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BDsM Club
Shadow heard Disturbed's words and immediatly moved to the door, going out into the hall. Upon seeing the inert wolf, he scooped him up and carried him back to his room, placing him on the bed. He then turned to the ladies.

" you peope as well," he said, smiling warmly. But then he turned to Tieya.

"What about Disturbed, Tieya? I love you...but I want you to be with...who you want to be with," he said, fully expecting, and somewhat hoping she would pick Disturbed. He remembered her words to him, how he had rushed in to "rescue" her.
"I want..." Swiftly, Tieya glanced at Disturbed, and winced slightly. She put a claw over her face, and sighed, staying quiet for a few seconds. After almost half a minute of silence, she sighed. "I want... to be with..."

She then took everything into thought, and, after a while, she blurted out a name. "...I... want Shaddy...unless it will cause problems..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Disturbed looked up at Tieya with a sincere look and shook his head "If that is what you truly want, and will be happy with it...then I will not object, that would be selfish."
Shadow looked at Tieya, his heart beating rapidly. He was happy she chose him, but at the same time he felt sorry for Disturbed.

"If you truly want to be with me, Tieya, then I am honored to be your mate," he said, getting on one knee in front of her. Turning to look at Ebon, he said: "That goes for you as well, Ebon. If I'm the person you truly love, then I'm honored," he said, bowing his head.
Tieya blinked as he mentioned Ebon, but smiled nonetheless. "Yes, I do truly want to be with you, Shaddy." She then glanced at Disturbed again before Shadow once more. "Of course I do...."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Shadow noticed her blink, turning to face her.

"If you both truly love me, there's nothing saying that I can't be a mate to both of you. You are both equal in my eyes," he assured her, not wanting her to go psycho again.
"Yes Shaddy, I' to be with you as well. If thats okay with Tieya of course." Ebon said remembering what happened earlier

Disturbed started to choke up but dared not to shed a tear not wanting Tieya to see him upset. He then stood up and put his hand on Shadow's shoulder "..take good care of her..." Disturbed then turned to Tieya "Just because we dont love each other doesnt mean we cant be friends, I will always be there if you need me." Disturbed jumped into a shadow in the ceiling "Remember you'll always have a friend even in the darkest of places." He was now gone leaving Shadow, Tieya, and Ebon alone.
Tieya nodded, almost crying, but she held it back. She smiled slightly, and nodded. "I will... remember." She muttered, and sighed, running a claw through her hair.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Shadow didn't try to stop the tears running down his own face. He was happy that Tieya loved him, and yet his heart cringed at seeing Disturbed hurt. He walked up to Tieya, wrapping his arms around her in a hug.

"I'm sorry, Tieya. But seriously, are you sure you want to be with me? I want you to be happy, be it with me or him or anyone else." he said, his tears running down onto her scales. Why was it he caused pain to everyone around him? Why was he cursed like this.
Tieya blushed lightly as Shadow wrapped his arms around her, and she smiled, before she heard his words. She shivered slightly, and felt his tears running down her body.

"...I do want to be with you... It's just.." She cut herself off, knowing the next sentence would be selfish of her to say. "...Ah, forget it. But... I still... want to be with you."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds