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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
"Wait... what about an invisibility chip?" Mar suggested, taking one of his support chips and was about to hand it to Shadow, "Wait a minute..." he grinned and took out one with a mole, "Pop-Up! It always works to sneak in!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Auspex shivered in anger. He once had crossed viral landscapes, cut swathes through uncharted data-jungles, overcome Viral nemisses that were deep inside moutnain steeples, and charged an active volcano. He conquered them, dangerous obstacles. He charged without hesitation and not blinking.

But a single block shattered his credit.

A solid data block. Several feet wide time two as high, and Troopers could feel the thickness weigh on the ground. Devoid of markings, even a picture, the block mocked him with a single X across the single face. It sat. And despite the void of civilian Navis, Ausepx felt the laughter, the laughter his men tried desperately to hide.

'I will not be denied by a friggin block!' He roared.

A trooper longside him leaned close. "Privacy Block is a level three defensive line. Immune to authority codes #34, 567, 12. The block is the only defense present."

'I know that.' Auspex spat. 'And I know how to deal with a nuiance. These privacy blocks were made to resist unarmed, cyberhacking Navis, not to stop those built for better things.'


'Long Barrels swap for rpgs, tear at this pathetic excuse for a three-dimensional shape until there's nothing left.'

Troopers marched away. In their distance Auspex heard the familiar clacking of dropped rifles, and he smiled. Seconds later the rpg squads rallied beside him, rockets shouldered, grenade loaders standing ready. Auspex rose his hand. Weapons braced. He brought it down. As his palm finished its arc, two whining contrails jet beside his head and sailed towards the privacy block.

Smoke mushroomed on impact. When it ballooned away, a sizable chunk shed off the cube's face, right where the X hashed together. Not as large as what Auspex wanted, but it was progress.

In a sudden zeal of approvement, Auspex pumped his rifle in the air. 'Keep shooting in the crack men. And when I grab that female Navi from her dainty feet, I'm going to stitch her privates to Pyroman! I might even be so courteas to let Pyroman at her.'

"Mg team watching point."

'I don't care if your watching the corner, as long as no one interrupts me from getting my armored hands on those two scrwny necks...'
Foxy huffed for a moment as PyroMan got his attention of her to look on the rattle on the other side, "What's wrong?"

"Uhm... don't you hear the ruckus outside? Don't you think we should check?" PyroMan asked.

"It's probably nothing to worry about," she giggled and jumped on him, "Why don't we get to my Domain?"

"Woah... do you have one?"

"Of course I do!" she giggled.

Only Zenny loaded Navis can have Domains... wow... PyroMan thought for a moment.

"So?" Foxy insisted.

"Sure!" PyroMan quickly said.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Okay, can you say trigger happy?" Slash said as he watched the barrage on the security cube.

"There's no way you could sneak in there with all that gunfire going on. Popup may make you invincible but not forever, and we can't very well let them into that domain." Shadow said as he looked over the situation.

"Shadow, maybe if we used the Popup to get close enough and then an area steal chip to get inside?" Slash asked.

"Hmmm, the area steal chip allows you to steal an area and instantly move to there. If you were invisible from the chip and it allowed you to move under the security cube it might just work." Shadow looked back at the computer, "It might be risky, you sure you wanna try?"

"If we don't get in there first we can kiss Pyro goodbye."

"Good point." Shadow held up the popup chip, "Popup, slot in!"

Slash's body became clear and invisible to all forms of tracking, "Okay, I'm ready."

"Remember, this chip only works so long as you don't attack."

Slash nodded and moved down the ramp, he floated slightly so he didn't make any sound on the ground as he walked, avoiding the other Navis as best he could.

"Okay, Area steal, slot in." Shadow inserted the chip and Slash's figure, which could be seen through his screen as a small light, instantly moved ahead and to the other side of the security cube. Shadow breathed a sigh of relief, "Glad that worked."

"Tell me about it," Slash said, also relieved.

"Okay, head into the warp point and warn Pyro about what's going on out here."

Slash nodded again as he stepped into the warp point.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar blinked and sighed, "Whew... I just wonder who are those militar-like guys."

Before Slash could appear, Foxy had taken out a small sphere and gave it to PyroMan, the banner allowed him to see a Link appear on the ground, "There is your Domain?"

"Exactly," said Foxy and nodded to him, "Go ahead, you can go first," she winked to him.

"Uhh... sure..." said PyroMan as he slowly but steadily went walking to the unkown link.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Seven rounds pummeled the cube's wound and the smoke pouring from it turned a deep white with flecks of data debris. Auspex made out a thick fissure against the holes bell, and when the smoke lifted, a pencil tip's light coned towards him. The silence began to sing. At first he thought it was sound from rocket sheering, but the longer he listened, leaning closer, and it formed words.

