Digiartists' Domain Community!
So Several Years ago... - Printable Version

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So Several Years ago... - NeoPatamonX - 07-11-2006

I used to be part of this website back when PinkAya was the admin, and I used to write lemons on a very regular basis. Now I've decided to come back to see how the scene has changed here. =P

Hello, my namd is NeoPatamonX, and I'm a lemon writter. Although I haven't actually pushed anything in a long time, I thought I might give it a shot if people were interested... the works displayd on this site are atleast 2-4 years old already o.o; So I think I could deliver something a lot better if I was given the motivation.

I'm mostly versed in season 1 and 2 only... I never really seen season 3 (though I am familuar with some of the digimon in it) and never touched season 4. This will probally reflect my writtings if I do any in the future as well.

So if all goes well, I'll be dropping a line and giving some more reading material to all of you ^_^.

- DragonMasterX - 07-11-2006

Wooo... a Patamon fan, cool. Welcome to the DaD, it's nice to meet you NPX, I hope you enjoy, and I'm dying of waiting to read those stories! PLEASE SUBMIT!!

- senjuro - 07-11-2006

Heya heya! Welcome! The more people we have contributing, the better this site'll be!

- Crimson Fox - 07-11-2006

Hi there, always nice to meet new people. Can't wait to read your stories. I hope you enjoy your stay here again and happy posting!

- NeoPatamonX - 07-11-2006

^_^; the stories are already up...they've been up for years now XD

- DragonMasterX - 07-11-2006

Lol, I knew I had read your Pen Name before! XD

Btw, nice avy, it's cool.

- NeoPatamonX - 07-11-2006

yay ^^; a fan already

yeah~ I've had this ever since AtK made it for me like, back in 2k1 o.o;; Its my character, Neo, the anthromorphic Patamon of yayness =3

- DrunkenMunkee - 07-11-2006

hi there! welcome back, hope ya have lots of good fun ^^

- Shirodramon - 07-11-2006

myumyu, hey Neo, nice to shee you here =3

- Aser - 07-11-2006

Hello I know your not "new", but welcome anyway.
