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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Printable Version

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RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 09-13-2009

Hunter tasted her blood, and he allowed the weakening girl's punch to connect. The hit didn't even faze him, and he waited for a few moments before pulling the sword out of Cassandra's body. He held the bloodied sword into the air. Victory has been taken. "WE ARE VICTORIES!" He screamed to the Heavens. Cheers came from the surviving soldiers, and Axel clapped his hands and smiled, his cloak bloodied and torn, but he was alive.

But there still laid challenges ahead, and Hunter wanted to do something important...

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Maero - 09-19-2009

As they all returned to the castle with their wounds and new slaves, their enourmous king disappeared and somehow returned to his throne room. As for Hunter, Alexander, Axle and the other heroes of the Saxon war, they were taken to their sick beds to rest and relax. Hunter was tended to in his own room so that he could have solitude when he wished it and stay near his daughter, who looked more and more like grace every day.

Cassandra's body and that of all the other fallen enemies were burnt outside the fortress. Her head and that of her lover were set on pikes before the gate, next to each other. A disgrace to such fine warrior, but at least they seemed at peace, having left this world for the next.

Alexander, as it was predicted, had to have his arm amputated, and although he remained one of the deadliest warriors, he could not longer hold his title as Champion. While he and the other rested in their rooms, A new champion was chosen to take his place, and soon after Alexander was evicted from his room and forced into a lesser apartment. He took as much wealth as he could with him, but compared to how long he had served his country and how bravely he had defended it, it was a thankless life ending in a thankless abandonment.

The new Champion, a young Saxon male known as Kathric, was a fiery spirited warrior, and although his skill was meager compared to Alexander's greatness in the past, he was now the greatest recognized warrior in the land of Saxon. He could be a great ally or enemy to Hunter, however he had yet to meet him so he could not know. Although Hunter could trust that Alexander would never had betrayed him, the next highest title was War Leader, and ambitious Kathric may seek it next, and if not him then the next champion.

Alexander now lived a small apartment away from the royal section of the castle where Hunter lived, nearer to the common folk. He took Neko with him and tried to comfort her as much as he could, but all the while he knew that his life was over. He knew this because he was an elf who had lived among Saxons for years beyond counting, and even expected hunter to abandon him, as all other war leaders would. He did not resent Hunter for this, nor did he hate the Saxons for leaving him as such. He could no more blame them then he could blame wolves for being vicious or the wind for whistling sorrowfully.

He kept Neko with him because he wanted to treasure the time he had left with her, which he knew would not be long. Maybe he could have spent a few years left with her if he spent his wealth wisely and sparingly, but in the very end, as everyone had always known, as Alexander had knew, he was not a Saxon, but an elf. And so he took what wealth he had left and spent it all on Angelo slaves, all those that remained. He then had them delivered to Hunter, to do with them as he pleased.

If nothing changed afterward, he would give up Neko to Axle and try to live out his life as best he could, gathering supplies in whatever shack he could call home until he was finally able to attempt to leave Saxon for another place. If this happened, it would take years, and he would be, in the end, forced to leave in the dead of winter, and he would die only forty miles from the Saxon castle, consumed by the snow and frozen perfectly until spring, when he would thaw and wolves would feast upon his flesh.

Mickal would continue business as usual, he was a pure bred Saxon and cared little for the plight of a has been champion. His alchemical fairy, created from Serenity's power, would forever live as his slave, and would grow into her role, and the screams would fade from his home.

Serenity herself would live with her master, happily doing his bidding when he returned. Even if Axle began to mistreat her like the bandits had or worse, she would always be by his side. And if he did not beat, or menace her, she would bear him a child, and she would allow him to name his new born son.

As for Hunter, War Leader of the Saxon, his kind was extremely long lived, and this, though perhaps his most eventful or meaningful chapter in his life, was far from the last. His future stretched far out after this and it was his own to make. Unlike the unlucky champion, he would be able to retire in glory and live his life in luxury with his daughter if he wished, whose fate was completely in his hands.

In a way, Hunter could control every ones fate in one way or another. He could save Alexander from his own people. He could turn his daughter into yet another slave, and perhaps even breed her and create a race of perfect, beautiful slaves, all born with Grace's divine blood. He could shelter the Angelo that he would find huddled around his door, or simply abandon them as a lost race of people. He made his future, and he could make, or destroy the future of nearly all the others. It was all in his hands...What would he do? What would he make of his legacy?

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 09-19-2009

Hunter was silent as his wounds were healed. He would wait for an hour, maybe one and half, before suddenly walking out of his room, and going back to the battle field. He found the heads of Cassandra, and her lover, impaled by spikes and disgraced. he pulled them out of the weapons, and threw them on to the fire, burning them. He then recited a prayer, not of Saxon nature, but a more diverse one. "May they rest in peace," he whispered as the flames burned their remains. They deserved not to be disgraced.

And if anyone thought bad of him for this action, he would punish them severely.

As the years moved by, Hunter heard of the new Champion and hated the thought. Alexander was like a brother, an ally, and friend. He trusted the old Champion, but this one....He would have a hard time accepting him.

Neko went with her Papa, not caring about her bed, or clothes. She just needed her Papa. He was her bed, her life, her warmth, her world. She would never leave him.

Despite what he believed, Hunter never abandoned his friend. He would visit on a regular basis, and if anyone spoke bad about the mighty warrior, and friend, he would be quick to put them in their place. He would donate fractions of his great riches to his friend, and tried to give Alexander the best life he could take.

With Grace no longer with him, he was fine with a common, ordinary room and bed, keeping the rest of his vast wealth hidden, just in case of emergencies. He saw no point in taking a new sex slave. His heart was with Grace, and he would never find a replacement for her.

One day, he would find all the remaining Angelo slaves at his home, and remembered Grace. He would soon treat them as best he could treat his slaves, ensuring they were in health, fileld with good food, and comfortable as they acted as his maids and servants. When asked why he did this, the answer would vary. If a slave asked, he would say, "I made a promise." If a fellow Saxon asked, he would say, "They are my slaves, and I will do what I please with them."

He also tried to give Alexander a place as a Strategist, and would fight hard for his friend. He argued that Alexander still had a cunning mind, and shouldn't matter what race he was. His mind was strong, and that was what counted.

Serenity was continued to be treated well, and with love by her Master. The powerful warlock used her as both a lover, and assistant. When she gave birth to their child, he would name him Dante Alexander Blade, in honor of the former champion.

Alex's daughter, Amy, was protected and cared for, as Hunter tried his best to keep her safe. He stayed with her always, and tried to teach her not just war, but history. He was kind to her, and loving as well. He was all he had from Grace. His only piece of her left. He would make sure she was happy, and safe. Still though, he was always with her as she grew, or atleast tried to be, making sure no man or woman tried to take advantage of her.

Finally, Alexander, Axle, Serenity, and Neko would find invitations from Hunter. They followed the map, and came upon a large wreck of a castle. It was mostly rubble, and the area around it was barren. They would find Hunter, with Amy in a wickerbasket on the side, who stood in front of a amazing sight.

He had made a large statue of Grace, and had done his best to match her beauty in stone. It was then the Saxon warriors would recognize this place as the Angelo castle, or rather what remained of it.

May All Angelos Find Peace In Their Afterlife the plaque on the bottom of the statue said, in gold. Hunter stood before it, before falling to his knees, and tears falling from his eyes. "I will always love you, Grace," he whispered, before letting out a mighty roar of anger, sorrow, and pain.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Maero - 09-19-2009


Thanks to Hunter's help, and eventually an order from the king himself, Alexander became a strategist, and eventually became the best of them, and the one that always directly consulted with Hunter. Thanks to this his wealth was maintained, his home mostly unchanged, and Neko was able to stay with him.

So it was with great sorrow that Alexander watched his oldest friend break down before the statue. It was not prefect, Hunter could only do so much on his own and mortals could only try so hard to imitate Grace's perfection, but for who he was and who that statue was supposed to be, it was good. Amy began to cry in her basket and Serenity hugged Axle tightly.

Suddenly, a great wind swept over them, and like sheering blades, began to cut the statue up. At first it seemed that the statue would be destroyed, but somehow it managed to remain upright. Whats more, when the dust cleared, the Statue, though diminished in size, looked exactly like Grace, and in place of white stone, the entire thing was made of clear unblemished daimond with sapphire eyes. So pure was the new visage that you could almost see through her completely, like a glass statue. But she would remain forever.

And then the win returned and blew up the statue into Hunter's face, and he could feel soft, delicate hands cup his chin and tilt his head up. And then the light touch of pure lips against his own, the embrace growing around his head, the warmth of Grace's arms encircling him. And then it was gone, like the wind, like the Angelo, like Grace. And Amy stopped crying and fell into peaceful sleep.

*Years later*

Alexander had, as time went by, become something of a god father to young Amy, and per request, taught her ethics, which he was exceedingly good at. As such, a measure of Grace's purity was preserved in Amy. Sheltered by Hunter, and zealously protected by those loyal to him, she would have grown spoiled and rotten had Alexander not helped balance her out. "Love can kill to Hunter." He would tell the war leader, and began to teach Amy fencing, to toughen her up and teach her discipline.

The remaining Angelo slaves would tell her tails of her mother and former country, but, fearing Hunter's Ire, never spoke of their falling or of Grace's capture. She wondered for many years what had happened. She knew that the Angelo had fallen, and that the Saxon had conquered them, but knew nothing of her mother during that time. She didnt know that Grace was tortured or raped, or even that for awhile she was subjected to mind control. Hunter would be the only person to tell her anything of Grace during her stay with the Saxon.

Dante became a great Warlock, even more powerful then his father. His mother's fairy blood made him much more potent at magic casting than any other wizard to exist in the Saxon kingdom, and when, at the age of seventeen, he decided to travel the world, he took on the guise of an old man and nicknamed him self Merlin, and it is know that he accomplished great things.

Alexander never aged, not physically, but like Grace, Hunter would see him slowly fading. Without battle Alexander had nothing that tied him to the Saxon, not really. He stayed happy and healthy for Neko, but he would outlive her as well. In that time, in an attempt to avoid Grace's fate, Alexander would leave Saxon a wealthy man, and search the world for what would make him whole. But that was many many years into the future, and as long as he had Neko, he had health.

The Saxon kingdom would fall eventually, having made far to many enemies. Many times in hunter's life time he was challenged by the new warrior queen of the barbarians, Jessilie, Cassandra's youngest sister, who was born only ten years before Hunter killed her. She was a fierce warrior, and the blows the exchanged were legendary.

Some times Hunter would best her, and some times she would best him. Her clever mind always left back up plans that always insured her escape, or at least her exchange. Several time she was captured by the Saxon, and each time they were forced to release her eventually on some kind of deal. Then there would be a week of piece, and then one or the other would start another war.

(this part is optional, its up to you if its "cannon" or not)

Although Hunter and Jessilie were fierce enemies, in Jessilies captures they became fierce lovers. Jessilies had a fetish for tentacled bondage, and her young body and fiery spirit attracted Hunter's attentions. Hunter was her first, and the first time they made love, it was Hunter as he had done with Cassandra. Then came the second time, and again Jessilies resisted. The third time she reluctantly was cooperative. The forth time was not so different. But by the sixth time, whenever she was captured, they made fierce love, mutually shared between them.

Although Jessilies was no Grace by far, her warrior's spirit, fierce battle forms and strategic genius attracted a side of Hunter that Grace could never satisfy. Although the Saxon in Hunter lusted for domination and slavery, which he had been able to satisfy with Grace, as well as his unusual need for her purity and kindness, the Saxon in him Loved only that which reflected strength, feral beauty, and conflict. Jessiries was the same, and even as they tried to kill each other they respected and secretly loved each other.

(End of optional section)

Long after death of Hunter, Alexander's departure, and the rise and fall of Merlin, fate finally had its way with the cruel Saxons, and they destroyed each other in a civil war. Those who were left were the slaves, and with no masters they would have been lost were it not for their prophet, a strange, one armed old man. He led them away from the saxon lands, which were choked and poisoned with blood. Instead he took them farther west until they came upon a great ancient mound. He had them clear it away, and when they did they found the perfect foundations to build a new castle, and a new way of life. The castle itself was build around the Statue of a goddess, which they had found within the great earthen mount.

