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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
"Don't you dare," Slash said, "If he thinks one little chip is gonna take us down he's sorely mistaken."

"Slash if it gets too dangerous I'm taking you out, a chip isn't worth losing you over." Shadow said as he inserted his neo-vari sword.

"Fine by me," the large yellow sword appeared in his hand, "But it won't be necesarry! SONIC BOOM!" As he swung the sword it sent out a large wave as it headed towards Hell.

"Pathetic," One swing of the powerful darksword sliced the wave in two effortlessly, "The power this chip gives me is more than you could possibly imagine, more than anyone can imagine!" A large dark aura began wrapping around Hellgundam.exe, creating a barrier.

"Okay, this might be a challenge." Shadow grabbed three chips out of his pack, "Vulcan 1-2-3, triple slot in! Program advance!"

"Infinite vulcan!" Slash clasped his hands together creating a large chain gun, it roared to life as countless shots fired out of it, each one kicking up digital debris and flooding the field with bits of broken data, "Let's see him walk away from that." Slash said as the gun slowed to a stop and dissapeared.

"If you want," The smoke cleared with one flap of Hell's wings, revealing not a scratch on him, his aura apparantly had blocked everything.

"It's useless!" Matt gloated through the window, "You don't stand a chance! And once I destroy you that Navi will reward me with the rarest chip ever!"

"Slash, this isn't worth it, I'm jacking you out now. I can replace that chip, not you." Shadow reached for the shutoff button to jack him out.

"NO!" Slash shouted, "If he wants a fight, I say we give him more than he can handle." Slash looked up at Shadow with a smile.

"Slash, if you're thinking what I think you are forget it! It's too risky!" Shadow shouted, knowing that Slash was thinking the same thing that had been in the back of his head since they saw the dark chip.

"You said to use it in dire circumstances." Slash looked at his counterpart, "Well they don't get much more dire than this."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar got it late when they started talking about it, "Wait! You are in a building! You can't use that while there are so many other Navis!" he said worriedly, Hmm... PyroMan may be able to help! "PyroMan!" said Mar out loud as he went to his PET, however, when he saw the screen, it was jammed. The boy widened his eyes, Pyro... what the...?.
He came to a single conclussion, "Shadow!" he spun his head to see the battling Operator, "They took him!"

"I'm glad you came over, do you like this place?" Foxy asked sweetly.

PyroMan looked around, "I... guess... you seem to like Pop Singers a lot..."

"Well, I actually sing!" she said with a wink.

PyroMan got melted by the cute girl. He was so disconcentrated at that moment he didn't even care where he was.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Who took who?" Shadow asked, confused by the sudden outburst.

"What's going on?" Slash asked.

"A battle you idiot!"

Slash barely had enough time to move as the dark sword crashed into the ground directly where he had been standing, "Shadow, either forfeit or let me go beast. We need to end this fast!"

"Mar," Shadow looked at his new friend, he didn't want to run in the middle of a fight, but he also didn't want to abandon a friend when he needed him, "Damnit, I forfe-"

"It's a draw." Matt's voice came over the intercom.

"What?" Shadow looked dumbstruck.

"You're distracted, when I destroy you and you're Navi I'll do it when you're at your best or I won't do it."

"Consider yourselves lucky, next time I won't let you get away." Hell said as he was sent off the field and Matt's screen closed.

Shadow smiled a bit, "Guess he still has some honor left. Okay back to business, Slash head back to the Cafe and see if you can find Pyroman."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Dang..." Mar cursed as he gritted his teeth, What have you gotten yourself into Pyro...? What if they... what if they tear you apart just to get their hands on that CyBeast... he thought as he started to worry more and more.

PyroMan was watching Foxy move on two paws, she was quite... seductive in her moves, her waist and hips did a good job for this as the girl navi sang while dancing. The song was actually starting to drain PyroMan's strength, which he was oblivious to.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Subject Pyroman identified." Trooper Karzai confirmed. He ushered Auspex towards Foxy's domain space, pointing to the contrails of data left behind by their target. "Second Navi unknown verification, considered to be complacent and passive."

Auspex tapped the mircro bead to Alistair. 'I still have a bad feeling about this Alistair.'

"You wanted to use the new battle chips, so we'll take the fast option in getting these kids. Find both Navis and capture them. Tommorrow I'll confront the boys formally and get their PETS."

'But there seems to be a third party, an unidentified female Navi.'

"If she gets in the way remove her."

