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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
"Oh man, talk about lucky." Shadow said with a sigh of relief.

"The cybeast musta worn off."

"Yeah, now before this cross thing dies let's get out of here." Shadow said quickly, already feeling exhausted from the fusion. He got up and faced the door, "NEO VARIABLE SWORD! CROSS SLASH!" He slashed twice at the door, carving a large X in it and watching as it fell apart, "Well... that was," His armor, exploded and formed back into his PET, "Easy~" He trailed as he fell to the ground.

"Shadow? SHADOW! SHADOW!" Slash started shouting as he saw Shadow fall to the ground, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM!?" Slash shouted, hoping Sir. Grave would know.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar rushed from the Control Panel after Jacking his Navi Out. "Uhhh... what happened?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Energy... Drained... Sharing a body with your Navi isn't advisable-" Sir Grave got up gingerly, panting a bit. "Now that you know that, Class, two lines- file outside- now running- no pushing-" Sir Grave said.
Mar peeked out the exit Shadow had made, but was soon overcrowded by the classmates who were waiting for their turn and started asking questions about the sounds and blasts that were heard inside. Act like nothing happened... he looked on his back, saw the destroyed background along with Douse of the ground, almost knocked. Nothing...
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Sir Grave was suddenly acting like he was fine. "Very good kid. Pretend nothing happened." He said from the corner of his mouth. He picked Shadow up, and Carried him out to the entrance. "Ahem, class, there has been a slight mishap, and your trip has been canceled. Thank you for waiting so patiently." he said Casually in his 'Teacher' tone.
Mar shrugged and looked on his back after the students started flooding Mister Grave with questions like "Why do we have to go?" and "We won't have the class like planned, right?", then he noticed something in the interior of where they were. "Where's Douse?"

A female, standing on top of the building was observing everything, she had come out of a firescape, "Hmph" with a poof of smoke, she disappeared.

"Sir... there seems to have been a problem with the operator in the south... he,"

But before the servant could continue, the man, who was casually drinking from an expensive glass of red wine gripped it so hard it broke, "I know"

"What do we do with him?" the woman asked.

"Get rid of him, he is of no use for our organization. He let the third CyBeast flee."

"As you wish sir."

As the servent went, a female voice was heard, "How could he lose the CyBeast so easy?"

"He's weak, that's why. By the way, you don't need to hide, Akane. I already told you sneaking in this place is impossible."

The woman came in view, looking like very young, almost the age of the kids at school, but also looking very mature. She had red shoulder long hair and brown eyes, her clothing consisted in a strange black ninja garb and a black hood which covered up till her nose, only her eyes in view. "And what about the information?" she suddenly asked.

"You were quicker than my own sources. I'm going to be generous with your reward. BUT, I can double it up..."

Her eyes narrowed and she looked on the man sitting on the chair.

"If, you were to help me with a little problem. There are some meddling brats who are messing with our organization... we were tolerant enough, so we need some... space from them."

OOC: Hate to spoil the plot for ya guys. But in two days of the RPG (if it doesn't clash with any of your ideas) the plot will state that there won't be any problem in any specified place. Though, there will be this girl Akane who's a net operator and will try to finish the three owners of CyBeasts one by one. She's tricky and a VERY good actress to trick even the most inteligent mind. So is her NetNavi, Foxy. This would happen in Wanabe Area, Wababe's City CyberWorld. Can be accessed by anyone anywhere, if you don't know about it.

So anyways... I hate to say it, but we must stop RPing until Marine does anything about the other two characters he wanted to take control of.

For now, let's decide something. I already have the profile for both Akane and Foxy, but, there's something. Even in groups, she'll try to get one by one separated from the groups. One of the first things she will do will be entice PyroMan since he's relatively almost the same as her, only differing in gender, and that she's slimmer, has red eyes and a sweet voice. Let's cut the crap, go for the profile.

Operator: Akane.
PET(PErsonal Terminal): Small version tied to her right arm, red and orange colored.
Unique Program Advance: Shadow Nightmare (Mole/Invis/Anti-Damage) User multiplies per ten and all the copies except one are invencible, they all can disappear at will, and all the copies will retaliate any damage.
Chips: Most of them are Fire Battle Chips, lots of Support and Trap Chips.
Synch Chip Aquired?: Yet to be decided.

NetNavi: Foxy.exe
Element: Fire.
Special Tech: Burning Slash. (Dashes towards enemy and slashes with Fire elemental dream slash)
CyBeast Program: None.
Advantages: Fire and Wood fields.
Disadvantages: Water fields, Water Elemental attacks, Reduced spaces for fighting and Cursor Attacks (Because she uses Invis and Mole around too much).

Wondering? Yeah, both PyroMan and Foxy are children of Mozilla Firefox, lol, I needed to say it.
So, anyways, if you have anything you want to suggest, then go ahead. Shadow, Gun, keep posting until you leave it for another separation, then we wait for Marine.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Gotcha'!
Shadow blinked his eyes open, raising his head slightly, "Wha? What happened?"

"You passed out. Wimp." Slash said flatly.

Shadow picked up the PET, "Oh shutup, that cross thingy was exhausting. Don't you feel tired?"

Slash shrugged, "Nope, I feel fine. And everything's reading green." Slash brought up a window showing info on him, "Oh yeah, and you may want to hold onto this." The synchro chip popped out of the PET.

Shadow grabbed it out of the air, "Awesome," Shadow held up the chip looking at it's strange design, "To think, now we can fuse together." Shadow looked around quickly when he heard Mar, "How'd he get away? There's only one exit." Shadow said as he looked at the door.

"Well, at least we don't have to worry too much about him, he just took a huge blow to his strength by losing that chip." Slash informed Shadow.

"Yeah," Shadow let out a huge yawn, "Man, I'm sleepy. When's bed time?"

"It's noon you lazy bum." Slash said quickly.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Sir Grave Casually dropped Shadow. "Good to see you awake mr. Shadow." He said casually, dusting his hands.

"That's child abuse right there! Report him! Report him!" Grave's PET beeped.
Shadow got up to his feet, "Ouch, you didn't have to just drop me you know." He said, rubbing his head.

"Want me to call the cops? I'll do it." Slash said as a dial tone started up.

"Would you shutup? I'm too tired to deal with you." Shadow said, stifling another yawn.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad