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When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - Printable Version

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RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - Salem A. Delgado - 08-23-2010

Salem laughed to herself as she looked at the picture, she was actually debating letting the bunny out for another round but decided against it "Might as well go catch up with King before the guy fucks himself to death. Men are so simple." She muttered as she redressed and headed out, following the gps to try and find her partner in crime.

"Of course master." Noir smiled as she flew off to her daughters room, snatching up at least thirty different colours of lipstick before rejoining her master "This was all I could find master." she said as she piled the make up on the table before rushing to gather whatever food hey had.

Rouge meanwhile flew frantically all over her home, gathering every jewel she had from every corner of the house before joining her mother and master.

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - MasterZero - 08-23-2010

Knuckles was nearby Vanilla's home, collecting various foods and seeds. Since he lived on his floating island alone, protecting the powerful Master Emerald, he had to be strong. He wouldn't stay here long though, since he had his duty to his Emerald. Still, if Salem left now she may encounter him. What happened after that, would be up to her...


King examined the many lipsticks he was given, slapping Noir's ass as thanks. When Rouge was done and had placed the many jewels on the table he searched through his watch's functions before finding one that said, CAPTURE. "Girls, stand back," he ordered, and pressed the button, causing the jewels to vanish to thin air. "Good slut," King smiled, kissing Rouge's lips, sucking on her lower lip.

The boy then told the two slaves to eat and drink, with himself taking a few bites and sips of his own, while he worked. He examined the watches, then the lipsticks, then tinkering with the watch, and then glance at his girls, staring at their naked bodies.

After a while, King smiled and stood up. "I'm done, girls. Both of you stand in front of me," he ordered, getting out of his chair and pressing a few buttons. Once they did, he pressed a button on his watch, one that said AMPLIFY, and golden beam shot out of his watch, hitting Rouge, followed by another hitting Noir. Suddenly they would both feel stronger than ever before! Their strength became triple what it was before, making them both stronger than Knuckles, they could run at a pace almost as fast as Sonic's, and they could fly longer, faster, and better, able to match jet planes now. "How do you girls feel?"

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - MasterZero - 08-27-2010


RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - Salem A. Delgado - 08-27-2010

((Sorry, been distracted lately))

Salem laughed as she walked through the woods "This had to be the easiest steal ever." She gloated to herself as she continued to fiddle with the watches functions, finding herself an interesting feature labelled power theft "Oh? I wonder who I can test this one on..." she muttered before noticing Knuckles a little further in the woods. With an evil glint in her eyes Salem hid herself in the bushes and pressed the button, firing a small beam at Knuckles. He wouldn't even know what hit him as he felt his strength fading, growing weaker and weaker until he didn't even have enough strength to tear paper. Meanwhile Salem felt quit the opposite as her strength grew to new levels beyond any normal human "Ohhh!~ This watch is officially the greatest thing ever!" she giggled as she snuck away, leaving Knuckles to collapse under the weight of the supplies he had gathered.


Rouge and Noir moaned in pleasure as they felt the power their master had given to them "Ohh! Master I feel incredible!" Rouge gasped as she caressed her still tingling body "Yes! This is wonderful!" Noir added with a wanting moan.

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - MasterZero - 08-27-2010

"I'm glad you girls like it," he smiled. Alex then looked at the make up on the table and walked over to it. "This is our new weapon, girls. Hypno-lipstick. It is designed to only work on women and is also designed to leave lipstick marks the longer you kiss a girl. All you have to do is kiss their face, but its strongest as their lips. When you kiss a women when wearing this, it will cause the woman to fall madly in love with you, and in lust with I. The longer the kiss is or the more kisses a girl has received, the more devoted she is to her fellow slaves and Master. Now there is one rule to it. The kiss only takes effect AFTER the kiss, so the girl can struggle and fight back when you kiss them. Since you girls are superstrong, it matters little."

He then looked at Noir and said, "Noir, be a dear and go fetch you and your daughter new outfits from her room. Something sexy. Don't fly, either. Walk and shake your ass." Alex then looked at Rouge and told her to come closer. Once Noir was gone to get the clothes, he pulled out the Rainbow Emerald in front of her daughter's face.

