cross
"Well if we're done here then I'm gonna head back to the mansion." Disturbed starts walking back towards the mansion "Gotta check up on Kit." he muttered then dashed towards the mansion with great speed.
Zerus blinked, as he looked at Hiro. "Well, since you're probably the more stronger one here, and Yoosei already did the knowledge one... I guess I'm up to it then."

Taking a step forward, he swished his tail once. "I'll try getting through this.."

Kurz, looking at Dorothy, shook his head. "No... I was too busy trying to get you out, I couldn't care less about him...."

Rubbing her claw softly, his arms shivered slightly. "...Your arm, how is it now?"

Ikonnen, glancing at Kellie as she went off, sighed. "Well... I guess we can head back now... I don't think anyone will be out and about again tonight..."

Erne, looking at Colby, nodded. "No, I'm fine Colby... it's just that dragon... I'm coming to hate him." With a sigh, he then looked at his claws. "We'd better head back anyhow."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Disturbed at full speed already came to the mansion's front lawn and slowed down as he approached the door. Then he slowly walked up to Kits room and peeked in slowly "Kit?"
Kit looked over at the open door, her face blushing brightly since she hadn't yet gotten dressed, "D-Disturbed." She held her arms across her chest to cover her amble breasts, her tail covering up her crotch, "Would you mind knocking next time?" She asked, surpisingly sounding quite calm despite the circumstances.

Hiro nodded, "Be careful dude." he said as he looked down the hallway, it was a pretty long stretch, and every foot was covered in areas that could launch attacks.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh I'm sorry." Disturbed blushed and turned his back so he was facing the opposite direction leaning against the doorside wall. "How are you feeling? Better I hope? You...looked roughed up when I picked you up."
"Diabolus I think we are ready to go," said Colby has she held onto her granddad and looked at Ikonnen.

Diabolus pick up Colby, Ernie, and Ikonnen. Took off at top speed for the mansion. As he neared the mansion he put the three down about half a mile from the mansion. "I was told to bring you to the mansion but Mistress did not say anything about dropping you off at the front door," he said with a laugh as shimmer out of existence.

"Dam it you dam summon," yelled Colby.


As Kellie tried to inter the cave there was bairer at the mough of the cave and it shook the cave violently as she tried to force her way in.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Fine," Kit said, though she still had an odd feeling in her crotch, a cold and wetness from her juices still coating it, "Thanks for saving me." She said shyly, "I don't really wanna think about what would've happened if you guys hadn't shown up."

Hiro held a hand against the wall as the cave gave a slight shake, "That can't be good." he said, "Zerus, we better hurry this up if we plan on getting out of here with the gem."

Shadow walked through the halls of the castle, he paused before the lord's chambers and looked down at his bare chest, "I really should get a shirt before going in." he admitted as he looked behind him quickly, some random insane in a dark red trenchcoat was at that moment walking past, "That'll work." He thought as he quickly ran behind him, "Hope you don't mind," he grabbed him by the neck and effortlessly pulled the coat off him, throwing him through a nearby wall afterwards, "But I need to borrow this." He smiled as he spun the coat around himself, putting his arms through the sleeves, the trenchcoat fit perfectly, though it lacked a shirt and still showed off his chest it was better than nothing. He walked back towards the door to the throne room and entered, "Lord, unfortunately there's more bad news. I believe that Ada and Mar can no longer be trusted."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Disturbed heald up a thumb in the doorway "Hey thats what we are. I view the Southern Cross as a close knit family. When one is in trouble someone steps up and help." He then turned his head slightly peering into the room "Plus..I cant stand seeing a cute girl such as yourself being forced into like that by that sick dragon, Mar." he then huffed "He has no honor at all."
Kit blushed a bit as she looked at the doorway, "You, you think I'm cute?" She said, smiling a bit happily.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Disturbed nodded slightly "Cute as a button." he smiled slightly his tail swished a bit."