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Digimon Protectors - Printable Version

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RE: Digimon Protectors - Gogglehead - 11-03-2009

"I'm great!" Daisuke responded cheerfully to her. But as the group entered the castle he grew a but more serious.

Just as the last of them entered the door slammed shut behind them. On cue two red devils exploded from the floor on both sides of Agnimon wielding black pitch forks.
"Death Clash!" They declared as they stabed at the Hybrid Digimon

A screech was heard as countless Evilmon (Vilemon) emerged from the shadows. They screeched as they swarmed towards the others.

Daisuke hastly held out his D-3.
"V-mon! Evolution!" V-mon grew larger and more muscleur and donned wings.
"XV-mon!" He emerged evolved leaping forward to the Evilmon
"X-Laser!" He fired a blast taking out a few unlucky Evilmon but most seemed to avoid it.
"Scratch Beat!" many of them called raking their claws into XV-mon while continuing towards the others. XV-mon shielded his face with his arms as best he could.

(Yay, our first Digimon battle scene lol)

RE: Digimon Protectors - DarkChibimon - 11-03-2009

Agunimon growled in pain as he started to spin around as a fire tornado suround around him, burning a few unlucky Vilemon. "Pyro Tornado!" Agunimon said, roundhouse kick one Vilemon, koncking it into a group of Vliemon. Agunimon's gauntlets stated to glow. "Pyro Punch!" Agunimon said, relaseing a flame dragon from his firsts into the group of Vliemon.

Kari follow the rest of the group in with Gatomon as the Vilemon attacked. "Lighting Paw!" Gatomon said, punching any Vilemon that came close to Kari.

RE: Digimon Protectors - Chaotic Phoenix - 11-03-2009

Sora managed to dodge one of the Vilemon's attacks just as another one appeared right behind it. Clutching her Digivice she braced for impact, but it never came.

"Spiral Twister!!" Biyomon shouted out knocking the Vilemon back and away from Sora. "You alright Sora?"

"Yeah..." Sora said, getting back up. Seeing so many Vilemon she had started to get a little worried. "Where did all these guys come from?!"

"I don't know Sora but we need to keep them away from the others." Biyomon said as she fired her spiraled green flame as another advancing Vilemon. "I need to digivolve to Birddramon."

"Right!" Sora said, aiming her digivice at her partner.

"Biyomon digivolve too... Birddramon!!!" She said as she emerged in her larger Champion form, swiping at the many Vilemon with her wings.

RE: Digimon Protectors - Mai - 11-04-2009

'Mimi! Get back!' Palmon cried, 'Poison Ivy!' And vines shot out of the Digimon's arms, lashing around a Vilemon that had gotten too close to her partner, then lifting it up and throwing it away.

'Phew, thank you Palmon! I guess you'd better help out too, so here, Digivolve!' Mimi said, holding out her own Digivice. With a flash of green light, Palmon disappeared, revealing Togemon in her place, who immediately punched a Vilemon straight into the wall.

RE: Digimon Protectors - Gogglehead - 11-04-2009

The Boogeymon hit by Agnimons attack crashed into the wall and dissolved away into data along with the Evilmon it collided with.
"Ruby Eye!" The remaining Boogeymon fired a red blast from his eyes at Agnimon.

As the small Digimon rapidly fell and began retreating, a larger devil appeared.
"Chosen Children." His voice said with much detain.
"Your existence has always been a pain to me. Razer Wing!"
Devimon outstretched his wings and fired a blast at Togemon, a Digimon Devimon recognized from his last fight.

XV-mon got to his feet now that the Evilmon were off of him.

RE: Digimon Protectors - xvdjdamienstryker - 11-04-2009

((Sorry for my delay in replys. have been dealing with family matters^^()... and This is the EDIT. ))

Takato, seeing this battle unfold, didn't want to stay behind the Sidelines. and didn't look like he was going to anyway, for another face of evil appears...Devimon. "Let's see if we still got, Guilmon, " Takato says to his digi partner. "REady, pal!"

"Yeah!" Shouts Guilmon

"Digimodify!" Shouts The Tamer, drawing a card. He slashes the card through his D-Power Digivice, unlocking its power. "Digivolution Activate!

"Digivolution" Said the device.

"Guilmon Digivolve to!"

**The Digimon gets engulfed in the Digital energy, Transforming into his Champion form**


**The Tamer and his partner make a move on Togemon. "Togemon's in trouble," Takato shouts. " Growlmon! lend a hand!"

"Will a claw do instead?"

**Takato chuckles..before drawing a card. "Digimodify!" another card slash takes place, giving Growlmon new power. "HyperChip activate!"

**Growlmon makes a dash, Literally, to protect Palmon from the wing attack of Devimon, thanks to Hyperchip boosting Growlmon's speed**

**now let's see what A tamer can do against the devil...**

RE: Digimon Protectors - DarkChibimon - 11-08-2009

Agunimon takes a step back, shacking his head after getting hit with Boogeymon's attack. Agunimon's gauntlet started to glow. "Pyro Punch!" Agunimon said, a flame dragon from his firsts to Boogeymon as he looks over to Devimon. "What did you do with Seraphimon!?" Agunimon said.

Kari and Gatomon looked over at Devimon as Gatomon stood close to Kari, ready to protect her from any of Devimon's attacks.

RE: Digimon Protectors - Mai - 11-08-2009

Togemon growled a thank you as she was protected from the attack by one of her new comrades.

'I remember you!' Mimi cried, her hand pressed to her mouth in shock, 'but we defeated you already!' The pink-haired Digidestined said in surprise and despair.
'Well, we'll just have to defeat him again!' Togemon cried, leaping out from behind Growlmon and spinning rapidly on the spot.
'Needle Spray!' The giant cactus Digimon cried, aiming her needles only at Devimon, so her allies would not be hurt.

RE: Digimon Protectors - Gogglehead - 11-08-2009

The last Boogymon went down and disollved into data from the hybird's attack.

"Seraphimon? By now he's already been dealt with. Not that it will mean anything to you. None of you will leave this room. Hell Contract!" Devimon send a cloud of cursed kanji at Growlmon which would explode on contact.

RE: Digimon Protectors - Gogglehead - 11-25-2009

(BTW, who is everyone waiting on? It's been two weeks and if an RPG stays inactive much longer it may not recover.)