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RE: Beyblade X X X - DerrlisRevived - 10-28-2008

Tyson stiffled a chuckle at Max's previous behavior, but flushed furiously at the 'sucking' statement, trying to avert his eyes from the two Russians.

Rick also turned beet-red, and quickly threw Max over his shoulder while charing up the stairs, muttering 'shut up, shut up, shut up' to anyone who cared to listen.

Tyson coughed to break the uncomfterble silence. "So, Hiro, are you stayin the night too, or do you have a hotel booked?" He said, looking up at his brother with a weird expression.

RE: Beyblade X X X - GuilmonForever - 10-28-2008

Max eeped as he was lifted over the other's shoulder. "Help me! I am being kidnapped by the scary, loud American!" he yelled while he was carried off by the other to his room.

Hiro watched the two head upstairs before looking at Tyson with a slightly softer expression. "Grandpa already offered me to stay yesterday, I'll probably be staying for a few weeks Tyson, I need to get you and the other's back into training."

Jaydon just watched silently, unable to really say anything since he was, to put it bluntly, the new kid and not really able to keep up with everyone so he shyly sat there, his legs crossed and blinking rather cluelessly.

RE: Beyblade X X X - Frisk E. Coyote - 10-28-2008

Rei noticed Jaydon and thumped him on the back playfully. "Once again, we're not normally like this. Okay, maybe sometimes minus the underage drinking and random big guys carrying Max off. Chill out a little. How'd you get here, in Japan I mean?" He asked curiously.

Kai merely sighed dully and sat himself down near the table. He wanted to talk to Jaydon, he did, really, he just didn't exactly know the words to use. Maybe Rei would get Jaydon a little calmer and easier to talk to, he could strike up a light conversation and work his way to their relationship. Hi, I'm the Team Captain, Kai. Oh, I'm also your long lost brother! Isn't that neat?

Kai shook his head in frustration. Mull the words over just a little more.

RE: Beyblade X X X - GuilmonForever - 10-28-2008

Jaydon blinked slightly in suprise at Rei's playfull pat but ended up smiling anyway and nodding. "I believe you, I do" he promised, but the quetsion brought the smile to an end and he looked deep in thought. "To be honest, I just did what I could, I got on trains, I hiked, I even managed to sneak onto a boat...I don't know even why I came...it was shortly after I got this beyblade...something just pulled me towards Japan, I can't even explain it, I've lived most of my life in the dark about my past and something told me to come here...that I would find answers somewhere here."

"How did you get your beyblade?" asked Diachi curiously as he hopped up on one of the chairs, clearly intruiged.

"Well...I used to live on the streets in Moscow, mainly begging with the other street kids when they showed me beyblades, for some reason, I had a nack for it, even on my first try" he smiled, it seemed he was unaware of his years in the abbey.

"You had to beg?" asked a clearly upset Diachi. Jaydon gave a soft, reassuring smile. "It was just what you had to do to survive."

"And your bit beast?" asked Diachi, trying to steer the conversation elsewhere.

"That...has never happened before...it was weird, I always felt a presence but...never had I seen it before..." he trailed off slowly.

RE: Beyblade X X X - Frisk E. Coyote - 10-28-2008

Rei nodded solemnly."That's sad... where do you live nowadays? And... how'd you meet Chairman Hiro?" He asked. The Chinese blader was intrigued by the new kid, and he tinkered with the tip of his long tied hair while he listened.

Kai had his back turned against his brother, eyes shadowed, he bit the corner of his lip in frustration. He himself lived on the streets with his old Beyblading gang, but the thought of poor Jaydon starving, without Kai there to help him out no less. He felt like a terrible big brother.

RE: Beyblade X X X - DerrlisRevived - 10-28-2008

Tyson looked down at the ground. "Oh." He mentaly shook his head. "Well, I think I'm gonna head off to bed. You guys don't scare the new kid too much, 'k?" He looked at the new kid, then at Kai, maybe for a longer amount of time needed on both counts, and headed off to his room.

Rick lightly laid Max down on the bed, somewhat confused. He had been out with friends and drinking, but usually he was the one who ended up like Max. "Max, I think you need to go to sleep."

RE: Beyblade X X X - GuilmonForever - 11-02-2008

"Awww come on Tyson! Why would we scare the new kid!? We are perfectly lovley!" yelled Diachi to the slowly retreating Tyson.

"Goodnight" smiled Jaydon before blinking and looking from Rei to Hiro, who was currently sitting on the couch, his arms folded and his eyes closed. "Well...this is my first day in Japan and Hiro well...this kid was bullying this kid and trashing his blade...so I stepped in and challenged him to a battle, Hiro saw my battle with the bully and after I won, told me to come down to the premilieries.."

Max grinned widley and giggled as he pressed one of his warm fingers to Rick's lips as he spoke. "Shhh you speak too much!" he giggled goofilly and leaned in, pressing his wet, warm and rather soft lips to Rick's rough ones in a soft, slow kiss before breaking it with a wider grin. "Seee! Betttteer!"

RE: Beyblade X X X - DerrlisRevived - 11-03-2008

Tyson waved his hand in a neutral manner without looking back. "G'night, everyone" he said, retreating to his room. Once there, he simply sat on his bed, and buried his head into his hands. "Why is he here? What possible reason does he have to be here!? Aaarhgh!"

Rick stood there, frozen, his mind reeling. One thought stood out in priority over all the other's, though. "Max, you're drunk, so... just take it easy, okay?" he said, concern laced into his voice. It wasn't because he liked the kid, he just....

RE: Beyblade X X X - GuilmonForever - 11-03-2008

Max grin only widened and he giggled once more. "Aww, the big strong American is concerned, don't be such a drama king!" he stated, apparently getting the name wrong as he playfully tugged on Rick's jacket, causing it to fall off and his sleeveless top to show, causing Max's grin to widen as his slim, soft fingers traveled down the rock, hard arms.

"Besides, who says I want it taken easy?" he slurred as he tugged at Rick's sleeveless top and forced the other on top of him as their lips met once more, this time, Max's arms laching around Rick's waist as he did so.

Jaydon blinked as he watched Tyson leave. "Is he okay?" he asked curiously.

"Tyson will be fine, he just has some questions, as I am sure all of you do" stated Hiro.

RE: Beyblade X X X - Frisk E. Coyote - 11-03-2008

Kai listened to his brother's story intently, stoic and unnervingly silent. Rei was also intrigued by their newest teammate's story. "Hiro you sly son of a gun." The Chinese blader laughed. "Who knows we needed new blood around here." He added, his eyes golden flitting over to Daichi momentarily as if accusing him.

Kai finally stopped looking at his brother and moved on to Hiro. "And I take it you've got all the answers." He stated bluntly, crossing his arms.