'Finally, some progress! Enough with the rpg's, switch them with the heavy Concubine Rifles.' Auspex ordered. The troopers refitted and stood at attention. 'The cube's damaged enough that our grenades will crumble the entire thing to ash.'

"All of our grenades?"

'One squad uses grenades, the other will storm the place when the cubes goes down. I will follow behind them.'

"Yes sir."

Seven Troopers hitched their rifles back and each pulled a grenade. Auspex and the other six receeded to a patio-shanty that the tri-pod crew had made for a firing base. After a minute, the Commander nodded his head. The Seven Troopers slammed the grenade primers down, underhanding them into the hole. The cube shuddered. Its wound vomitted smoke and debris. Cracks spidered along its face. In a sudden groan, the security block collapsed.

White smoke blanketed the shuddered plaza.

'Go! Go!' Auspex pushed the closest Trooper forward. 'Don't stop until you're inside!' He shot a bullet through the smoke.

As the Legion pressed inward, the tri-pod mount roared.

"Security Navis pressing the roadways."

Automatic fire latticed towards cadre of green fatigued Navis rushing from a plaza threhold. Four dropped. Another slit in half as the mount raked their approach. Security Navis topped patio furniture over and dove inside buildings. They rose, busters firing blindly at the patio-shanty. The mount answered, pulping another Navi.

"Plaza is hot." Reported the Crew Chief. "Targets entering central threshold."

A trooper reeled off the shanty. Another flailed in his place, armor shorn in two. The field medic scrambled on them.

"Requesting support at central location"

'Karzai get your team down there and set up another mount. Keep the crossfire until we're done!'
"Uhh... they are almost in!" PyroMan said a bit nervous.

"Don't worry," Foxy grinned down her mask, she suddenly pushed PyroMan to the link and before he was teleported, she slashed his back and removed the banner, promptly destroying it.

"Woah!" PyroMan yelled as he was teleported away and the link completely closed to anyone.

Foxy looked over the security cube being destroying and smiled as she sat on the ground like a fox again, her eyes kept cold as she stared on the defense breaking. Her plan would be staying there until they went.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
In the blooms of smoke, the Troopers stormed inside the area. Each seemed to glide through like full-muscled sharks in water. Their equipment bore the ensignia of the Coraetus 2nd, a yellow cresent on the shoulder pads and tri-dome helmets, and cobalt livery, thickened with combat webbing. Boots squealed, crunched, ground against data dust, still pounding towards Pyroman's last location. Their rifles were shouldered.

Suddenly the fog lifted, revealing a room of posters strewn from wall to wall. In the center rest a femanine creature. She sat on her haunches, unblinking, at them swagger through. The first cluster of Troopers fanned around her. More encircled where she sat, sometimes rifles trained, or swaying at the floor. Their masses barricaded the entrance.

Auspex sauntered behind them. 'Well I got you now you-' His voice trailed like his eyes. Pyroman wasn't there. 'What...'

"Data signature shows no exit. Pyroman didn't leave into the plaza." Karzai reported, contorted from the gunfire backnoise.

'Then where is he?'

"Considering the prospect of Pyroman's options, possible that he's inside another domain."

Auspex glowered towards Foxy. 'That so.'

"Only authorization to open domain link is set by controller Navi. I suggest incarcerating the unidentified female."

'Good thing she's still here.' Auspex spat. The Troopers circle tightened around her until they formed a wall of cobalt fatigues. 'At least we have one prisoner.'
"Pyro's not here?" Slash looked around the domain, "It looks like they're getting ready to attack that Navi." Slash said as the group circled around the fox.

"Slash, lend a hand, she knows where Pyro is." Shadow ordered.

"Fine by me, I was hoping for some action," Slash looked around at the army, "Too many for me to handle, I need to try and scatter them, make them think there's more than just me."

"Got the perfect thing," Shadow inserted his three vulcan chips, "Move fast and strike from as many places as possible."

Slash's hand turned into the large chain gun, "Right," the gun roared to life, he charged around the area raining bullets down on the army, "It's not nice to threaten ladies you know."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Wha? Where's Pyro?" Mar asked himself as he saw no one there, "Dangit..."

Foxy looked around the group of navis around her, "May I know what are you doing in my Domain without permission?" she said politely to who she guessed was their leader, so she directed her question to Auspex while she literally was ignoring the other Navis getting hit by the vulcan shots.

PyroMan woke up and gasped suddenly, "GAH!" he panted once as he looked around him, the whole place was black, "Wh-where...? Damn... this looks like that marathon of the Twilight Zone..."

He tried moving, but as soon as he walked, a thin purple barrier flahed and pushed him back with a flash, "Wha?!" he blinked, "I'm trapped? Dang... Foxy must have sent me to the wrong place... well, she'll come and get me out soon," he shrugged. (OOC: Not too brainy)
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad