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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Printable Version

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RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 09-03-2009

Hunter smiled as he saw his old friend fighting the enemy. Count it on Alexander to do things right he thought, and watched the Champion decimate the enemy with the cavalry and his horse. He looked back and held his sword and his armor glowed bright red. He felt his heart ache, he felt his daughter cry, he felt the heaven's call to him. "Are you watching, Grace? I still love you," he whispered to himself, his eyes closed. His eyes suddenly open, and he jumped off the castle walls and landed on his feet. CHARGE!" he screamed, as the gates opened and the rest of the Saxon troops charged forward, to close the mouth of the Saxon attack.

As for the beast...At first nothing appeared. Then a mighty roar could be heard. Then another. And another. And another. If Alexander looked to the sky, he could see amazing sight.

A snake, a lion, a dragon, and a goat all flew down and landed on the ground. It was a Chimera! The enemy would be filled with fear! Long, long ago, in ancient times, Chimeras were numerous, and they were the most aggressive animal known at the time. They would destroy entire kingdoms in days, and so every kingdom in the land aligned itself. Saxon, Angelo, Barbarian, and all the others worked together in the Chimera Wars.

It was a war against the angry, and dangerous species, and finally it was over after five years of hunting. Many died, and some Kingdoms were destroyed from the land. A majority of Chimera were killed, but legend had it that some lived. This was one of them.

It was huge in size, almost as big as the castle, with a large snake for a tail, three massive heads, one of a goat, another of a lion, and the last of a dragon. It's body was half goat, and half tiger, and the heads were attacking madly. The dragon shot fire out of it's mouth, the snake would bite with it's large fangs, that were filled with venom, the goat pierced the enemy troops with it's horns, and the lion would roar and bite with it's sharp teeth, gobbiling up the enemy.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Maero - 09-05-2009

The Saxon forces clashed with the disorganized forces of their enemies and, for many minutes, they were winning. But suddenly horns could be heard in the distance and the sun suddenly became blackened. The fighting seemed to stop as all paused to look at the strange phenomenon. It was as if the sun was dimming and becoming darker and darker. Alexander's eyes widened and he jumped off his horse, grabbing a fallen warrior's shield and holding it over his head. "Arrows!" He cried out in warning a few seconds before the first few hit the ground, slicing deep into Saxon flesh. And then came the onslaught.

for those who were quick enough to grab a shield and put it over their heads, the rain would only wound them at best,but for the majority of both armies, the feathered hail meant certain death. Saxon and Frank fell as one as the seemingly never ending down pour of steel and wood pounded against them, slaughtering both armies indiscriminately.

Finally the last arrow fell and the damage was displayed for all to see. A full quarter of the saxon force had been felled and most of the survivors were wounded. The Frankish army was decimated and those who still lived, took flight in every direction. the battle field was suddenly a huge field of black wheat, so dense were the dark Britannian arrows that covered the battle field. Everything was covered in them, and walking by itself meant having to force your way through the dense new forest of steel and dark wood.

In the distance the horns sounded again and the britantian army approached, sensing a weakened enemy and easy prey. Alexander rose and looked at Hunter. It was his call, did they retreat in the face of those who killed Grace and perhaps live another day or stand and fight despite their numbers and wounded and Die like real Saxons. It was his call, Hunter could choose between a losing Siege or a slaughter.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 09-05-2009

Hunter grabbed a shield, and he rose it to defend himself, and did his best to save his own troops. His powerful armor protected him greatly, and he stood proudly. He threw the shield to the ground and grabbed the last arrow in his hand and threw it aside. He saw the army approach, he heard the roar of the horns, he held his sword tight.

"Those of you who are not true Saxon, act like it. Leave now. I will hold no anger. But those of you who are True Saxon, stand by me..." he looked at Alexander, and saw the mage Axel nearby. "And fight!" he screamed, and ran towards his doom. If I die, I die fighting those who took you away Grace! "For the Saxon Kingdom!" he declared. For Grace...For the Angelos....For all!

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Maero - 09-09-2009

Alexander rose and charged after his fearless leader, as did the bulk of the army behind them. And suddenly a bombing voice was heard across the battlefield. "Well said Saxon war leader. You have inspired me to defend my little fiefdom and allow you mortals under me to live awhile longer." Alexander was not the source, nor was Axle, or Mickal. The voice was deep and ancient, like the sound of boulders crushing deep beneath the earth. The gates to the Saxon caste, once closed, flew open and an ominous mist began to drift out from the mouth of the fortress.