Auspex nodded and turned off the link. He wondered if his men would need the new battle chips. Seventeen armed troopers with armed rifles promised victory against any sole Navi, even against two, but something still nagged at him. These Navis, identified as Pyroman and Slash, possesed CyBeasts--the near-gods of the Cyber world--inside them. If Auspex managed to corner them, would he be able to capture, or would he be faced with staring down two CyBeasts? In that retrospect, he decided they would need the heavy weapons, which would take down one long enough to be subdued, and more, since Auspex felt strong to take one on himself.

"Subject Pyroman has settled inside Personal Space. Domain name 'Foxy'. Request permission to begin circumventing." Trooper Karzi informed.

Auspex shouldered his rifle and cocked a bullet in the shaft. 'Trooper Karzai and two others will stay on watch for the other Navi. The rest of you begin entanglement.'

Without acknowledgement the Troopers began leaving the balcony. Two troopers picked up long barreled rifles; One shouldered a heavy grade assault rifle; and three gingerly hoisted the mg42 into a saddle rig and ushered it downstairs. The Heavy Weapons Doctrine Battle Chip gave Auspex a choice of four heavy classed weapons to replace a Trooper's standard rifle: rpg, sniper rifles, tri-pod machine turrets, or heavy assault rifles. During this process, Auspex wondered why Alistair hadn't gotten him this one before.

A field medic rubbed past him. The Field Triage Doctrine allowed one medic per squad in exchange for a regular trooper. Even though they're armed with a small pistol (equivalent to a buster shot), field medics prolong the life of Troopers. When all three squads corner the Navi, the medics will be a neccessity.

Each trooper squad dispersed in the populated crowd of civilian Navis, keeping tabs on where the domain to Foxy's space stood. Operation Pin-the-tail-on-the-Pyroman had begun. Auspex marched straight for Foxy's Domain, the squad with the heavy assault rifle and a long-barrel squad flanking him. The others watched over the entrace to make sure nothing goes in or out while Auspex was inside.

'We'll go in stealth, locate the Navi, and capture him before he realizes us. Time to capture me a Pyroman'. Auspex said gleefully.
"Any of you guys see a Navi, about this big, red, looks kinda like an animal." Slash asked one of the Navis in the cafe.


"Yeah, he says he went off with a Navi that looked like him. Figured they were similar models. That the one he was with?"

"Got me, I wasn't paying any attention." Shadow admitted, "What did the other Navi look like?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar thought hardly, "Hmmm... that Navi indeed looked like PyroMan, do you think she took him away?"

Before any of the troops or Auspex could advance, a huge cube with an X appeared in the entrance, blocking any and all ways of entrance, "SECURITY CUBE LOCKED. INTRODUCE PASSCODE TO ACCESS PERSONAL SPACE!"

PyroMan looked back, "Huh?"

Foxy frowned, "Hey... what's the matter?"

"That cube..."

"Oh! Only my friends can enter here. It's a protected area," she said with a wink.

"Alright... I guess," PyroMan said, "Uhm... you dance pretty well!" he managed to spit the compliment out.

"I know to do lots of things pretty well," she giggled and went over a stage, Oh, how I love being a tease.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I think we may have a couple of problems," Slash said as he looked down at the warp point that should take him to where Pyro was.

"What kind of problems."

"There's a security cube in the way." Slash said.

"How's that a problem? A civilian cube shouldn't be too hard to crack."

"And then there's the big problem." Slash said again.

"And that would be?" Shadow asked worriedly.

"A huge group of heavily armed Navis outside the place." Slash said.

"Oh is that all!" Shadow said rather sarcasticly, "Okay, it's obviously not just a run of the mill thing here. At first I figured Pyro just ran off with someone but with this level of security I'm betting it's a bit more complicated than that."

"So what do we do?"

"Only thing we can at this point," Shadow sat back in his chair, "Wait. Wait and hope something happens."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Alright. No more girls for that dog," Mar said with a sigh, folding his arms and looking up, "Damnit."

"So, what is what you wanted to show me?" PyroMan smiled down his mask.

"Wait a bit! Gee," Foxy giggled, "I'm waiting for my operator to come back so we can show you!"

"Uhm... al...right," he said, scratching his left ear with one of his backpaws like if he had fleas.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I can't wait any longer," Slash complained.

"It's been ten seconds." Shadow told him looking at a clock on the computer.

"And I'm already bored." Slash looked back down at the group, "If we could find out where that place is we could log in straight from there." Slash informed.

"That place isn't even in our neighborhood, it's in the next town over, and second how would we find out where it was?"

Slash thought for a moment, "Good point. So what do we do?"

"We could try storming the place, but that looks like an army down there. I doubt even with the cybeast you'd be able to handle it."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad