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BDsM Club
Shadow murred as she rubbed his chest, her fingers so gentle on his flesh.

"'Sweet', 'cute', 'handsome'," he echoed, looking into space. "It's still so hard to believe those words fit me. I've never heard them used to describe me before. It feels so strange to hear them now," he mused, his mind still trying to accept the words.

"A part of me still wants to believe I'm the dark, scary person everyone sees me as," he said softly, as though talking to himself.
Saphire hugged Shadow tighter "You just havent had the pleasure of meeting the right person."
Shadow returned the hug with a passion, pulling Ebon on top of his body and hugging her tight. He kissed and licked her face, purring and nuzzling her. Then he leaned his head back and looked into her eyes.

"Ebon, you...heal fast?" he asked, blushing a bit.
Ebon blinked loking up at Shadow "Heal fast? What for Shady?" she said still hugging him.
Shadow gently pushed her off of him and looked at her, a serious expression on his face.

"Ebon, my species is very...serious...about love. Dark Panthermon consider love to be a matter of trust, trust that must never be broken. show that trust...we...we," he stammered, seeming to be afraid of finishing the sentence.
Ebon sat up on the bed looking onto Shadow and put her paw on his leg "Shady, I'll do anything to earn your trust..whatever it takes."
Shadow cupped Ebon's cheek, a loving look on her face.

"Ebon, my love, you already have my trust. It's not you I'm worried about; it's my species. You see, Ebon, Dark Panthermon and their mates are supposed to seal their trust in each drinking each other's blood." he said, looking into her eyes.

"The male and female each bite the other's neck and drinks a small amount of blood. After doing so, the wound heals quickly, leaving a scar. That scar shows that the Dark Panthermon and the mate have the utmost trust in each other, a trust that will never be broken. However, if they don't both have the scar and they are seen to be in love, any Dark Panthermon seeing them is duty kill them...because love is not love without undying trust," he said, kissing her.

Upon breaking the kiss, he nuzzled her, purring to comfort her. "I love you, Ebon, but I had to know if you healed fast because if you didn't, I couldn't do the mating ritual without the risk of killing you. There's a danger, due to the size of the bite, of the mate bleeding to death if they do not have a rapid healing factor. And...if I can't do the mating ritual on you...we can't be in love...because I don't want you killed," he said, tears falling from his eyes as he caressed her cheek.
Ebon looked down for a minute thinking about Shadow had just said to her. Healing has never really been a problem for her, actually her resiliants is part of that trait.

Ebon then nodded to Shadow "My wolf family has always had a quick restoration factor in their blood, I'm pretty sure quick healing wont be a problem for me." She then moved her hair to one side leaned her head to the side exposing her neck for Shadow "I'm willing to be yours..forever Shadow."
"My love," Shadow whispered, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her body against his. He gently kissed her neck, then opened his mouth and bit into her skin, metallic-tasting blood flowing into his mouth.

He sucked on the wound, tasting her blood, the rich crimson fluid tasting almost exquisite. He couldn't help but be aroused at drinking it, his member poking into Ebon's leg.

Once he had drank what was required he pulled away, watching as the wound rapidly healed over, though the scar was there, as it was supposed to be. He then tilted his own head to the side, exposing his neck.

"You know, I actually find blood drinking to be extremely arousing. It should be interesting to feel it for myself," he purred, smiling at her, granting her permission to feed on his blood.
Ebon nodded and slowly moved closer Shadow. She held Shadow close to her like he had to her. "To..our long" she announced.

She bared her wolf fangs and hesitantly lowered her head down to Shadows exposed next and sunk her teeth in just enough to break the skin and blood started to flow, at the same time with the other hand she started to stroke the cock that was poking her leg.

Ebon started to lick the blood flowing wound lapping up blood and trying to make it feel a bit better since she never really liked seeing blood pouring from another person's body, especially from that of her love. She tried to time the licked the wound just about as long Shadow had and backed away. Backing away she had a little blood dribble on her lip.