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Season 1 vs. Season 3-Which is your favorite? - Printable Version

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- Wisemon - 09-04-2006

Quote:In 04, the action was damn good, and in the final battles, you got to see the emotions of the characters very well (I'm not going to ruin it for you if you don't know why), because 4 of the characters had to remain in their human forms.

04 was the only season that made me feel any empathy for the characters, which is another plus in my opinion. The Kouji/Kouchi plotline provided the emotional interest, and Kouji and Takyua provided the classic Digimon two-guys-who-fight-the-whole-time-but-are-really-good-friends duo. Matt/Tai were a more interesting duo for sure, but they definitely trump the TK/Davis duo.
You're damn right the action was damn good in 04. For the first time ever, a Digimon (Beetlemon) clotheslined his opponents. They also made their own tandem moves, like the Avelanche Axe and Proton Slam. The way MagnaGarurumon and EmperorGreymon beat Cherubimon was also pretty neat, though I hate admitting it. The battle against IceDevimon was another good one.

- UnknownH - 09-04-2006

And since we're on season 4, http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a94/UNK3412/Stuff/Junpei20poor20him.jpg
I kept forgeting to send this to you wise.

- Guilmon and a shotgun - 09-04-2006

BACK ON TOPIC!!!!!*slams down fist!*

- UnknownH - 09-05-2006

*slams fist down on you* You, don't get to do that. You can only ask people to get back on topic. You didn't make the topic and you have been giving everyone trouble.

- Wisemon - 09-05-2006

Quote:BACK ON TOPIC!!!!!*slams down fist!*
I'll bet he's never seen the fourth season. In fact, I'll bet the person who made this topic hasn't seen the fourth season. And of all the people to "slam fists" here:
Quote:well i like introduction taking up lesser space then the battles lol!!!!!!
(oh well )
Renamon: right on!!!!*reddies herself for battle*
Me:er....renamon,what r u doin?
Renamon:say ur prayers nerd!
Me:*mutters* oh shit...
*renamon attacks me and i pass out*
Renamon:i said die not faint!!!
I don't remember this happening in any of the seasons. :roll:

Unknown, that is a funny picture of Junpei.

Now, you want to get back on topic. How about this: Both Season 1 and Season 3 have major downfalls. For Season 1, the first ten episodes were just awful. The "We're going to Japan" thing was a pretty noticeable error. For Season 3, man, the D-Reaper sure was an ugly villain. I don't mean ugly as in inducing fear, I mean ugly as in plain ugly in all its forms. The color scheme was just terrible. The characterization for Kazu, Kenta, Suzie, and Ryo was even more terrible. Where I come from, it's a sin.

- That One Internet Guy - 09-05-2006

Season 3 has Renamon.


- digital1 - 09-05-2006

season 1, without it, there never would have been a season 2, 3, 4, or now 5, and besides that, the charecters were better, and better developed, though tamers wasn't all bad, at first i despised it for takeing away the mysterious feel of the digital world by saying that humans had created it, but i did find the modify cards to be interesting, and had a lot of potential, more than was actually used, and besides that, guilmon's penut butter obsession was funny, renamon was awsome, and it was nice to see a terriermon return, though i still dislike that they used rapidmon for his ultimate form, seeing as rapidmon is also his golden armor form from the season 2 movie, but i just couldn't get into tamers like i did 1 and 2, but that changed towards the end, with the introduction of bio-mergeing, and beelzemon, but that didn't boost it above 1,

1&2 tie for 1st (since i love them both and one was a continueation of the other)
savers 2nd
tamers 3rd
fronteir 4th (too power-ranger ish, bleh!)

so i pick 1

- UnknownH - 09-07-2006

Thank you wise, I found it as an avatar somewhere.
And yes, the characterizaton of those characters were pretty bad but ryo already has a lot, kazu and kenta are as important as shinji's two friends from evangelion, not very. And how much could suzy have? She's what? 5?
And any answers involving renamon are null and void.

- rorancrystalwolf - 09-07-2006

I can't pick! If I pick 03 then I will betray my ball of fluff known as Gabumon. But Biomerge kicked ass!.... I don't know what one to pick.... hmm.. Im on the fence I suppose... Digimodify was cool too.... hmm... I don't know yet. I'll post later with my pick. :?

- Renamon_S3 - 09-08-2006

Join the '03 crew! You know you want to.
'01, aint no fun!
'02, looks like poo!
'03, for you and me!
'04, we want no more!
'05, (I haven't seen at all so i can't say anything) Jive!
'06, I didn't know exist ... ed.

Just some comedy to lighten your mood.