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BDsM Club
OOC: Fur, lol?


Tieya then closed her eyes slowly, and buried her muzzle into Disturbed's chest. "And I do.... too.... Disturbed..." She then looked up at his face. "But... what... can I call you besides Disturbed?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: Fuck I dont know!!! Scalies ftw


Disturbed backed away and thought for a second "How about...Wolfy?" He gave a shrug with her still hugging him.
Tieya then smiled cutely, and licked Disturbed's face once more, her claws rubbing his chest softly. "That'll do for me... Wolfy...." Giggling, she wrapped her tail then around Disturbed's leg. "...It's a cute name."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Wolfy it is then!" Disturbed said hugging Tieya again and let out a howl that could be heard throughout the house showing that he was happy again.
It was getting harder to blow into the wolf, her bloated legs closing around him. However, she seemed big enough to him, her body little more than a big round ball with swollen arms and legs, a tail, and a head. He ceased his blowing and moved over to her head, pulling it down so it was even with his face.

"Well, what do you think? You like being a blimp?" he teased, caressing her cheek. His tail moved down to her puckered pussy, rubbing against her labia before pushing into her muff.
Ebon gave a light giggle as Shadow rolled her so her face was even with his " feels good though." she said looking around at her body at what she could see "I feel like I'm as light as a feather right now"
Shadow nuzzled her, purring with contentment.

"Mmm, do you feel sexy, because you look like the sexiest thing on the planet to me, my swollen love," he cooed, kissing all over her face, his tail thrusting into her wet pussy, his hands groping her swollen body all over.
Ebon's pump inflated cheeks blushed when she heard Shadow's comments of how sexy she looked "Oh Shady if my arms werent inflated I would give to the biggest hug ever"
Shadow purred at her statment, hugging her swollen body with all his might. Then he moved to her face again.

"You want me to mate you like that or do you want to deflate before we make love, my lovely bloated wolf," he purred, rubbing against her swollen body.
Ebon remembered how Tieya deflated herself before by just belching untill she was to normal size. She swallowed a little bit of are and let out a cute little belch and she deflated a bit "Oh there we go." Ebon sucked in a swallowed a much bigger amount of air and let out a light but long blech that made her tummy rumble as her body slowly deflated. Her fingers became movable again from the brotwurst-shaped fingers from before. Ebon became deflated but her breasts were still inflated a bit "Hey, theres one way to get'em bigger" She giggles as she jiggled her now slightly bigger breasts.