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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
"Kay," said Mar, "PyroMan, open the link to John's."

PyroMan nodded and rushed over a panel with a golden katana drawn over it, stepped inside and some minutes later, came back to Slash, "It's okay! He can go through!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Log 421

..."Subtle warning came when Kane, the bug piping Net Navi, barged into the second floor of the hallway. The overhead lights flickered and died, paint chipped off the walls, some paintings slid from their mounts and shattered on the floor. Data chips, it sounded like the ceiling would collapse on us! I was behind the overturned vending machine when the bugs scurried across the second level.

"Wingless creatures, that's all I cared to remember. Their backs looked molded with black welts and swells and boils, thick like a turtle's shell, gliding along on six legs. Their triangular heads were calloused bone, used for ramming, I couldn't image other reasons why they looked so ugly. Thank god they didn't linger.

"Soon after Trooper Matterhorn chewed through the door with a well place bouncer, the things flocked in the hole. I could hear muffled screams. But we stayed outside the hallway, waiting, terrible pounding echoed throughout, bone against metal. Minutes later the screams died and the bugs left, Booster on one of their backs. It was the strangest things. I believe Commander Alistair called them 'Hammerheads'."...

Tired, Alistair turned off the PET. He leaned back against the seat staring at the dash with half-closed eyes. His shoulders were numb. His chest heaved for air, exposed to the sharps winds whipping through the window. Yamaki pressed his truck into an exit leading to the beltway, eyes focused on the road, a hand on the small Net Booster that sat inside a cup holder. He smiled.

"Just like old times Alistair?"

The Commissar slouched. "Almost. Getting hit in the gut by one of your bugs spolied it."

"They got flustered making our escape, thought you were the enemy. It's an acceptible excuse." Yamaki chuckled. "I heard about those kids escaping Hawk."

"You know about that?"

He nodded. "Got the message on the plane. Those kids must of put up a fight."

"Against Hawk?"

"Sure he's not as good as us, but still..."

Allistair sat up. "I warned that man. Damned if he didn't brush me off until the last second. I promised the boss I'd tie up the loose end quick, being a Superintendent of the school."

"And what's the suit going to do?"

The Superintendent looked into Yamaki's eyes. "Why confiscate their PET's my dear businessman."

"Eww confiscatioin, haven't had that happen to me."

"I don't intend to just keep them for a week, but inact rule for as long as I can, so I can test my custom battle chips on their Navis"

"And the kids are going to remaind silent?"

"They're kids. They'll have to."

Allistair and Yamaki chuckled the entire length of the beltway.
"Slash, follow him." Shadow said.

"Okay," Slash nodded and stepped into the portal to John's.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
PyroMan teleported to John's as well. The place was merely deserted, only some programs were repairing some things, "According to TombMan, John's having his page going through maintenance, but we may go through the passage to Wanabe."

"Yeah, we better go. I don't want getting John angry for slowing the repairs," Mar added.

PyroMan nodded and went running ahead to the warp point, he entered and was whisked away.

PyroMan appeared over a large cyber building of tall height, he looked down while sitting just at the edge, "Wooo... nice place for cyber-bungee!"

"I still don't get why you aren't scared of heights."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"It's not that strange, heights don't bug me either." Slash said.

"That's because you have wings genius." Shadow said.

"Oh yeah," Slash said, spreading his wings.

Shadow rolled his eyes, "Okay, let's find the road to area three."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Okay!" PyroMan said and ran inside the building.

"That's a Battle Chip Central Building. It's just to buy the newest chips in the market, right now, I doubt we'll have any use, but we could come back to it later," Mar suggested as PyroMan guided Slash all the way down to the Net Cafe shop in the building.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Let's just get to the cafe," Shadow said, "I doubt they'd have anything good anyways."

"True," Slash said as he walked into the Cafe, "So this is Wanabe's cafe. Kinda small."

"What do you mean small? You've never even been to one before." Shadow said.

"It's still kinda small." Slash restated.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Uhm... Slash," PyroMan said from behind him, "That's a booth for listening to MP3s," he then pointed to his right. A huge Inter-Building with two large doors was constantly being filled with Navis while few left, "That's Wanabe's Net Cafe."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I knew that." Slash said as he left the music store.

"You did not." Shadow said as he laughed.

"Either stop laughing now or I load a virus in your computer and don't delete it."

"He knew that, he was just being funny." Shadow quickly said.

"Good, so let's see if we can't find something out shall we?" Slash said as he headed into the correct building.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Alright!" PyroMan said as he followed Slash inside the cafe, "Well... apart from over-crowded, is there anything here we could use as info?"

"I think we should try to look for anything suspicious. Maybe there's a member that frequents here. We'll just have to see around here. It's a big area, want to split?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad