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Is Daisuke Gay? - Printable Version

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RE: Is Daisuke Gay? - Netevolution - 01-05-2010

Quote:"You dont see any other aninmation studio making stuff like that. In American animation or series if they show gay, they are always overly feminine transvestites."

Well, for the most part yes! I mean Kazu & Kenta dont seem like a buntch of girls(atleast not the beggining) Or take Trunks and Goten of DBZ. There a pair and there not very "girly" Daisuke is 1 of the handsomest guys around in Anime or any other form of animation/entertainment for that matter...but hes still gay and in love with Ken!

RE: Is Daisuke Gay? - UnknownH - 01-05-2010

I don't see what you mean. Have you been reading One Piece in the most recent months?

RE: Is Daisuke Gay? - Netevolution - 01-05-2010

Quote:I don't see what you mean. Have you been reading One Piece in the most recent months?

One Piece is a bad anime do to a number of reasons. A "forever" adventure"

As i understand luffy had a surden level ot atraction toward that blond girl in the Amazon island who saved him. But im not sure how much that really counts in the end, and will he even remember her after the "gotta rescue Ace" arc is over.

As a charecter luffy seems close to being either extremely "non sexual" or then gay. Ofcourse he COULD be making out with Nami or Robin and we'd just never know about it because it was't shown. I think a Nami x Luffy pairing would be doable, but i cant imagine him with Robin, who is a bit too "mature" for Luffy. Nami on the other hand is simply a SLUTTwisted!

Personally i think Luffy is good looking and all, but he is a bit "too much" of an anime heroe for me. He is too much into being too much! The rubberman thing does not sound really crerible. I mean, if he really is made of rubber, then he should have been torn to peaces by now considering how many battles hes been. Hes simply taken too much damage! I find him being a non crerible charecter. I remember watching some manga episode, where blackbeared hits him with EVERYTHING hes got, while nullifiying luffys devil fruit affect. I mean, Blackbeared nearly broke Aces spine! But Luffy just...ignores him, and goes on hes usual rampage!

Not a "creible" anime charecter assuming if there is 1 at alllol In a couple of weeks the episode where he fights the "poison man" should be coming up. Basicly he has a couple of tons of deadly poison thrown at him, ignores it, and simply keeps on beating the poison man. I mean if he was a regular haki user like lets say shanks id understand, but this "you cant beat me because im a rubber man with invincible willpower and i WILL kick your ass!" It just goes too far! And yeah! I sense that hes a little "gay" But unlike Daisuke, we cant tie him to a spesific pair, and we cant tie him to a spesific girl(Like Takeru X Hikari)Basicly luffy is simply a "lose cannon"

RE: Is Daisuke Gay? - Renafan - 01-05-2010

Davis...gay? Hrm...I think he might be bi. He's always pining over Kari, but appreciates Veemon all the same (over time of course), but I never did get the "gay vibe" from him while watching Adventure 02.

RE: Is Daisuke Gay? - Netevolution - 01-05-2010

(01-05-2010, 05:33 PM)Renafan Wrote: Davis...gay? Hrm...I think he might be bi. He's always pining over Kari, but appreciates Veemon all the same (over time of course), but I never did get the "gay vibe" from him while watching Adventure 02.

Does the "Gaywibe" mean that hes automaticly "weak" Japanese culture is a bit different(not nessacary better)then ours. If he is gay(or "Bi" as you say i)that does not automaticly imply weak. In western culture the only "kosher gay" would be some kind of a transvestite in "bikermice from mars" clothing dancing with other 30-40 year old guys in some bars, with some 70's pop like "buy ymca" on the backround.

Not all cultures think of "gay" people that way, wich does not automaticly assume they are more tolerant either.

Yeah, i dont get the "look at that feminine LOSER!" vibe from him either! No "loser wibe" there no matter how much you look! Hes looks are stunning, hes Digimon is overpowered and not really that bad looking either(V-mon, Magnamon or XV-mon)My first thought were;"What a HUNKShocked!)

If he was bi, Toei would have given him some girl to hold hands with. Could he be into BOTH Hikari and Ken...i dont buy it. Then why have Hikari treat him like trash?

Face it! Not every culture behaves and thinks the same way. Kazu and Kenta were a bit funny, but never total losers. Not every culture treats gays as subhuman!

RE: Is Daisuke Gay? - grandphoenix1 - 01-06-2010

How the hell is Davis gay? It's bullshit, for people to come up with this thought. He freeking liked Kari. If you want to say that people were gay, then mention Izzy or Joe, or Willis.

RE: Is Daisuke Gay? - Netevolution - 01-06-2010

(01-06-2010, 06:45 AM)grandphoenix1 Wrote: How the hell is Davis gay? It's bullshit, for people to come up with this thought. He freeking liked Kari. If you want to say that people were gay, then mention Izzy or Joe, or Willis.

Im not sure how much Daisuke really "liked" Hikari. I mean, he "liked" him since hes suppose to! Hes a young, "cool" and outgoin kid afterall.

Koushiro was never a ladies man to begin with, but Mimi still hangs around him quite persistently, as this poster proofs.

[Image: digimon.jpg]

I think it all comes down to attraction. Koushiro never looks or acts very "straight" But he is very handsome, and Mimi is atrctive to HIM, not really the other way around! Koushiro simply takes Mimis affection towards him for granted. And while Mimi does KNOW Michael from America, nothing really point out, let alone proofs and actual romance between them. Mimi already in the original Adventure rejected Joe for Koushiro.

