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"Well, I just want to mention this. Everyone who I've met tonight, have almost ALL said the same thing. Which is - 'But what about Disturbed'?" Tieya replied. She was trying not to be offensive at all, she was trying to merely show her side of it. "Seemingly, he's been almost the centre of talk and worry all night."

But, although she tried to be tough, she sighed, and looked at Shadow. "I'm sorry.... She's... right." She then stood up, and walked over to Ebon. "....You're right..." And, almost immediately, she wrapped her arms around Ebon, hugging her. "I wouldn't meet someone like that everyday."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Disturbed sighed and slowly pulled away from Carrian "I'm sorry Carrian, you are pretty and kind...even now I would feel like I'd be betraying Tieya still...

Ebon started to tear up "..I'm sorry I yelled.." she hugged Tieya
Tieya smiled, and faced Ebon. "Don't worry... you were right." She then giggled. "But I should really find Disturbed now, shouldn't I?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"I like you alot here is something for you to think about do you really want to mope around about a girl who would be with a that tried to kill himself or would you rather take a chance with me?" asked Carman with big puppy dog eyes.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Disturbed looked into Carrian's eyes and shook his head "No..Carman you must understand...I still love Tieya. Returned love or not, I have to see it through"
OOC: Guys, stop here, please. Wait for Cboy, hm?
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Shadow watched the exchange between Tieya and Ebon without saying a word, his face neutral. Finally, he walked out the door and down to the bar, not even looking at Tieya and Ebon.

At least she's finally realized it he thought, as he walked down the hall. He was somewhat happy for her, but his heart now felt like someone had rammed a knife through it. Still, I'm in the same position I always end up in; alone, unwanted, and unloved he thought bitterly, curling his lip over his teeth in a snarl.

Finding a nice empty table in a dark corner of the bar, he sat down and leaned back in the seat.
Tieya then licked Ebon's face once, giggling. "Go on. Go love Shaddy, Ebon." She then slowly unwrapped her hands from around her and started walking down the corridor - she rememebered clearly which path Disturbed had taken earlier.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"I knew I should have held back a bit" Ebon ran after Shadow into the bar "Shadow..." Ebon walked over to the table "Shady..." she sat down across from him "I know I said some harsh words.." she put her hand gently onto his not wanting indicate she wants to harm him "But the reason I said it is because yes you are cute and handsome but this suicidal thing has to go Shady, when people commit suicide they are a coward" She held his hand "but you are no coward."
Shadow looked at her, his face still neutral.

"And how many people have you hurt in your life, Ebon?" he asked in a low voice. "How many people did you try to love and then ended up hurting them?" He leaned in close to her.

"No one's ever loved me, Ebon, not even my own flesh and blood. People look at me and fear me," he said pointedly, wanting to get his point across. "When Tieya and you said you loved me, I felt like a new man. And then I see Disturbed hurt because Tieya didn't pick him, I see Tieya hurt because I don't just love her, and finally, the one thing I've wanted my whole life starts to fall apart." he explained, gritting his teeth a little.

"What was I supposed to feel after all that?" he growled, his neutral expression starting to falter.