Alexander dropped his sword and fell to his knees. "The king is coming." he said in a whisper. He repeated himself again, louder this time. "The king is coming! The king of the Saxon nations has risen!" All began to fall to their knees, as a form appeared at the gates, and slowly exited the fog. A scrawny Saxon squire exited the mist, his back to the army as he stumbled away from something, so frightened that hunter could nearly smell his fear from where he stood. And suddenly, a shadow, enourmous and dark, blasted forth from the castle, not through the gates however, but out the top, through the courtyard.

The mighty presence rose into the air, faster than any arrow and larger than even the chimera itself. The sun was eclipsed by the form of the Saxon king, and a mighty roar blasted forth from him, his form still obscured in his own shadow. The roar carried with the scent of blood, gore and painful death, and even as the roar itself deafened all who heard it with its might, the screams of a million fallen still managed to crawl within the skull of everyone who bore witness to that shadow and heard the terrible sound.

To Saxons, it was awe inspiring, a creature so powerful that death itself bowed to it was their king, and they salvation. It filled them with zeal and moral and even those who ran away before came back now, ready to fight. But for the enemy it had the opposite effect, and the barbarian army that had so eagerly charged after a wounded foe, turned tail and ran from the terrible new opponent. But they could not escape.

Fire rained down on their army and scattered them like roaches. the Saxons were quickly on them, and a fierce slaughter was joined. But this battle was far from over and Frankish reinforcement arrived on the battlefield. Even as fire rained from the sky in a hail of death, they charged on to reinforce their kin. The remaining force of the Franks, and the Frankish General took heart and called all their forces to a halt. "Send forth the Drake Stormers!" He shouted, knowing that the Drake stormers, most powerful and skilled of all Frankish warriors, astride mighty Golden Drakes, had never been defeated in battle. "Be he man or monster he will die all the same!" The general yelled as the Drake Stormer Knights, all of them, charged up into the air, riding their mounts into the sun, intent on slaying the Saxon king where no one could help him.

Bolts of golden lightening soared up at the shadow that was the Saxon leader, and the shadow faltered, and the rain of fire ended. The riders continued to fire into the shadow, believing that they were killing the creature, whatever it was. Suddenly, a deep rumbling laugh shook the earth, and the Saxon king flapped his wings as fire exploded from his muzzle, showing all who and what he was for the first time. The fire devoured the riders one by one, and as soon as they all fell from the sky as ash, he turned his flames on to the Franks. All fled, none, escaped. All that was left now was to wipe up the barbarians and finish what they had started.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 09-09-2009

Hunter bowed before the mighty Saxon King and smiled as the mighty dragon. He charged forward into the warzone, chopping and killing any who stood in his way. This was it. The final battle. The end to this chapter. It would end with life, or death. "Grace...This is for you," he whispered as he tore through the flesh of his enemies.

Axel shot spell after spell, and blasted away a dozen arrows back to where they came. He ran beside his War Leader, and the two came to Alexander.

"Alexander, the time has come," Hunter said. "Let us take vengeance. For the Saxon Kingdom," he growled as he led the charge to the barbarians. For Grace! he roared as he charged into battle, not even caring if Axel or Alexander followed.

"No use letting him have all the fun," Axel said, before charging forward, with the Chimera following after to the Barbarians.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Maero - 09-10-2009

The rest of the battle was sheer slaughter and those who were not killed were taken as slaves. "Well done War leader, bards will sing of this day for years to come." Congratulated Alexander as he walked up next to Hunter. His right arm was limp, and the broken shaft of a spear still remained in his shoulder. The wound was grievous, and his arm was covered in blood. "Your own wounds do not seem so bad." He commented. "Your wrath made you to furious a target to harm." He smiled at Hunter and patted his shoulder with his good arm, but behind his smile he hid a deeper wound, one that Hunter would probably understand.

The spear lodged in Alexander's shoulder was a near fatal wound do to all the arteries and veins there. He had managed to clot the wound but the damage was done. Alexander would never fight another battle, and there was little room in Saxon society for a crippled Champion. After the thrill of the battle was over and life began to start anew for the Saxons, they would find a new champion, and Alexander would be evicted from his home. His deadened arm would not allow him to black smith or properly train soldiers, and so he would appeal to become a strategist, which would work if he wasnt an Elf. No Elf had ever joined the strategy council, and thus his chances were slim at best.

After that there was no telling what would happen to him. Alexander was a warrior, not a farmer or anything else, and despite his wisdom and talents, he would not do well as a civilian, much less an Elven one. Since he was the champion, at least at one time, he would more than likely escape slavery, but his future was dim indeed. If worst came to worst, he would give Neko back to Axle and do what he could to survive.

But Alexander was not going to ruin the moment of victory with his own dim future, and he did not trouble himself with it. Although he may one day be a homeless elf on the cold Saxon streets, for now he was still the champion, still a warrior, and he was going to savor his victory.

