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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
Mar reasoned the thought, "So, if I were to download PyroMan's visited areas to your PC, the map would also show where he is?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

"But- But Sweety! Er- Who ever you are- uh- how could I ever leave such a hottie behind?" Wulvern said- mostly to himself as he dodged a bit more.


"ZZzzZZzzZzzzzZzZzz..." Grave snored.
Tempest growled.

Soon, two big metal claws grabbed Wulvern by his shoulders, "I hope... you haven't forgotten about me," a male voice said loudly while holding the Navi tightly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"If we can isolate his energy pattern we'd be able to track him down by searching for it. Kinda like using a specific word in a search engine we'll use his specific energy sgnature to find him." He looked over at his PET, Slash was relaxed a bit as he looked around, obviously wanting to escape, "And hopefully Slash'll be back by then."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Wulvern's jaw dropped, a large bead of sweat appeared behind his head. "Uhh.... You're one big lady- uhh- Big Momma?" He guessed.
OOC: In exactly 3 posts.


Mar nodded, then went to his PET, "Crap..." he cursed, "It's still jammed..." he said beat as he sighed and looked on the ceiling. He closed his eyes and suddenly gritted his teeth hard, then slammed his fist on the desk from anger.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar's PET beeped. It began to whirr and sing, the screen flickering some unknown static. From little spindles from the screen's bottom, the strange noise growing, to an entire screen of incoherent lines and jagged black gouges.

'Are you getting something?' Distorted a voice. 'Tweak it some more, get a lock on that ip.-'

Auspex's head materialized on Mar's PET screen. The noise and static faded just as it had arrived. He looked around once.

'THis is the wrong ip.' He spat to someone off screen. 'Go rewire the connection.'

It was until Mar coughed did Auspex realize their presense. 'Oh shit.'

In Jeronimo Point, Auspex watched the view screen flicker Mar's enlarged head. He and another trooper leaned back to avoid being swallowed by the image, and to prevent them from evesdropping. Around the catwalk, Trooper McGavin fidgeted with the Servers prime memory boards and connections, on explict orders to find where Pyromon went, based solely on connections Fox had used. He could search for Foxy's unique codec and the room she was in. Based on the thirteen-digit codec, moving around by direct linking (or teleport) left a unique fingerprint (the codec) for others to find.

'Well isn't this a bit... Awkward.' He said, waving to Mar.

"Ident to Pyromans Codec was not used. Navi 'Foxy' used her codec three times in this sector, one is documented for the room, the other two is considered to be her domain name."

Auspex turned around and whacked him on the helmet. 'Not in front of the kid you ninny.'
Mar blinked as the surprise of seeing Auspex hit him, "Who are you?" he asked in a stern voice, then he narrowed his eyes, "And why are you in my PET talking about my Navi?" he asked while slowly being consumed by his rage.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Auspex nudged the trooper away. 'You just had to open your friggin mouth.' He whacked the soldier once again. 'Now get back down there and get the squads back into shape.'

Before he could answer Mar, Trooper McGavin shouted over the bead-speakers. "Allocation of Pyroman's location confirmed, repeat, subject Pyroman is location in Foxy's Domain, port ip #331:256:22:1:7887."

'God damnit.' Auspex muttered. 'We're just Net Janitors cleaning up the system,' He told Mar. 'Oh, and we just got an area that needs sterilization, so I'm going to take all my Trooper-Janitors to, take care of him--IT!' He shouted. 'Take care of it!'
Mar instinctively had pushed a button on his PET as he heard his NetNavi's name, "Okay Net-Janitors, thanks for clearing the jamming. Now, get out of my PET," he said, holding back some words.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad