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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Printable Version

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RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 04-06-2009

Hunter cursed under his breath and looked at to where the drums were heard. So many enemies were united together against him and his warriors. "Fall back! Everyone fall back! Have the warlocks cover our rear with an illusion to cover us, and have archers divided into four equal groups! One on the right, one on the left, one in the read with the warlocks, and one in front with me to keep an eye out for any more ambushes! Everyone else, masic line formation! Go!" Hunter ordered, and kicked his horse, moving to the front of his army, as they scrambled into their positions.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Maero - 04-06-2009

Suddenly, arrows, hundreds and thousands of them, all flying up and then raining down on the Rear of the group. The illusions looked perfect and convincing, but that did not save the warlocks from the pointed teeth of the hellish rain. Suddenly, from both flanks fell the enemy, hundreds of them on either side, and from the rear came the Franks and Brits. The Jutes and Vandals were mere barbarians, and left to fight alone, both armies would fall quickly to the skilled Saxon warrior, but with the Brits and Franks backing them the Saxons were all doomed. The Queen Cassandra looked proudly over the battle field, her vengeance would be swift and merciless.

"Sir, we are trying to fight through the savages, and we are cutting them to pieces, but not fast enough! By the time we kill enough to retreat the Brits and Franks will have eaten us whole!" What the man said was true. The real and only threat lay on the armies behind them, all burdened with heavy armor and weapons, but the Saxons needed time to cut through the Jutes and Vandals, time they didnt have!

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 04-06-2009

"Have all troops and the dragonslayers move on me to focus on the Frank and Brits! Tell all other troops to make a single clear path to them through the Jutes and Vandal line!" Hunter ordered as he drew his blades, and dozens of tentacles ripped out of his back to help with the many enemies, grabbing swords, shields, and other weapons from those who had already fallen.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Maero - 04-06-2009

"B-But sir, if you are slain in battle, and Alexander is missing, who shall direct your army warleader?" As if to answer the soldiers question came a sound, a terrible, wonderful sound. It was low at first, and it was hard to tell what it was, but as it grew louder and louder it became recognizable. It grew louder and louder still, growing louder than the beating war drums and the cries of battle. The song of battle, the Saxon war anthem sung by those who were truly worthy of singing it. Over the hill in before the Saxon army rode forty horsemen, all wounded and worn, but alive. They charged straight ahead towards the colliding armies and as they grew closer a cheer went up all throughout the Saxon army. Alexander led the charge. They split in two as they reached the Saxon army, running down its left and right flank, trampling Jute and Vandal alike.

"War leader Hunter! Ride ahead and break through the savages! We shall charge the lines! We shall buy you time!" the Champion yelled as he continued to sing and charge. Alexander meant to use himself and his guard to buy time for the remainder of the Saxon army to escape, the price being their lives. "Protect the kingdom! Protect the King!" He yelled back to Hunter as he rode by and his guards untied once more to smash into the Brit and Frankish front. "And Protect your Grace!" Though no one else understood his last decoration, it would be all to clear to Hunter. Suddenly the battle was rejoined, Hunter had to break apart the Vandal and Jute armies in order to escape, perhaps if he worked fast enough, then some of the Warriors, Alexander included, could ride back and away with them.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 04-06-2009

Hunter let out a cry of battle and charged forth. He had to fast! The sooner he did, the more chances Alexander and others had to live. He charged forward, breaking through the line. His blades and tentacles moved around and chopped down the enemy, showing the bastards that were his foes no mercy!

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Maero - 04-06-2009

At last, and greatly due to Hunter's help, the lines broke and the Saxons fled. But when Hunter looked back at the brave men holding the line, he saw only a swarm of enemies circling something. There was no escape for them. And when at last a death cry rocked the air and shields of all those around it, Hunter would know that Alexander, the tip of his spear, the dark champion of the saxons, had been struck down by his enemies. There was no course left now but to run and save as many as he could. This whole conquest had been a trap, a trap they had all stepped into, a trap that had cost them dearly.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 04-06-2009

Hunter's heart ran cold, and skipped a beat. "No..." he whispered, and closed his eyes shut. "RETREAT! All forces, fall back! Fall back!" he ordered. "Retreat!" he shouted letting his hate, and rage go through his voice.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Maero - 04-07-2009


Mickal sat in a chair, watching Grace as she sat on the bed, as dull as ever, her child cradled in her arms. He was bored out of his mind and Axel would never let him look after Serenity, for obvious reasons, which meant he was stuck in there with Grace all day. If something did not happen soon then she would snap and probably do something he would regret.


Serenity yawned cutely and pocked her head out of Axel's pocket. "Good morning master." She yawned as she stretched her small body and waited for her morning head pet.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - MasterZero - 04-07-2009

"Serenity," Axel replied with a small smile and patted her head. He stood outside the room of Grace and Mickal, partly to protect Grace, and partly to make sure Mickal didn't do anything bad. He suddenly stopped as he felt something...a magical presence... "Mickal, something is near," he suddenly declared, rushing into the room. He felt it...it was a familiar presence. Someone had opened a portal and had transport something in. He suddenly turned around as he heard many loud squeaks and high pitched screams.

There was no one in the halls, most of the population was not in this part of the castle, since many had left to the fight and also because Hunter did not trust them near his wife and had them move. "Tooth fairies!" he shouted, as the same beasts Hunter had brought for when he was captured flew to their room. It was a large swarm of them, and who knew how many of them there were.

RE: A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp) - Maero - 04-08-2009

Serenity shivered and disappeared into his pocket, not wanting to fall victim to tooth fairies. Mickal came out right away and with a mere word hurled and explosive ball of shadows at them, hardly denting their numbers. "Carp, thats allot of them isnt it..." He said as he watched the swarm. "How did they get up here?" He asked as he cast a magical armor around himself.