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OOC: Oh, Disturbed? I think you just made an odd loop there...

Disturbed Wrote:Ebon murred lightly as Shadow's tail eased in and out of her wet pussy. She tried to spread herslef more to deepen the tail's penetration.

Now, in that post, it seemed Ebon was getting the treatment by Shadow's tail.

Disturbed Wrote:Ebon murred a bit to the strike of the whip "You are mistress." she looked back and saw Shadow's tail moving in and out of Tieya's wet vagina. Just looking at it made her pussy drip with wetness.

But in this post of yours, it's now Tieya getting the treatment....


Tieya grinned deviously, as she whipped even harder across Ebon's buttcheeks with the whip. "Of course!" She chuckled, as she swiftly pulled the whip back and striked again, not wanting to give even a second's break.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: Take the second one!!! That first one was a MY Bad :P


Ebon let out very loud moans to the whips. She almost started to shake to the force of the strikes but regained her composier.
OOC: Sure, I just wanted to mention it.


Tieya growled, and whipped Ebon's butt very hard this time around. "Grr.. how's this..." She turned slightly to face Shadow, a devious grin across her face as she pulled the whip back. "Shaddy?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Shadow purred, giving her a lustful lick on the cheek.

"Sexy, my dominating dragoness," he breathed, nibbling on her ear. He was rubbing his member up and down in addition to jerking off, the sight of a once timid dragoness dominating another person arousing him to no end.

"Want me to dominate you when you're done, my dear?" he inquired, nibbling and sucking her neck, moaning as his cock began vibrating.
Ebon let out a shriek followed be a moan. "Damn Tieya is learning quick."

Disturbed was now tied up in a different room by a Palmon "Okay now lay into me, I dont care just do whatever."
Tieya murred loudly, and shivered slightly, as she whipped Ebon yet again across the butt with the whip. "Ooohhh, I'd love that..." She cooed, the tip of her tail trying to coil around Shadow's member - since it was that thin - and help him jerk off.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Now that Ebon has taken a couple of whips her but was actually growing red and soar. It wasnt actually feeling good at the time but she dared not say anything wanting to be the perfect slave.

"Hey where you gonna put that?" Disturbed said as the Palmon started to extent her vines. His eyes widened "..You're not gonna.." the Palmon shoved her vines up his ass "HOLY GOD MOTHER OF ALL THATS FURRY!!!" His yell can be heard throughout the house.
Shadow murred as her tail wrapped around his member, helping him in his masturbation. His cock vibrated faster, signalling his orgasm. Just then, Disturbed's yell echoed through the room.

" Disturbed...ohhh...discovered the...ahhh...cons...ngggh...of being...mmmrrr...the sub," he growled, then roared as his orgasm hit. His seed spurted out of his pisshole, covering Tieya's back.
Ebon heard Shadow's moaning and panting knowing what he just did. Knowing also that Tieya was getting some treatment from Shadow's tail made her kind of jealous "Oh come on I have been sitting here letting myself get whipped and their already getting their first orgasm..."

The Palmon took one of her vines and started jerking off Disturbed "Oh yeah...thats much better." he closed his eyes and felt the jerking of his member.
Tieya let out a loud murr as she felt Shadow's seed flow down her back, a grin on her cute face. "Mrrh... If only that was in my mouth.." She cut herself off, blushing deeply, and she then whipped down on Ebon's backside yet again.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds