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Southern Cross
Ooc: Amat I said pda not intercom system


"We don't have time thier are to insame outside the shield and Kitt is out there so get out side and help me take them down," Kellie said quickly as she left the survalice room and rushed out side.

"Silver I don't want to see you hurt and I think that we should go togther," Colby said softly as she got out of the shower and dried herself and got dressed.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC:Whatever,he looked out a window.

IC:"Bout time you got out here."John said when he saw Kellie get outside.
Silver turned back to Colby "Colby..thats the one reason you shouldnt come." he walked up to her and hugged her tight "I dont want you getting hurt either, plus its my duty as a Cross member to make sure nobody wrecks out home."
"I'm also a Cross member and have the same obligation that you do," stated Colby as she pick of you katana.


"What are you doing here still John," Kellie said once she got out side the barrier near a big tree.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Kit sat still in her little spot in the tree, the branches had grown out into a certain pattern that kept her from having to worry about falling, she had nodded off as she was relaxing.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Why exactly are you still hostile to me,so I killed a few people."John said as he stared at Kellie.
I don't trust you John because you have buddy up to some of you victims only to shot/stab them in the back," Kellie stated harshly as looked around for Mar and Jedreck.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Kurtz then arrived back at the center point a minute or so later, his sword still out - yet, burning slightly, indicating he had used it to chop something down. "Neither on mine. Looks as dead as a bat." With a small sigh, he looked up the corridor. "Well, we haven't checked Ikonnen's room still. Shall we go and check in there?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

"I'll keep that in mind." Ada said with a small chuckle before she looked around. The room they had warped into seemed rather empty and old, the base still deserted by the looks of it. "Hmmm, this place is deader than Grimlock. Oh well, I suppose we should look around anyways." As the vixen headed for the door, her eyes caught a glimpse of a picture hanging on the wall, that of a younger Ikonnen. "So this was angel boy's room, interesting."

Jedrek growled as he went to check the other direction, muttering, "Stupid kid, I'm only 19, how dare he call me an old man. I swear I'm going to gut him when this is all over." The dark dragon flew low to the ground as he began to circle around the shield, looking for a weak point. It was then that his eyes saw a small stream heading under the magical barrier. Hmmm, I wonder of that shield only goes to the surface. Jedrek smirked as he dove underwater, swimming under the magical bulwark. Hmph, I don't need that kid, I'll tear this place apart by myself, ha ha ha!
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"My reputation is great."John said as he started looking for the two dragons.