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Things You Wouldn't Hear In A Digimon Episode
Kari: Yolei we have to DNA digivolve!!
Yolei: Yeah lets do it!!
* The whole scene with Gatoman and Hawkquilamon DNA digivovling blah blah*

*Behind the scenes*

Intern: So how did we decide what the gender of Gatomon and Hawkquilamon since they're both opposite sex digimon?
Director: Well we took a vote from our team and theres more woman than men so you can kind of guess the outcome.
Intern: *blinks* oh
Rumiko - Aren't you a girl, Renamon?
Renamon - Well, yes, but... :shock: *picks up a script* Oops.
Everyone else - *laughs*

Director - *groan* What did I do to deserve this?
Patamon: AHHHHH!!

Gatomon: What's wrong?


Gatomon: Oops, totally forgot that.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*Matt and his band are playing in a concert*
Kari: Matt is really good
Tai: Yeah hes awsome
Agumon: He rocks!!
Veemon: Gatomon rocks!!
Gatomon: *blushes*

*Some guys in dark clothing and leather masks start walking on the stage, one of them shoves Matt off the stage*
One of the masked men: *get the fuck off the stage little bitch!!*

Tai: Who are those guys?
Agumon: Oh man that has to hurt.
Kari: Why are they doing this?

*Slipknot takes over the stage and starts their concert*

Davis; Damn Matts band just got owned
Agumon - What, what!?
Agumon - NOOOOOOOOO!!!
Kari - *sweat drop* You and your stomach...
Rocket: I was gonna save the world, but then i got high....

T.K.: I was gonna play the leader role, but i was high...

Patamon: Now the world's destroyed and i know why...

Megamon: Why man?

All: Because I got high, because i got high, because i got high.

Kari: And then he asks why he got cut from the series.

Rika: I love him anyway.

Gatomon: *snickers* That's classic.

Renamon: *covers face in embarrassment.* Why, Megamon, why?
DJ Rocket Wrote:Rocket: I was gonna save the world, but then i got high....

T.K.: I was gonna play the leader role, but i was high...

Patamon: Now the world's destroyed and i know why...

Megamon: Why man?

All: Because I got high, because i got high, because i got high.

Kari: And then he asks why he got cut from the series.

Rika: I love him anyway.

Gatomon: *snickers* That's classic.

Renamon: *covers face in embarrassment.* Why, Megamon, why?

It's been done.
Sorry, i ran out of ideas. :D :roll: Wink
Rika: Get ready!!! Walk all over him Renamon:
Renamon: *charges at Guilmon*
Takato: Why do we have to fight? Why cant we just get along?
Guilmon: *getting ready to defend*
Renamon: *as soon as she was about to hit Guilmon she felt something strange* Whats happening. *fairly large tits digitize from her chest, she turned back to Rika* What the hell kind of card did you use?!?!?!?
Rika: I didnt use any card...
Guilmon: *all dumbfounded, turns to takato* What kind of card is that?
Takato: I'm not sure Guilmon *shuffles through his cards*
Renamon: No matter..*she resumes her charge at Guilmon*
Guilmon: *back in defense stance*
Renamon: *getting ready to give Guilmon a swift kick, she cant seem to follow through with the kick. She looks back and her leg seems to be chained up* Rika whatever cards your using STOP USING THEM!!!
Rika: I'm not using any damn cards
*Renamons other three limbs become chained in mid-air*
Renamon: What the hell is going on!!
Guilmon: Oh you dont want to fight anymore..thats good *all of a sudden Guilmon begins to slide towards Renamon* Wh-Whats happening? *he moves closer and closer to Renamon until his face is smashed against her pussy*
Renamon: Get your nose out of there!!!
Guilmon (in a muffled voice): I-I cant *he tries to get away but cant*
Renamon: *looks up in the sky* What...Who the hell is that?

*Everyone looks up and sees some guy with what to seem like a grin on his face and a pencil in his hand*

Renamon: Evil You sick fuck!!! I hate you DaD people!!!!
Writer: so then after Davis cums into Kari it snaps him out ofMalomyotismon's fantasy!

Director: This is a kiddy show! What have you got?

Writer 2: Uhhh, how about Davis is immune?

Director: That'll work, you! *Turns to writer 1* You're fired!

Writer: Well forget you people then! I'm gonna go somewhere where my unique writing is appreciated!

Director: Yeah, good luck with that Red! HAHAHAH!!

Narrator: And thus, the legend was born.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad