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Things You Wouldn't Hear In A Digimon Episode
Izzy: *surfing on his laptop*
Tentamon: Hey Izzy why dont you get outside.
Izzy: hmmm okay *puts his laptop away
Tentamon: Come on Izzy lets....really?
Guilmon - *snoring*
Terriermon - *prods Guilmon* Uhh... now isn't the time...
IceDevimon - *sweat drop* Hello!? Evil over here!
Rika *slaps forehead* Stupid Lizard Head...
Joe had not been in such a situation before. It was quite awkward.

"...I think the granny-knickers look best." he finally told Mimi.
Davis - Hey! Veemon! Pass the lube would you?
Veemon - :shock: The what...?
Davis - *sweat drop* The... Cube!
Veemon - *passes nintendo gamecube, goes*
Kari - *crawls out from under bed* Twisted
Wallace watched as Terriermon joined with the Golden Digiegg.

"Terriermon's... Armordigiovled?"

Hawkmon coughed. "That word doesn't exist, and if it did it would have a "u" in it."

"Oh, be quiet, you prude queer-ass Brit."

"It's "Arse" and "Briton", you genocidal loud-mouth mummy's boy. If anyone here's queer it's you and Davis."

"Don't insult my boyfriend... Wait, genocidal?"

Hawkmon pointed to the feather in his headband. "The Boston Teaparty hurt me on two counts."
Masaru - *laughing* That chicken was easy!
Agumon - Yeah!
Masaru - *throws KFC rubbish in bin* Let's get back to DATS! *leaves house*
Agumon - Wait for me anikiiiiiiiiiii! *chases*


Gatomon - *purring slightly*
Kari - What'cha thinking of?
Gatomon - Nothing.
Kari - *giggles* Nothing sure makes you wet.
Gatomon - O.O *looks down at VERY wet crotch* :oops: Err... hehehe...
Kari - *giggles*

-guys run into house....puts a sign on the outside saying "no girls Allowed."-

Sora:....aint that a Bitch...
*Creators of Naruto watching Digimon*
Takato: Guilmon you like peanutbutter a lot dontcha
Guilmon: BELIEVE IT!!

Creator of Naruto: *sniff* I smell lawsuit
Rika - *sorting her cards*
Renamon - *standing near the door*
Takato - *sneaks in through door, in front of Renamon*
Renamon - *doesn't notice*
Takato - Twisted *flicks Renamon's nose*
Renamon - *yelps and falls over*
Takato - lol
Rika+Renamon - Evil
Just for the sake of keeping this thread alive... :P

Harpymon - *trying to stomp Renamon*
Renamon - *rolling to dodge*
Rika - :shock: *picks up stick, runs at Harpymon*
Me - *suddenly appears in thunderbolt* Evil DIE, WITCH!!! *slams Harpymon into tree*
Harpymon - *confused screeching*
Me - Evil *starts bitch-slapping Harpymon*
Harpymon - EEK! *runs*
Me - *chases, carries on bitch-slapping* >.<
Me+Harpymon - *running round and round in circle*
Rika+Renamon+Takato+Henry+Terriermon - *MEGA SWEAT DROP*
Guilmon - Eh? *tilts head*