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Southern Cross
Faiz turn his vision to the trio who surrounded by fire which Zeras is already rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the fire. Instantly, he jump on the fire and grabs Silver and Uniat out from fire, then helps them to extinguish the fire. Faiz thoughts about the young dragon who just disappeared and uses his magic th create the fire. "There's something suspicious about that dragon..."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
Silver now sitting on the ground with his burnt butt on the pavement looked up at Faiz "Thank'ya so much" smiling as he got to his feet "Cant leave this fire here" Silver makes his Gleaming Blades apear in his hand and spins it creating a fan to fan out the flames "Whoever did that has a serious problem" looks down at his bare burnt butt "He owes me new pants."

Grimlock just finished the last bit of flash and meat off of the human's bones. He let out a loud girgling blech "Man that hit the spot." Pick up the humans skeleton tossed it aside.

Sedrick sitting at his feet was chewing on a finger bone taking up every piece of flesh still left.

Yoosei is still wondering around the mansion. she wasn't even slightly aware of what is happening at the moment. her ears twitch as she couldn't hear any other sounds besides of the sound of her own footsteps. "damn...this is so annoying..."

she spoke to no-one in particular and in an annoyed tone of voice. her tails swish from side to side. she sighs, regretting the fact she didn't had her PDA with her now or else she would manage to ask what's happening or where's everyone. "is anybody home...?" she ask as she keeps lurking around the house
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Uniat furiously waved at his heated armor, trying to cool it down "Shit, that was hot..." He sweat dropped as it finally cooled off "Geez... I'm a sniper, not a fighter..."
Shortly after Shadow left the Dungen Colby slowly came out of her trance like state. "Uh who are you?" Colby asked Kellie

"My named is not important. I've killed your parents and I want to know why I can't kill you?" asked Kellie empatently.

"Oh! it's is you," said Colby with a pain look in her eyes, "my sensei said I should not kill you when I meet."

"Your sensei was a powerful man. He even let me see you in your sleep but why?" asked Kellie as she put the revolver to Colbys head.

Though Colby was scared she did not show it as she said, "I don't know; but my sensei told my that you come with my to find the answer to why you can't kill me. If you do we need to escape togther."

"Fine," said Kellie as she unlocked the shackles that held colby to the wall.

"Thanks lets get out of here after I get a proper Katana and some clothes on," said Colby as they quietly left the Dungeon

"We can go to my room to get you some clothes," said Kellie
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz




weapon:energy sword

weapon speciality:energy and plasma weapons


magic:weapon enhance (weapons gain elements good for the situation)
weapon fusion (when he has multiple weapons,he can fuse them)
triangle slash (melee weapons only,hits target with three slashes,forming a triangle)
delta beam (large ranged weapons only,fires a massive beam of energy)
needle bullets (small ranged weapons only,quick stream of shots)

discription:Looks like a normal human,except for the demon horns growing on his head,wears a blue shirt with a yellow dragon on it and blue jeans.Hair is a dark blonde and has yellow eyes.

limit break:blood rain(throws a ball of blood into the air,causing it to rain blood and power up the insane while weakening the Southern Cross.

bio:Not much is known about him other then the fact that he's loyal to the lord.

IC:John:*on a rooftop near the trio*I better wait to attack them.
Grimlock got back up after finishin his meal and let out a belch "Wonder if Shadow finished yet.." He ran back to the dungeon's entrance and saw Colby and Kellie "Kellie, what are you doing that girl is escaping!!" Grimlock yelp getting a shadowbolt ready to fire.
OOC: Read the rules Amaterasu. Kyo clearly asked none of the RPG writing. Stay dialogal.


Mar leaped and wall kicked himself up to the building and watched everything that was happening from there. He wondered for a moment wether to follow that fox and the trio or ignore them, Lord Kubrika told me to take care of them... I should, he thought, then leaped up to another building to spy them from above, this time concealing himself so Zerus and the others wouldn't notice him.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I'm just taking this bitch to my room for some fun and colby here is defenceless," said Kellie with a mischeviaus smile on her face.

"Bastard if I get a sword I will finish what I started in the parking lot," threaten Colby.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Grimlock walked closer to them to get a better view "Where the hell did Shadow go I thought he was the one having 'fun' with this bitch?" He held up his shadow bolt to her face "Dont lie to me because I dont enjoy being fucked around with."

Sedrick was on Colby's head dry humping her with his small body.