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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
Rats! Mar cursed as he stared on Douse. "Seriously! You are such a coward you can't win a NetBattle by ambushing us you have to come to fight us with your Navi's body!" he said as he hilted the PET around his arm again after unplugging it. Unbeknown to others, PyroMan was still inside the Comp.

OOC: Oh, Gun, since Sir Grave posseses a Synchro Chip as well, if you make Wulvern get the CyBeast NOW, you will have the option of fusing either with the Beasted Out Wulvern or with the Normal Wulvern.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Allistair smiled and sat across from Yamaki. He cupped a glass of ice water still pooling in sweat and placed it on a dry coaster, tossing the menu aside. It had been three years since they worked on a case together. The last mission, securing Yamaki's Navi Kane, almost cost Auspex's deletion, due to the corageous stand against two Net Police Ops. After that they drifted apart; Yamaki in Brazil while Allistair stayed in the city.

"Too long old friend." Allistair said.

Yamaki cocked an eyebrow. "Isn't that what you said to Hawk just before you..." He wring his finger across his neck. "I hope your still not sore about Kane."

"He's not, but I am." Auspex chimed.

"Ah how are you Auspex?"

"Sore. Very sore. I'm still waiting for bug boy to thank me for giving him a Net op."

Yamaki's PET whirred. "And you're still not getting one."

"Hey! I got you a Net Op just like you begged for, so say it."


"Say it, you little bugger."

"I'm not a little bugger!" Kane shouted. "Don't get mad because my viruses are better than yours!"


"Would you two stop it already?" Allistair said. "Get along or we won't be going on this mission, which mean no custom battle chips Auspex."

"And no Bug Viruses, Kane." Yamaki chipped in.

"Bleh." The Navi's stuck their tongues out...
OOC: Uh- Okay- I don't know how though-


Wulvern reached the form of Suzaku- the firebird. "It's that thing again- I remember it from last time-" Wulvern thought to himself.

"Synchro Chip. Synchro Chip- There we go." Sir Grave casually searched his pockets. "Wulvern- I need to jack you off now-"

Wulvern sweatdropped. "You mean Jack-out!"

"It doesn't matter- I need you in my PET."

"But I just found this- thingy- and-" Wulvern stopped abruptly, writhing in pain. The Statue glowed- and merged it's data with wulvern.

Grave was either oblivious or he didn't carer. "Wulvern.EXE JackOut." He took his Navi back forcefully. "Great Scott- what happened to you?" He said- staring at the screen of his PET. That was NOT wulvern.
"COWARD!?" Douse shouted in rage, "You'll pay for that!" He aimed one of his water cannons towards Mar, "Battle chip! Bubble shot!" a large bubble shot out of his arm, heading at Mar.

"Look out!" Shadow tackled him out of the way, the attack colliding with the wall and leaving a large dent in it.

"You're only prolonging the inevitable. Hand over your PETs now and I'll let you live, otherwise I'll just take them from you by force!" He pointed his cannon at the two of them again, "Either way, I win."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar fell on ground and watched the dent in the wall, Mar gulped a bit, "Okay, now I know why PyroMan hates water so much. Wait-" he whispered a bit as he looked over his PET. Oh no... I didn't Jack PyroMan out!

OOC: Eheh n_n; Do you prefer to control both Yamaki and Kane, Marine?
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Sure, Let me just generate some things so I can get them off to the right start.
OOC: Right. You have the Mission Objetive, so it'll be easy for you to guess what you must do with them. Dismissed.

Edit from Shadowknight: This message will self-destruct in five posts. Because I like things going boom.

Edit: Edit: Make it three. AND GIVE ME MY DOUGHNUTS!

Edit: Edit: Edit: MY DOUGHNUTS!! and make it 2.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Grave had no choice- Wulvern or not- he had to do something. "Synchro Chip- Slot in!!" He inserted the chip, and his PET suddenly exploded with energy and pixelized, merginf with Sir Grave-

In his place, hovered a massive (Dangerous) bird-like thing.
Mar's eyes widened like plates as he saw the bird-like thing, "That's-" he remembered about what had happened last week, it seemed that same Bird Statue he had spotted before along with Shadow in the Pillar Comp. "Not good..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Shadow looked up at Sir. Grave, "Please tell me that's not a cybeast." He pleaded with no one.

"Fine it's a fluffy bunny you happy now!" Slash shouted.

"What," How could a cybeast have been right here the whole time? If they find out about this I'll be... I have to stop him Douse aimed both his arms at Sir. Grave's form, "Hydro cannon!" Two itnertwining torrents of water shot out at him.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad