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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Dark Keres laid Keres down against the tree, putting a blanket over the brown wolf before he walked to the other wolf.

"Sorry bout' Keres there, I guess the alchohol finally made its effect on him. I'm Dark Keres, Keres' alter ego." Dark Keres says as he handed out his paw to the wolf.
"Aquitor Manipura...." Zeke's eyes flash once and the rain slides off the little area where they're standing, as if they were suddenly inside a glass dome. "Yep, and I'm Zeke."
"-My client." Ryon said cheerily.

"Eck- I dont like rain- That's not my element!" Blaize placed a pawed at the sky, making the rain stop.

"Plants need that!" Ryon said cheerily, making it rain again.

"But it's cold!" Blaize made it stop raining again.

"Then get over here and light a fire!" Ryon replied cheerily, making it rain again. "Nature is MY element- and as it's Guardian, I can't allow you to mess with the balance! You of all immortals should know that- didn't they teach you that while you were training?" Ryon asked cheerily.

"Well... I forgot!" Ryon replied bashfully.
"So, Seth, where exactly are you going?"
Keres approaches Blaize and takes off his own coat and puts it on Blaize. "Here, that might keep you a little"
The wolf slowly shook the hand ofered too him, his grip strong and firm, he slowky placed his paws back into his now complete folded arms he then said softly

"anywhere I am needed, I am needed here so I shall stay here" he said flatly.
"I don't actually feel cold Ker- Im just trying to one up my 'superior'!" Blaize said playfully. "Thanks though-"
The wolf chuckled deeply and slowly sighed and stretchd his arms his large muscles flexing and he foldd his arms again, breathing in and out slowly he scratched the bottom of his chin.
Keres stares at Seth for a sec. "So noble... too... much... like... Ted!!! GAH!" Keres moves a distance from Seth.

Dark Keres follows Keres and wonders what's wrong with him. "Hey? Something wrong Ker?"

Keres just turned his back on Dark Keres and started to talk to himself. "Too... Teddyish... Too... Teddyish... GAH!"

Dark Keres pokes Keres. "So what if he is like Ted?..." Dark Keres looks at Seth. "Oh... eeep...he does... seem like Ted."
"Ted is... the Raccoon guy- right?" Blaize asked curiously.

"BLAIZE!! Your 'Guardee' is unhappy! Your Guardee can't be unhappy, do something about it! What kind of Guardian are you!?" Ryon Scolded Blaize cheerfully.

"I'm sorry sir!" Blaize bowed his head- and Conjured a long black cloak. He held it in his mouth, and brought it to Seth. "Mr. Seth- would you mind putting this on for a while?"