As for Wallace...well, he is really some peace of work when it comes to looksTwisted But is there any proof that he is "gay"

[Image: Wallace.jpg]

In the movie Daisuke makes some "moves" on Wallace, putting him under "pressure" Wallace simply laughs Daisuke off the way Takeru does, making him into a joke! Nothing, not even to the slightest hint that Wallace would be gay, or that he would find Daisuke atractive. He makes constant moves on the girls, and even kisses both of them(Myako and Hikari)at the end of the movie. Daisuke...never even gets to hold there hand really, let alone a kiss:(

Yes! There definetly is some attention going on between Daisuke and Wallace in the movie, but the "going on" is very 1 sided. Daisuke attempts to "hold Wallace off" from the rest of the girls, and to "show off" to the blond boy, and the blond boy simply ignores him. He acts just like Takeru did!

[Image: Daisuke.jpg]

I dont know, does Digimon have perhaps subconscious racial roles, where the blonds always get the girls, and the Asian guys are a jokeShocked? In Digimon Tamers Takato is as straight as hell, but he physicly very much resembles a white European, not Asian. So does Shibumi, hes mentor. In the original Digimon Adventure the "white guy" and Taichi(the name itself resembles that of an Asian)always get into fights(where the Asian guy mostly wins) In Digimon Adventure 02 the roles are very much changed. I think the original Digimon Adventure had the original "spirit" in it, but then it was simply taken away for some odd reason. Taichi and Daisuke never fight(nor do there Digimons fuse, unlike Taichis and Yamatos)And instead of having a "Thresome" like with Yamato, Taichi and Sora, it is made VERY CLEAR that Takeru and Hikari are a pair, while Daisuke is simply made a joke with no pair(besides Ken, who also kets Married with Miyako in the end)

[Image: 450px-TakariMovie1.jpg]

Daisuke is an overly handsome guy, but hes role as Digimons "official clown" is pretty much set from episode 1 I have heared of charecters like this. They exist outside Japanese culture as well. They are known as the "Jokers" In a pac of cards, the Joker can really be any card. A "Joker" like charecter changes into something wich he originally was not "set" to be. Very much like the old European fairy tail of the ugly dugling" wich in this case is ofcourse Ken, and hes older alter ego Oikawa. Infact this is not even something picked up from Japanese culture, but more assosiated with western fairy tails.

The Joker or the ugly duglin. In Japanese culture usually it is the other way around. A charecter is a "hero" and this is made clear from episode 1 The "roles" in Asian culture tend to be more "set in stone" Hower Japanese culture has drawn influence from the west for over a 100-years! Daisuke is the "Joker boy" of Digimon along with Ken. At the very first episode he seems and overly handsome "Superpoy" destined to become to the new "leade-hero"He even inherits Taichis googles!

But reality changes! Daisuke was never meant to be a "hero" like charecter. Takato is much closer to the Japanese ideal role model (senstive but at the same time also strong)Daisuke is more of a clown, who was created to be laughed at. Sure hes stunning in looks, and hes Digimon is overpowered, but how many fights does Daisukes overpowered Digimon at the end win by himself anyway? Not many! Maybe a couple of victories by flamdedramon, no victories by Magnamon or XV-mon(except the first episode, where he makes hes debut)

In the Digimon Tamers season it is made clear that Digimon are the avatars of ther human partners, wich is something we all knew pretty well before that. While Daisukes Digimon partner was "uber strong" and handsome, he was NOT able to beat Kimeramon without wormons help, whos partner Ken was always meant to be Daisukes lost soulmate. While Daisuke was storng by himself, he needes Ken by hes side. In Digimon Adventure episode 26 he is seen literally FEELING Kens heartbeatShocked

[Image: Daiken.jpg]

Daisuke was never meant to be straight from the get go! He is rather a cruel Joke charecter made to resemble a "tragic hero" A typical "Joker card" Not in any way comparable to Takato or Takuya for that matter! While i cannot surdenly proof hes homosexuality with a 100% guarantee, i stand by my conviction! Koushiro and Wallace were "normal charecters from the get go, made exlusively for that role! Daisuke was always meant to be Digimons "toyboy" the Joker!

[Image: Daisuke-1.jpg]

P.S:And AGAIN! The fact that he is gay DOES NOT mean he should be either feminine, weak or ugly, wich he simply is not! This is very much a "cultural thing" Being gay DOES NOT make anyone subhuman!

RE: Is Daisuke Gay? - UnknownH - 01-07-2010

Actually, Luffy falls under the Shounen Idiot Savant type. So he may not even know how you get a baby. Much less romance.

And I meant this "guy"
but I think we lost our point.

RE: Is Daisuke Gay? - Netevolution - 01-14-2010

I would like to still add, that a lot of other things in this season made no sense at all, and i consider it to really be "offcanon" Daisukes homosexuality is proven clearly throughout the show in several different hints, such as the official poster.

[Image: digimon.jpg]

As to why Daisuke is gay...my gut feeling is, that Daisuke was always meant to be a typical Japanese "antihero" He is cocky, macho and self loving. He is everything a typical Japanese should NOT be, so he was purposely made into an "antihero" Besides that, the season really made no sense at all. The timelines dont match, the toy SUCKS compared to any Digivice either before or after...and it was all basicly a very desperate attempt tp perform Digimon fusion, wich just went HORRIBLY wrong! Daisuke simply became an antihero for an "antiseason" Basicly the entire season is so bad, it's offcanon. It was an attempt to perform Digimon fusion, that just went HORRIBLY wrong! Daisuke is a very good symbol of the entire season from head to toe..he starts off real handsome and fortunate...and then goes out with a BANG! Thats what happened to this season, but Daisuke is still 1 wicked hottie and so is EXveemonTwisted Hope to see them someday in a possible movie/ova! Untill then, i guess it's just fanart for little pervert meBlush

RE: Is Daisuke Gay? - UnknownH - 01-15-2010

Well, that last part does explain something. So, are we done with this now?