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Ebon murred softly when Shadow felt her tummy swolen with his own seed "Sure..he's gonna have a heart attack. Giggling her entire swolen tummy jiggled as she giggled.
"I wish that could have hook up with that cute wolf guy Disturbed," said Carrian with a depreesed tone in her voice.

"Some times you win some and then you lose some," said Criss trying his best to cheer up Carrian.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow chuckled, then he led her out the door, his keen hearing leading him to the room Disturbed was in.

"Okay, we'll both go in there together; you're going to act happy and blissful. When Disturbed asks what's up with you, just tell him he's going to be an uncle and say I'm the father. Oh, and be real loving with me; that'll really fool him," he whispered into her ear, wrapping an arm around her back as he opened the door.
Carrian walks down the back hallway and sees Shadow and Ebon coming out of the room, "Holly shit Ebon what happen to you?" as she looks to shadow
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Ebon looked at Carrian and laughed "I'm...inflated with Shadow's..cum." she chuckled "We're pulling a joke on my brother pretending that Shadow got me pregnant." she said with a smirk.
"You know that you should not do that Disturbed is over protective. He would most likely kill shadow for about it," said Carrian shacking her head.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Ebon eyes widened then looked at Shadow "What do you think Shadow?" she started to worry a bit.
Shadow thought for a moment; considering how Disturbed had acted throughout the evening, it really wouldn't have surprised him if he tried to attack Shadow.

"Maybe you're right; besides, he doesn't even know about your feelings towards me. Let's go back to our room and get that stuff out of you. Then I think we need to let Disturbed know about our relationship," he stated, looking at Ebon.
Ebon nodded to Shadow then she heard a door open "..oh..boy."

"Man I need an energy drink after that, whew." Disturbed said as he left the room then he saw Carrian "Oh hi Carrian." Then he walked down the hall and saw Ebon and eyes widen when he saw her bloated belly "A-are you...?" then he fainted falling backwards crashing to the floor with a thud.

Ebon turned and heard the thud as she saw her brother fall backwards then she repeated "Oh...boy."
Shadow looked back at Disturbed's inert body, sighing.

"Well, there goes trying to hide it. You wanna wake him up or let him wake up on his own?" he asked, wrapping an arm around Ebon.