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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
"Sure that's safe?" Slash asked.

"Don't be a wimp, they aren't gonna attack one of you in the middle of a town." Shadow said, "And if they try you can take them down."

"Guess that decided it," Slash said, "Okay, we'll go left, you go right. E-Mail me if you find anything out and I'll do the same."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Alright!" PyroMan said and turned to the opposite direction to go right, but he soon stopped as he saw a Navi almost exactly the same as he, only... female, it seemed. She was slimmer than PyroMan and her armor was shining a bit more orange than red, she looked really slim and in some way seemed to be curve to how she looked like.

"PyroMan?" Mar said, "Something wrong?"

PyroMan didn't say anything, only his eyes that turned from the blue globes to two big pink hearts, "Nothing! Everything's PERFECTLY fine!"

Mar was disconcerted for a moment, "Uhh..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Looks like Pyroman's in love." Shadow said.

"You go Pyro," Slash's voice sounded from his PET, "Is she at least a looker?" Slash asked.

"I'm no judge of beauty in Navis but from Pyro's reaction yeah." Shadow said looking at the lovestruck Navi.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Uhh... in love?" Mar blinked, still staring on his partner.

"Hello," said the other firefox Navi in a sweet tone, "What's your name?" she asked.

PyroMan hiccuped once before he looked on the girl navi's face, "Uhh my name's PoryMan-I-mean-RypoMan-I-MEAN!" he said as quickly and nervously.

The smaller fox giggled over PyroMan's confusion and stood up on her four paws, then walked to him, "Are you okay?"

PyroMan almost melted, "Uhh! I'm AHRIGH!"

Mar raised an eyebrow, "Last time I customized him, I don't remember installing a nervousy program on him."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Navis have emotions just like normal people. It's not unusual for one to develop a crush or even fall in love." Shadow said knowingly.

"Shadow, see if you can record what's happening." Slash said, "I gotta see what's going on."

Shadow couldn't help but laugh at Slash's comment, "Aparently they also can replicate typical teenager attitudes. You find anything?" he asked.

"Nothing, granted it'd probably help if I knew what we were looking for." Slash grumbled.

"Just keep looking, if they're here they'll probably come to you."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh, so this means PyroMan's gonna act like one of those guys in TV that fall in love and start doing dumb things to impress the girl?" he looked over PyroMan, his eyes still two big hearts, then he looked back on Shadow, "Is there some way to knock sense into him?"

PyroMan still locked his look onto the firefox, "C-can I kn-know your name too?!" he asked rapidly and even more nervous.

"Name's Foxy," she said with a warm smile down her mask, "What are you doing here? Having some coffee along?"

"Uhh, right! Yeah!" PyroMan said, gesturing to a free table with a glass not to look like a complete idiot, "W-Wanna go and have one with me?!"

"Sure, why not?" Foxy accepted and walked to the table along with PyroMan.

"PyroMan," Mar whispered, "The info-gathering mission."

PyroMan sat down on the seat like a normal Navi along with Foxy, "I'll pay!" he quickly said and made a ball of gold with a green Z appear on his claw.

"HEY!!" Mar gasped, "That's the last Zenny I have! You can't spend it in Cyber Drinks!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I could always go in and sweep her off her feet," Slash offered, "That'd solve the problem with Pyroman."

"That'll have to wait," Shadow looked at an area of the screen that was behind Slash, "you got company."

Slash turned around at a Navi the same height as him, it's wings were solid black and looked almost like bat wings, the armor on his chest pure black and a long scythe in his hands, "Ahhh, Hell, haven't you since... I kicked your butt before." Slash said with a grin.

A small picture popped up on Shadow's computer, showing a boy around their age with shorter light brown hair, "You mean you cheated to get my best chip!" he shouted. "I want it back!"

"Matt, long time no beat. You're the one who challenged me remember? You want it back you'd have to put something up for it, and I've grown kinda fond of it so you better put up a good one."

"How about, a Paladin Sword?" Matt said holding up the sword chip.

"How the? How's a loser like you get something that rare?" Shadow said as he saw the chip he'd been searching for for months on months.

"Someone gave it to me. And I figured it'd be the perfect bait to lure you into a battle."

"Okay, then." Shadow stood up and took one of the pictures off his wall, "I suppose you want that dream aura chip huh?"

"Bingo, now put it in." Matt inserted the paladin sword and it showed up on a small seperate window.

"You'd think he'd get tired of me kicking his butt after awhile wouldn't ya?" Shadow said to Mar as he put in the dream aura, it also appeared on the seperate window next to the paladin sword, "Battle routine set,"

"Execute!" Slash shouted.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Great," said Mar, "He gets to Netbattle and I got to watch over Romeo, damnit. PyroMan! At least hurry with," but he stopped and looked over the table in CyberWorld.

PyroMan had both his ears standing up as well as his tail, smiling with an almost blissful face as Foxy scratched his chin with her paw.

"For the love of," Mar sighed and left his PET on desk, "Give me a ring when you are done. I'll watch some action." He said and hurried to look on Shadow's PET.

When Mar turned his attention away, Foxy opened her eyes again, she looked on the dumb faced PyroMan, Good job Akane. Who'd have thought that kid would be useful for luring the other CyBeast away? And it just costed that cheap Paladin Sword. I'm going to enjoy deleting this NetNavi. and while PyroMan kept just letting himself be caressed, she smiled to him, "Hey, wanna come to a really nice spot I know? I want to show you something!" she cooed with a giggle.

PyroMan didn't object and nodded to her.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Okay, we're in a hurry so let's finish this is one go Slash." Shadow pulled out his three sword chips, "Sword, Widesword, Longsword, triple slot in!" His hand almost blurred as he insterted the three chips one after the other, "Program advance!"

A large blue sword apeared in Slash's hands, "Life sword!"

"I won't lose to you this time, no matter what! Battle chip in!"

A dark sword appeared in Hellgundam.exe's arm, "Dark sword!"

The two attacks collided with eachother creating a large shockwave to crash through the surounding area, throwing both combatants back. Slash got up to his feet, "Was that?"

"A dark chip?" Shadow finished his sentence, "What the heck are you thinking? You know what that thing can do to your Navi." Shadow shouted through the computer.

"I don't care! I just want to destroy you!"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Damn... Dark Chips..." Mar gasped, "Those things are dangerous! You better Jack him Out!" he said to Shadow.

Meanwhile, PyroMan and Foxy had left the building already, both were heading away from Wanabe Area 3, "Uhm... where are we going?" PyroMan asked as he realized she was dragging him away.

"We are just going to my space!" Foxy giggled, "Or don't you wanna come?"

PyroMan didn't object again and just followed even more eagerly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad