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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
The medic knelt beside Pyroman and placed his slug-pistol beside him. Unbuckling the kit with one hand, he gripped the Navis muzzle, tilted it up, and focused on a large gash across along the forehead. He opened up the kit, the smells of iodine loping into the air.

"Based on this shiner right there, it just might do that." The medic reported. "Whatever you do," He began, pulling out an alcohol applicator, "Don't move."

Auspex ushered another Medic to look at Slash. With them in custody, another Doctrine Battle Chip should float his way, however, he would have to bring them to Vinitian before getting it. He shivered in absent chills. The Gates of Vinitian, to last knowledge, was a threshold into the Necrophilus, and through that unforgiving wasteland, lies the garrisoned city of Coer'Di Hwuat. That's where the Doctrine Chip will be, and he will be there to recieve it.

Seeing Slash fight gave Auspex more confidence that they can defend themselves, because when his Vangaurd enter Necrophilus, self-defense is all they'll have. Fortunately Auspex has enough men to do it for them.

He watched the medic wrap a compress around Slash's leg. "You're not too bad." The medic reported. "Just superficial scratches and some mild casses of inbalance." He pulled a applicator and stuck it in Slash's arm. "This Tribulim will help your system adjust."

'Take your time, there's a long walk from here to Vinitian.'
"A-alright," said PyroMan nervously, holding himself in place and carefully following the medic's instructions.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
**Since I can't tell who should post next, I took this time to do some major thinking about Auspex and his ability to summon Trooper Viruses. Instead of basing on a fixed, mathematical number, I was just building a random amount of Troopers Auspex could summon. But today, I've realised a perfect little formula:

The number of bodies Troopers Auspex can summon will be equal to that I've my post count. So for instance my post count is around 235 posts, which means Auspex can summon 235 Troopers.

I've also figured out how to spend resources like heavy weapons and (eventually) tanks.

The number of heavy weapons available it Auspex's men is the post count divided by the standard squad size, which has been established as six, in order to keep me from getting confused.

For instance: I have 235 which would be 235 Troopers. 235/6 (The generic squad number). This rounds to a solid 40. So Auspex could give his troopers up to 40 heavy weapons between the 235 of them.

The tanks in stock are also following this same ideal. When the time arrives, there will be three tank choices: Light, Assault, and Heavy (for generic purposes). All three tanks will be set by a certain value (3, 6, 8 ). These values will be considered the necessary number of crewman to man the vehicle.

But before I get into specifics: Tanks are large-armored targets that survive longer on the battle field than standard troops, however, they cost a high amount to manufacture. To determine the number of tanks that can be summoned: 235 Posts, which equal the 235 Troopers. 235/12 (The required cost to send tanks). Which rounds out to 20 available tanks.

In order to use these tanks, Trooper must be able to man them. This is where the vehicle values come in. These values represent the manpower needed to use these tanks. Once troopers are given a vehicle, they are not a squad anymore. The men left over also do not count as a single squad.

For example: To create a Light Tank it takes Three Troopers. Those three troopers are detatched from their squad and board the vehicle. The current sqaud of three Troopers cannot operate at such low levels, so, they will either board another vehicle, or join another squad.

For Example: If I wanted all 20 tanks to be heavy tanks: (8*20)=160. Subtract it from the total post count 235: 235-160=75. The number 75 is how many trooper who are still active. Divide them into their standard squads: 75/6=12.5 Out of those 75 Troopers, 12 squads can be formed with three unattached Troopers which can board a Light Tank, or not be active....Remember my total post count would effect how many Trooper Auspex can field and how many weapons and tank support systems he can use.

If you two have any questions please ask! :D
OOC: *Rises claw* Teacher, can I go to the bathroom?

Nah, seriously- I got most of it. But it's Shadow's turn.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: I thought we were waiting for Gun? Is it my turn?
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Forget it, lawl.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

"Uhhhh... Battle? Do I know you from somewhere- wait- Aha! You're that- wait, no- that was Jeanie.EXE-" Wulvern tried to recall the dragonlike navi.
"So, where will we go to get them back once this is all over?" Shadow asked the Navi, "Cause we will be getting them back."

Slash looked at the odd things on his leg and arm, "Is all this really necessary? Couldn't we just use a recov chip and get moving?" He asked impatiently.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"You could have. I was just offering my services for the moment. If you have recovery chips, use them at your own discretion." Auspex turned, "But you'll be needing more soon. Once your in Necrophilus, that should take the fight right out of the both of you." He thought. "As for where to get your navis..." The commander thought for a suitable answer. "They will be 'ready' for you in the Principle's office, next to a paper agreement to never bring or use your P.E.T. on school grounds."
Mar growled silently to himself as he narrowed his eyes. He still said nothing, just listened and watched PyroMan for time to time.

PyroMan whimpered like a lone puppy when they are left by their owners as he watched his Operator. He almost ignored the medic treating him.

Wyvern hissed and looked aside, not giving a care right then.

Tempest started dragging Wulvern, "Come on you dog... take me to a date!" she said a bit cheerily.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad