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Jilted!??!!! How dare they!! - Printable Version

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- Zephyr of Darkness - 02-03-2006

Yeah, I get it. That's the kind of guy you discuss with for ages but you never reach anywhere. If he didn't invite you to his party, why does he mind what do you do with your girlfriend?
Well....it seems like it's not a big loss, anyway.
Oh,and if everyone that has made me cry is a bastard, I have about 60% of the people in my life that are.
It's still nice to think there are guys out there that think highly of their girlfriends like you. I wish I will get one some time.

- Gunter VanCrimson - 02-03-2006

heh, that's good to hear senjy, I wonder if I should get one too- nah... I'd never get one.

I don't want ms. perfect- all I want is ms. right.

yup, a super girl indeed.

and Zeph- those people who made you cry- aren't just bastards- theyre damned to rot in hell for eternity. I'm sorry-

I wish I could have a girlfriend too... ooh- what I'd give for a girlfriend...

- senjuro - 02-03-2006

Zephyr of Darkness Wrote:It's still nice to think there are guys out there that think highly of their girlfriends like you. I wish I will get one some time.

I can almost guarantee that you will find one. There are lots of people in this world that are compatible with you. You just maybe haven't met them yet. Love will find you when you least expect it.

Oh, and thanks for thinking that I'm "not like other guys." I rather appreciate comments like that, because the last thing I want to be classified as is "a guy." *shudders*

GunterVanCrimson Wrote:heh, that's good to hear senjy, I wonder if I should get one too- nah... I'd never get one.

I don't want ms. perfect- all I want is ms. right.

yup, a super girl indeed.

Not a single person in this world is perfect. Expecting perfection from a partner is going to lead to disappointment, and being disappointed in your partner is probably the worst thing in the world for your relationship.

You'll find someone eventually. Everyone will.

And speaking of finding, I'm praying that you find Charlie and that he's ok.

- Gunter VanCrimson - 02-03-2006

it's the same day after day...

they cant all search everyday, theyve got jobs.

but I know one thing- even if the party disbands...
and I'm the only one left...
and I'm pretty sure there is no chance of me ever finding charlie...

I'll still search.

I will search, and search, until the day I can no longer move... thank you- I pray that I find him too- but prayers can only do so much- and everyone of them has yet to be answered, see you- I have to continue looking.

- senjuro - 02-03-2006

Don't be so down! Have faith! *bonks you with a Faith Rod*

- Anonmon - 02-04-2006

senjuro Wrote:You'll find someone eventually. Everyone will.

Do we look immortal to you? ("we" because we are all part of everyone.)

- senjuro - 02-04-2006

When did I imply that?

Getting all dark and emo isn't going to make anyone happy, so why not try to have a positive outlook from time to time?

- Anonmon - 02-05-2006

senjuro Wrote:When did I imply that?

Getting all dark and emo isn't going to make anyone happy, so why not try to have a positive outlook from time to time?

When did you imply it? When you failed to qualify your statement with "sometime before we die".

Positive outlook? What's that? Seriously, I prefer statements that can be put to some use, rather than happy generalizations which sound good and give you no aid in fulfilling their predictions.

Example of a statement I like: "Most girls eventually learn they want the nice guys with an income instead of the body-body guys who wen't broke when they failed to get into the NFL." Far more complicated, less chummy, but actually tells you something about how to "find someone". Of course, a separate statement needs to be made for finding men.

- senjuro - 02-06-2006

Anonmon Wrote:When did you imply it? When you failed to qualify your statement with "sometime before we die".

I didn't feel that such a qualification was necessary. I wasn't anticipating an obtuse interpretation of what I said.

Quote:Positive outlook? What's that? Seriously, I prefer statements that can be put to some use, rather than happy generalizations which sound good and give you no aid in fulfilling their predictions.

It seems you overlooked part of what I said. Here it is: "etting all dark and emo isn't going to make anyone happy."

And the funny thing is this: IT'S TRUE!

Once you drop the attitude that gets you knowhere and you at least fake a sunny disposition (much easier to do than most think), you'd be surprised at the overtures people make to you. If you just huddle in a cloak of "fuck the world" you can't possibly expect opportunities of any kind to come your way.

But different things work for different people. If you're content to be all pensive and moody about it, then by all means indulge yourself. I'm just suggesting that an alternative posture might prove to be more beneficial to your cause. That's all.

- Herr Mullen - 02-07-2006

Has anyone heard of Danny Wallace? After reading the book "Yes Man", I've suddenly become much more active. Yes Man is a chronical of the year he spent saying "yes" to everything. Everything. His bank balance suffered terribly.

It's awfully funny.

But it started because some guy on a bus said to him, when he was feeling down, "Say Yes More".

I make an effort to have a sunny dispostion and a clear streak of eccentricity. People and oppertunities, often linked with happiness, will fly to you like a moth if you cast a light of merry madness. Change is required for perpetual happiness because things stagnate without change. Oppertunity and new people bring about change, if you dare to accept them.

Another good saying is "No Worries".