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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
Having free grounds from the CyBeast's distraction and the fact that she was being ignored by the troops, Foxy took her chance and teleported away.

"This is getting tiring..." PyroMan sighed as he looked up and huffed, his tail swished on the ground very slowly.

Tempest widened her eyes, "WHY YOU!" she missed with her trident again, "STOP MOVING!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh right, the girl. Forgot about her." Shadow said nervously, "Wow, I didn't think this through did I?"

Slash stared down the army in front of him, he knew they were a threat, he knew they wanted to destroy him, so he had to destroy them first, "RARRRRRR!!" he raised his right paw and swung it through the air, sending out a large wide shot of green energy at the row of soldiers.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Don't worry about her," Mar, almost reluctantly said, before shaking his head, "Try getting Slash out of there. It won't do any good if they have reinforcementes and he has to turn back when he's almost exhausted..." he said. He knew that if the girl wasn't found quickly, the search for PyroMan would go considerably slower, but he didn't want Slash to be decimated by the army of Navis. The CyBeast looked like it would be able to easily wipe them out, but reinforcements would cost Slash his life.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Let's hope this works," Shadow said as he hit Jacked Slash out of the computer, "Slash?" He looked hopefully at his PET.

"GRRRR!" The cybeast looked back through the screen, "RARRRRGH!!" It roared loudly and began flailing around in the PET.

"Well, he's still beast but at least he's safe." Shadow set his PET on the desk, "Who the heck were those guys?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Auspex dove. The kneeling Troopers threw themselves to the floor. The men standing cried out, slipping in halves. Before their legs toppled another squad took their place. Unfased from the devestation, Auspex rose, the kneeling Troopers settling back into position, and observed his losses.

'Look what you did.' He pointed over to where Foxy dissapeared. 'The only Navi that knows where that thick headed friend of yours is has flown her roost. I hope you feel real happy that you screwed both of us at once.'

Auspex shouldered his rifle. 'Then again, I could just capture you.' The tiger-thing snorted. 'You might be stronger than me.' He tutored. 'But you ain't the brightest color for paint.'

He whispered into his micro-bead. 'Target kitty's legs. Keep him from getting any footing, reload at intervals. We can't take him down in this room, but hell if we can't do the same to him.'

"Target projection hind legs. Target derives power for his speed." The Troopers clicked to each other.

It was Auspex's round to fire. The bellied Troopers opened up. Bullet contrails streaked underneath the tiger's chin, probably startling him for a minute, until the bullets stuck his inner hind-quarters. The Cybeast's leg gave out, but he recovered to watch the other hind give. Auspex could tell the bullets bare scratches in the fur nothing else, yet the power behind them pulled hits hind legs from under it. When the bellied Troopers stopped, the kneelers replaced them. The Cybeast uttered a whine. Every hind it straightened, the other gave, and if both were set, the bullets yanked them out again.

**ooc**: I guess my post happens before your Shadow, dun worry about it, I'll just post again.
"I don't know. But they are going to pay..." Mar said, almost letting out a growl, "If not for them, we'd probably have that girl to tell us where PyroMan is..."

A big robot-like Navi appeared in front of PyroMan, "You don a CyBeast?" he said in a rusty voice.

PyroMan jumped in startlement, "Ahh! Who are you?!"

"My name's StoneHead, I'm the owner of this Domain. Seems you are my guest until mistress comes."

"What do you mean?" PyroMan asked nervously.

StoneHead cracked his knuckles loudly.

"Oh," PyroMan gulped, "That."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*OOC*: This happens after shadows post..

Auspex looked around the empty room. Everything was totaled. Posters hunched against the walls, bullet holes replaced the posters still hung, and empty casings rolled across the floor. He lost Pyroman. He lost the Fox chick. He fought against a Cybeast, tussled with him, and lost it as well. Anger shook his body. He turned towards his Troopers, which still locked in position, waiting.

'Don;t just stand there you dopes!' He shouted. 'Get your asses outside and get out, we're leaving. Head back to Jeronimo.'

They left him standing.

Auspex shook his head at the gash in his chest. 'I'll have to keep my eye on that one,' He chuckled. 'That thing might not be the sharpest pencil from the sharpener, but he's got swing like a stapler.

He chuckled and went outside.
"Think you can get a lock on him? If we could find his general location on the web it shouldn't be too hard to track him down." Shadow suggested, bringing up a map on his computer.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"How do I do that?" Mar asked, a bit off about what Shadow had said. He looked on the map, "Wait... you had a map and you needed us to get to Wanabe 3?" he blinked twice in surprise.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"The map automatically downloads whenever I reach a new area," Shadow said, "I didn't have it before. And you can use the energy signature of the PET to locate your Navi if it becomes lost."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad