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Southern Cross - Printable Version

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- Shadowknight - 10-27-2006

Understood. Shadow stood back up as the connection was terminated, "Insect form huh, shouldn't be that hard to find." he walked out of the room, quickly looking both ways for anyone he recgonized or that would recgonize him, and then walked down the corridor, searching for the bug.


Hiro looked at the bike in awe, "I sure can," he said excitedly as he hopped onto it, "Don't worry, I'll bring her back in one piece." He said as he reved the motor and took off towards southern cross.

*Southern cross*

"The nerve, I know it's been awhile but forgetting my name? And then just running out on me, when I see him I'll give him a piece of my mind." Kit mumbled as she walked down the hallway towards the rooms. She spotted Colby walking down the hall, "Hey, you see Hiro come this way?" She shouted loudly to her.

- Kurtz - 10-27-2006

*Zerus' Room*

Zerus nodded. "That's just great, Yoosei..." He then picked up his pencil, and looked at Yoosei for a minute, before he lowered his muzzle down, and started to draw.

*Dusk Cave*

Rayzen, who had now been fully hit with an Ice attack, slid back in the cave, it's body now fully crystalized. With a huge roar, it slammed another wave of icicles, this time towards Mar.

- Yoosei - 10-27-2006

*Zerus' Room*

Her ears twitch slowly as well as the tip of her tails

- Casey the furry one - 10-27-2006

"Hiro left with Erne earlier," said Colby as she went down to the stairs to talk to silver.

"You move to slow you know that," said Kellie as she totally disrobed.

- Crimson Fox - 10-27-2006

Ada gasped as she saw Rayzen fire back some of the ice towards Mar, her magical reflexes took effect, her staff already glowing red. "Inferno Flare!" The fire and ice attacks canceled each other out in a cloud of steam in front of the dragon warrior. "You alright, Mar?"

- Shadowknight - 10-27-2006

"Oh, thanks anyway." Kit said, "Darnit, must've just missed him. Oh well, I'll be here when he gets back." She smiled a bit as she walked back to her own room, Must be something I can do till then, I could always do some training. She thought as she turned a corner towards the Mirage Room.

- Disturbed - 10-27-2006

"Oh wow and you stayed behind?" Silver wagged his tail franticly

"I...better go." Grimlock got up and started slowly walking in another direction.

Sedrick looked up at Colby "S-sorry." the imp said in a tiny voice

- Kurtz - 10-27-2006

Sir Ikonnen grinned, as suddenly his all his clothes dropped down, revealling his furry body. "Hm? You were saying? I'm not a leader without speed of my own."

*Zerus' Room*

"Well... if you want..." Zerus muttered, taking another glance at Yoosei, before putting his pencil back to the page again. "Or... there is something you could do..." He then blushed slightly, knowing his next question would be either quite embarrasing to her or quite sweet.

- Yoosei - 10-27-2006

*Zerus' Room*

She blinks and the smiles cutely to him

- Kurtz - 10-27-2006

*Zerus' Room*

Zerus took a deep sigh. "Uhm... would you mind if I could draw you.... undressed? At least then... I think... the drawing would... look more cuter..."