They called her Irraddil, the goddess of the grace, beauty, and the merciful hunt. They saw her as both a goddess of beauty, mercy, and hunting due to her perfect purity, her merciful, soft expression which held no hate nor grudge, and because of the large and vicious looking wolf which lay at her feet, defensively curled around as it slept. They worshiped them with their other gods, and from that race, that civilization, grew an empire of peace and health, growing outward in every direction and becoming a world power the likes of which had never been seen.

Strangely, they always had a matriarch, their queen, who was born of a long line of leaders. Always the heir led, and always she led fairly and mercifully, her hair a pure gold, her eyes brilliant as the sky, her skin soft and white as snow, and always her lover was by her side. Always her lover became her guardian and general, defending her and their country.

Although wolf kin were nearly extinct, several other races emerged and many were taken as lovers to the queens. But although they varied, and the circumstance of their marriage was not always favorable, they were always nearly the same. Crude, rough, almost evil and completely immortal. And yet, never did one betray his queen, and when they died and passed the crown to the next leaders of the country, they always did so in each others arms, dying in love as they had lived always, even if secretly, in love.

And all along a lone man watched as each successor came and went, offering help when needed and simply observing when he was not. It was amazing, even for him, to imagine that something would actually out live him through age. The strange Curse of Hunter the Saxon, and the Blessing of Grace the Angelo, which seemed forever locked in absolute balance. And when he looked up he could see them reach out to one another in the stars, but it was only here on the earth that they touched.

(Feel free to add or subtract whatever you want from the story)

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 09-19-2009

Neko held Alexander's hand, and frowned as she saw Hunter break down. The wolfman watched as the statue was improved, and looked more like the real thing. He smiled sadly, as his chin was gently moved up by a pair of hands. "You're watching me, aren't you Grace?" he asked, and in response, felt a familiar soft set of lips kiss him. "I will always love you..." he whispered as the kiss ended, smiling.

Neko loved her Papa, and she stayed with him until the day she died. She grew up into quite the beautiful woman, and as long as she had her Master, she was happy. She was ever loyal, and eventually the two had a children, twins, both boys. If Neko was allowed to, she would call the older boy Silver and the younger one, Zero.

While Silver was harsh, Zero was kind, while Silver was smart, Zero was lazy. While Silver was a warrior of pain, Zero was a writer of pleasure. They were both very different, yet the same in some aspects. When the two reached the age of eighteen, they ventured off together, intent on starting a harem between the two, with Silver in charge of disciplining slaves, and Zero in charge of helping slaves enjoy their role.

Axle was proud of his son, and he bid him luck. The boy was powerful, and wise beyond his years. He had told his son to follow only one rule in his life. "Return favors." Meaning, if someone saved you, return the favor. Someone doesn't hold back, don't hold back. Return favors.

As for Jessilie, Hunter found her....amusing, and a good source of excitement, but she was no Grace. Still, this did not stop him from finding a....animal like love to her. It was no where near the obsession he had with Grace, but she was still a good fling.

Still though, before he could go to her, he would pray to Grace, and look for a sign that said she would be okay with him being in bed with another. If he found a sign of acceptance, he would have a certain level of respect and love to Jessilie.

Hunter would die in his sleep, and many believed that it was because death would have to fight Hunter before he was taken away. Neko would die of old age, and though she was a loyal lover and pet, she died in her sleep, painlessly and expected. Her last words were, "I love you Papa."

Axle used magic to keep himself alive, and he and Serenity left the Saxon with the death of Hunter. They traveled the world, learning much about magics of all kind. He also left a card for Mickal. Maybe we'll find out who is better, another day

They say a story was made of the two lovers. Details were altered, and much seemed to change, but the story became well known, and if one knew the whole story, one could see the similarities. It spoke of a horrible man, cursed to be as ugly outside as he was twisted inside. He would live alone in his kingdom, his few loyal servants serving him, despite his disgusting appearance. Then came a beautiful woman, who was lost. The evil man saw her, and captured her, taking her deep within his castle. He would treat her as his slave, his woman, and many would believe this story would have an unhappy ending.

They were wrong.

As time passed, the evil man soon found himself in love with the beauty, and began to treat her better. He asked for the woman to help him, teach him love and kindness, as such things were foreign to him. Finally, after years of slowly falling in love, the two married, both mutually happy and in love, and the evil man became as handsome as he was on the inside. They called this story, Beauty and the Beast, and it would go down in history, as a tale as old as time...