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Digimon Protectors - Printable Version

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- Yoosei - 09-27-2006

OOC: awie... can I join as Yamato Ishida and Gabumon?

- xvdjdamienstryker - 09-27-2006

OOC: we're welcoming anyone who is interested in joining^_^

- Lord Patamon - 09-27-2006

TK:Gatomon is right Kari, you aren't okay, the Kari we all know and love... the Kari I care a lot about is a happy girl that doesn't give up *hugs her close and looks at her* please Kari I know the real you is still some where inside you, let her return to me, to us.....

Patamon:*stands besides Gatomon and looks at Kari* yeah, Kari you can't let whoever did that to you win, we have passed through worse things and we still won, so you can win this one too!

- xvdjdamienstryker - 09-27-2006

**TK's arms around Kari...his words.....his embrace...begins to work...though her deadpan remained some...a little of the old kari starts to surface..with one of her smiles....and tears begin to stream from her eyes...**

Kari (herself, tearfully...smiling):.....T...K........Thank you.... YvY

**the Area starts to get a little dark...as the window of the World of Darkness opens...with the silouettes of 2 evils appear... Dragomon....and..Daemon..**

Daemon:.....it is beginning......you cannot stop it....this Digidestined..will be the key to our Victory!!

Dragomon: the time has come...and the DArk Breed will finally rise...

**Dark Breed? What is the Dark Breed?**

- Lord Patamon - 09-27-2006

TK:*smiles and kisses Kari forehead gently* you know you always can count with me Kari, you know you're the light, you have the crest of light and as long as there is light, darkness never gonna be able to overcome us

Patamon:*smiles* TK is right Kari *he noticed the area getting a little dark as he saw the window of the world of darkness getting open and seeing Daemon and Dragomon* TK! Guys look!

TK:*turns* Daemon and Dragomon?? *hears what they said and glares* Dark Breed? what are you talking about? and if you think we gonna let you use Kari you two are dead wrong!

Patamon:*glares* yeah!

- Gogglehead - 09-27-2006

Gennai glanced up at the dark gateway not knowing what to say. He could tell that this was not the same force that had sent Cyclomon, but was probaly the one who sent Cerberumon.

Inside the building Daisuke stood up with V-mon at his side.
"You okay Daisuke-kun?" The tiny blue dragon asked.
"Never better."Daisuke said giving his Digimon partner a thumbs up. But then the scene outside the window caught his eye. He dashed to the open door to get a better look.
"What the heck!?" He called out seeing the portal in the sky.

- Yoosei - 09-27-2006

Gabumon starts to nudge Yamato who is lying down on ground out cold from the sudden fall they both suffered suddenly through a weird portal.

Yamato: *slowly opens his eyes and sits down suddenly, rubbing the back of his head gently* owww

- Lady_Knight - 09-27-2006

"While it's good to see you again Azulongmon, can you tell me, who the heck are these two? And why are they looking at Kari like that?" Rika was genuinely confused.
"Um... Rika? Should I digivolve?" Renamon asked quietly.
"Not yet. Let's see what these two want, first. Azulongmon?" Rika's voice was quiet too.

- xvdjdamienstryker - 09-28-2006

Azulongmon: These 2...are Digimon that were banished to the world of Darkness...but because of the Digital worlds overlapping over each other...They will soon be free..and will unite with the Dark Breed. The Dark Breed are a league of Demon and Dark Digimon....when combined..they are more powerful than the four sovereign.....Various versions of the Digital world are uniting into one..and when that happens....the Dark breed will rise...and both the real and Digital worlds will be in chaos....

Kari gets consumed by a dark aura...as she yells in pain...breaking away from TK**

Kari: AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! What's happening to me!!!!!!

Takato: uh oh. Kari!

DJ: mojo at 12:00!!

Yukirenamon: and it's about to get more..mojo-ish, Dj

**kari's attire shifts into a sexy Dark elvyra, Vampire, Goth, lookin Dark Digidestiend.....Kari's been possessed by evil!!**

Kari (evil Tone):....That's better...i was getting tired of the goody two shoes

Gatomon: kari... KARI!!!!!

Azulongmon: She's infected with an shadow soul!!!

**Kari gone evil...? is this Digimon Emperor all over again?? and is the true kari lost to the darkness**

Dracomon: finally...She's come full circle

- Lord Patamon - 09-28-2006

TK:*his eyes went wide open in shock seeing Kari's transformation* Kari!! *he trembled a bit, he couldn't let them use her, he couldn't let them win. he then looks at Kari* Kari please listen to me, you are being used by those two, they only want to use you for thier evil deeds and after they get what they want if ever they do that they will get rid of you after you outlive your usesfullness! *he walked up to her slowly till stop really close to her* Kari I know you can hear me, don't let them win, you have to fight

Patamon:*he stood infront of Gatomon in a protective stance, even though he knows Gatomon is tougher than him and can take care of herself he was worried of how Kari's change could affect her since she was Kari's partner* Gatomon we gonna get her back.... *turns and looks at her* not matter what.....