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Things You Wouldn't Hear In A Digimon Episode
Rika: *arrives home from school* I'm home grandma
Rika's Grandma: *surfing on the computer* Okay dear, have a fun time at school?
Rika: Oh was a riot *she passed the room where her grandma was then into her room*
Rika's Grandma: *she came across some of her cards when she was gone and decided to see if she could find anything about Digimon on the internet so she typed into a search engine Digimon. The first site that came up was the digiartistsdomain sit. She clicks on it* Huh whats this. *she clicks on the enter and comes to the front page. She click on the galleries and clicked on a random gallery. First thing she saw was Rika having sex with multiple partners one was a fox and the other was a red dinosaur.* What the...RIKA I THINK WE HAVE TO TALK!!! *she gets up and walks to her room*
The Big Music played in it's important "The News Is Coming On!" way, sounding something like this, as the anchorman came up on screen with that reserved look for what something Really Bad's happened.

Taichi watched the screen. The Emperor's alter-ego's photo appeared on the screen, and in unison, he, Matt, Davis, and TK all rose, their arms in the air in jubilation.


"Ken Ichijioji ran away from his home in Tokyo today..."

"Ah, nuts. What a let-down."

[Image: DADSJPEG.jpg]
Alright: I'll admit Mark Steel used it first for Ms. Thatcher.
Rocket's skate video:

T.K.: Rocket, I came up with the best idea ever for the video. I had Davis try it, but he biffed it and took a header into my camera. Great closeup but sucky performance. Then he got all agro on me.

Davis: Hey T.K., Why don't you BITE MY LEFT ONE??!!!

T.K.: Kinda like that.
Rika: Oh hey look Renamon a Fire Breathing card. Wanna try it out.
Renamon: Oh okay.
*they both of them walk out to the yard for some space*
Rika: Okay ready?
Renamon: Yes
Rika:*does the whole card swiping scene* Fire Breath activate!!
Renamon: *a few seconds passes and nothing happens* huh thats wierd..*all of a sudden a flame bursts out of her rear end* OH MY GOD MY ASS IS ON FIRE!!!
Rika: Oh shit.....I swiped the card backwards
Renamon:*on the ground face furst with a small flame on her tail*
:shock: lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

Impmon - *sitting in tree*
Renamon - *appears nearby* That's my spot.
Impmon - Nya-ah! Mine no-*gets whalloped off*
Renamon - *takes place*
Takato: Okay boy to get him!!!
Guilmon: Right!! *runs at the bad digimon*
*The two digimon fight for a few minutes*
Takato: Huh Mud Slide....well only one way to find out *swiping card graphic* Mud Slide activate.
Guilmon: *few seconds passed* Nothings happen....*PPPPPFFFFFFFFTTTTTT* UH TAKATO I THINK I HAVE SMALL PROBLEM*
Takato: *cant help but just stare in shock and awe at the amount of diarrhia pouring out of the red dino*
Guilmon: *looking at Takato* Help Takato its...its not stopping
*at this moment the entire street is covered, people are slipping and falling all over the place*
Takato: I..I dont know how to stop it boy....
Takato - *swipes card* DIGIMO-
Takato - *sweat drop*
haha thats funny lol lol lol

*Scene where Rika, Henry, and Takato are baking the bread*
Takato: Okay lets get this in the oven! *walks over to the oven, opens it, slides in the tray with bread on it and slams it shut*
Renamon: :shock: AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!
Rika: Whats the matter?
Henry: Is it the D-Reaper
Guilmon: Is the bread ready??
Renamon: *pointing to her tail caught in the oven door*
Takato: Oh....shit.
lol lol lol lol lol

*random moment...*

Takato - *walking down street*
Renamon - *appears right in front of him*
Takato - GAH!!! *falls over backwards*
Renamon - lol
Jeri: *using her puppet hand * ruff Hello Takato how are you today
Takato: Jeri....
JerI: *using her puppet hand* What is it Takato?
Takato: THAT PUPPET IS FUCKIN STUPID!!! *takes sock puppet and throws it into the river

(Seriously though, everytime I saw that sock puppet I wanted to reach through the screen and bitch slap the living hell out of her)