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- DragonMasterX - 12-28-2006

Veemon widely grinned, "Yeah! Look at her" he grinned more, "Though I thought she'd grow a bit bigger, I mean, she's not as tall as a tree even" he said, comparing sizes and putting a claw to his chin. "I got an idea!" he said, then turned around, noticing Aviana had a claw on an air hose, "Oh, now's not the time for that. You entertain her, then I'll go for one more bottle! If I'm right one more will make her big and strong enough to use trees!" Though I hope her being a plant doesn't mean she'll absorb them... nah, won't happen he thought to himself, "Hey, can you help me out?" he asked the Biyomon with a kind smile, hoping she'd either decide to keep an eye out on the giantess or would go look for the drink herself.

"Fuse with me!" AquaVeemon suddenly chirped, her pussy was watering on the shaft, "Darky can slap us with this later, but if we fuse the macro blocker will go away and as I'll be able to grow us!" she said trying to reason quickly, she was thinking that if Ranamon and herself were fused, any ailment to her abilities would go away, and if they grew to the point the cock was in a nice scale to be enormous, but fit inside, Ranamon would be able to feel the humongous dick too.

- cboy - 12-29-2006

"Sorry sugah, but you're wrong. That macro blocker can't be removed unless you take the antidote. Ah'm sorry," she said, giving the rookie a sympathetic look.

"And Ah should've told you this before, but the last time two macros had sex in this place, they caused so much damage to their room that they were kicked out. Perhaps later, we can find a nice secluded place in the woods and grow there, 'kay," she chirped, smiling at the rookie.

- BigD - 12-29-2006

"I think you spoke too soon, blue boy," chirped Aviana, pointing at Rose, who was still growing. Her body grew taller and wider, passing the size of a Greymon, then a Mecha-Greymon, then she was half the size of a Garudamon.

"Looks like you got your wish, shorty," she teased, silently hoping he would turn around so she could go ahead with her plan.

- Takishi - 12-29-2006

Julie smiled and grin a little, sweating. "It's ok. It doesn't really bug me at all and plus that was pretty fun." She hugged Reno. "Don't worry."

- DragonMasterX - 12-29-2006

"Uhhh!" the childy dog blushed through his red fur, then gasped a bit, his tails starting to swish left and right quickly, "Th-thanks!"

Veemon shuddered for a second, listening to some trees being pushed by the Palmon's continued growth spurt, Wait- uhh... uh oh... it was two bottles, then a third if it hadn't gone correctly he silently cursed, before turning around, realizing he had just made Rose easily twice the size of the bar itself, "I think we should run."

"Owww..." Aqua lowered her ears suddenly, "Alright" she said, half-disappointed only since they were rubbing the still giant cock, "I want this then!" she giggled, starting to cuddle with the huge male organ.

- Takishi - 12-29-2006

Julie giggled at him, blushing a bit as well. "No problem." She looked at him, smiling.

- BigD - 12-29-2006

"Uh...why? I don't think she'll hurt us," said Aviana, watching in astonishment as her plant friend finished her growth. She hadn't expected her to grow so big.

Up above, Rose let out a giggle, the beer now just making her slightly tipsy. Assuming she was simply filled with helium, she made no move.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever floated this high," she said, giggling. Had she been a bit more sober, she would have noticed that her voice wasn't high-pitched or squeaky.

- cboy - 12-29-2006

Darky groaned as both girls played with his giant cock, Ranamon starting to play with the two giant testicles in his ball sac. Looking down, he smiled at them.

"Would you ladies mind if I gave you a cum bath when I climax?" he purred, getting a nice mental image of both of them covered head to toe in seed.

"Whah Ah'd love it, sweetie," purred Ranamon, momentarily removing her mouth from his giant pisshole. Turning to Aqua, she cooed "What about you, sugah?"

- DragonMasterX - 12-30-2006

Reno quickly broke the second hug, "Uhm... sorry, but the rules say we shouldn't have relationships with clients. So uhh... uhm... want to continue the tour?" he asked with a sly smile.

"I didn't mean that," Veemon lied sarcastically, whispering to Aviana not to alert Rose, "I'm just acting so she gets high and starts a simple macro routine, haven't you ever seen a giantess in a place full of 'usable' things?"

Aqua only wriggled in pure joy, "Yeah! I'd love!" she said, her cheeks crimsoning as she pictured the same as Darky, she was loving being on top of a giant dick, literally.

- cboy - 12-30-2006

"Mmm, thank you, ladies," he murred, his giant rod starting to vibrate, literally throwing the two womon to the ground, though not hard enough to hurt. He reached down, grabbed his twitching monhood, and aimed it at his two mates.

"Bath time, ladies," he murred, groaning as he came, showering Ranamon and Aqua with streams of white jism, purring at the sight.

"Ohhhh...!" purred Ranamon as her mate's sticky cum covered her. He licked at the stuff on her face, loving it. Turning to Aqua, she picked the little rookie up and lovingly licked at the cum on her chest and belly.