"Rouge, listen very closely. Do you remember when I said you loved women, but you loved me the most? Well there was one woman you love almost much as me. You love her differently though. You want to marry and make love to her, not serve her as a slut. You love her, truly love her, from her hair, to her eyes, to her voices, to her body. You need us both, but you need me more, though. Still, you desire this woman so much. Her name...is Amy Rose. When I snap my fingers, you will fall madly in love with her, obsessively in love, second only to me. Understand?" he asked, followed by putting the Emerald away and snapping his fingers. "So Rouge...Who do you want to go after first with the hypnotic lipstick?"


Knuckles wiped some sweat from his bag of foods and placed it down, wobbling on his feet. He suddenly felt so tired...He groaned and fell on his butt, his eyes slowly closing. He eventually hit the ground, now incredibly weak. "What...?" he mumbled, before blacking out, his body to weak to support his weight or even the support the bag of food.

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - Salem A. Delgado - 08-28-2010

Noir giggled as she walked off, swaying her hips and showing off her ass as she left to find clothes. When she finally return she had a bikini with the same heart motif Rouge always wear, only the hearts just barely covered her breasts and pussy "WIll this do master?" she purred as she presented her find.

Rouge was all to easily hypnotised again, and like before carefully listened and obeyed what she was told "Why, Amy Rose of course! I've loved her for as long as I can remember, I almost love her as much as I do you master!" she answered like a good mindless slut.

Salem laughed as she went on her way, she loved this feeling of strength and couldn't wait to use it. Once she met up with King again she was going to get him to guide her around this sonicverse, seeing as he was the more familiar with it and would know of more potential slaves.

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - MasterZero - 08-29-2010

"Very sexy, slut. Did you get an outfit for your slutty daughter two?" Alex smiled. When he heard Rouge's answer he smiled more and held her body. "Then Amy Rose it is. I will take her as my slave and you will take her as your wife," he declared, before motioning to the many lipsticks on the table. "Pick a color you like and put a thick layer of it on for dear Amy Rose. You two, Noir. Both of you pick a color," he ordered, and when they did he activated the capture moe on his watch, causing the make up to vanish.

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - Salem A. Delgado - 09-14-2010

Noir nodded as she held up an identical outfit for herself and slipped it on, then picked herself a deep and shiny black tube of lipstick and slathered it on. While Rouge slipped on her new outfit and picked a bright bold red for her lips then stood by her mother "We're ready master, let us start collecting more slaves together." the bat's said in unison, as they stood together one could notice that since the outfits were the same they looked skimpier on Noir due to her more mature body, while Rouge's lipstick looked likewise sluttier.

Salem looked from the window of the train, taking a break from her research as she though to herself 'Once we have all the sonic girls we want I wonder where we'll go next?'

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - MasterZero - 09-15-2010

"One more thing," King smiled, pressing a button on the watch. A pink energy hit both Rouge and Noir, not hurting them, but instead strengthening Alex, making him as strong as both of them combine. His body became a little more muscular and he could feel wings appearing on his back, before quickly going back into his skin. "Let's go, girls," he smiled, grabbing his clothes and dressing himself. He wrapped an arm around each of the girls' waist and the three left the home. "Let's go get your Rose, Rouge."


((Want me to have another girl on the train for you?))

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - Salem A. Delgado - 09-15-2010

((Nah, I think I have another idea.))

Salem continued to look out the window and think until her thoughts travelled back to Knuckles, and how atractive the echidna had been. Which then brought to her to wonder about other echidna, she'd only seen Knuckles and Tikal but surely there were others? To solve this mystery Salem turned to the most recently discovered, and possibly the most useful, function of the watches. Access to the Internet of her and Kings native universe, which she used to study the echidnas.


Rouge and Noir smiled as they both wrapped an arm around his waist and slipped it into the back pocket opposite them "Yes master, I'm aching for Amy already!~" she moaned as she and her mother followed their master.