As Hunter survived the battle field, a troop of Saxon would march up to him and toss a bloodied, limp form in front of him. What at first appeared to be just another corpse turned out to be Cassandra, queen of the Brits, and Grace's murderer. Even more amazing was the fact that she was alive, and if Hunter took a sniff, he would smell that most of that blood was not hers. But still she lay limp before him where she had been tossed, conscious and alive, but clearly deeply wounded, not in her flesh but in her heart.

The answer was clear when another Saxon tossed the disembodied head of Cassandra's top general and lover onto the ground next to her. "We saw what she did to you, and so we took a little vengeance for you sir, and we brought her to you to do with as you please." They said, bowing down. In truth they had found Cassandra and her lover in a ring of bodies. Cassandra was restrained and forced to watch as the Saxons cut off her beloved's head while she was still alive. Hunter had seen Grace's death, and as terrible as it was, she did not feel pain nor fear in her last moment, so swift was Cassandra's arrow. Knowing the pain from that, Hunter could probably imagine how Cassandra felt, helpless, defeated, and forced to watch her loved one be beheaded before her eyes while she still lived.

Cassandra lay silently before the war leader, bloodied, nude and heart broken, awaiting whatever punishment was to come from Hunter, scarcely caring about her own life any longer. Hunter now had a shot at some sort of cheap vengeance, but was there anything left for him to do?

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 09-10-2009

Hunter watched as Alexander walked off, and he let out a sigh. His armor was chipped, and his helmet was damaged, but he lived with no long lasting wounds. His armor returned to it's more grunt, weaker form and he surveyed the war field.

A group of soldiers brought Cassandra to him, and then he saw the sliced head of her lover. "Very good. Now leave us. I want to talk to her privately," he ordered, and if the soldiers obeyed and left, the wolf kin bended down on his knee. "Cassandra..." he whispered.

"I know. I know how you feel. The pain and sorrow. I know how it hurts, and breaks the heart. I should hate you for what you did to me, but you have suffered enough. I give you, one last gift. A painless death. I hope you will find peace with your lover, as I hope I will one day find with Grace. If you have any last words, please, say them now. If you want to think back, do it now. I will wait. Tell me when you are ready."

And with that, he waited. When she said she was ready, she would feel his sword pierce her heart, killing her swiftly and silently. "Goodbye, Cassandra," he whispered.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Maero - 09-13-2009

Cassandra shuddered and began to rise. "P-Please..." she said with trembling lips as she got on her knees. "Sp-Spare me..." she begged him. "I d-d-do not want a p-painless death." She coughed, rising to her feet slowly if allowed to. "Instead, gr-grant me a warrior's death." She said, trying to take on some semblance of fighting stance, still naked and unarmed, her limbs trembling for the exertion, her eyes unfocused and blood shot. Even now, at the edge of utter despair and in the wake of complete and total defeat, she stood and fought. Not once did the thought of an actual victory cross her mind, but if she was to die, she would die standing.

"Slay me the same way you slew my warriors." She said, spitting to the side. "With skill, with furry." Her eyes narrowed. "Without mercy. We are both warrior's hunter, it is how we have lived, and how we should die. I will take a painful death in battle over a painless once in surrender any day."

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 09-13-2009

Hunter looked at Cassandra, with a twist of surprise and admiration. "Are you sure?" he asked, though he already knew. If he was in her position, he would probably want the same. To die fighting. "Then let our duel, begin," he growled, and his armor transformed into it's more powerful, armored form. He held his sword and held it tight. "You have my admiration, Cassandra of the Britannians. In a perfect world, you and I may have been friends," he commented, before charging forward, and attempting to pierce Cassandra's heart with his sword. "FOR THE SAXON KINGDOM!" FOR GRACE!

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Maero - 09-13-2009

Cassandra nodded and waited for him to come at her, probably because if she tried to take even a single step in her condition she would probably fall over and be unable to stand again. She grit her teeth as Hunter charged her and, showing surprising will power, dodged to the side and managed to get around his blade. But she was wounded and tired, not to mention heart broken, and her movement came a second to late. Hunter's blade tasted blood as it nicked her deeply just under her right breast. The wound hit her lung and soon it would start to fill with blood. Already the former queen was starting to gasp.

Sensing she had only moment before her body completely gave up and tumbled helplessly to the ground, She released what little breath she had in a cry of pain, loss and battle as she charged at Hunter's flank and punched out, aiming for his face. But her steps were unbalanced, her muscles lacked air and rest, and her body was bleeding out and in at the same time. She died in the attempt, even before she was able to see if her punch landed or missed or was blocked.

The corpse of Queen Cassandra of the Britannians fell to the ground, her last sight being Hunter as she tried to land one last punch.