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Defeating the Darkness within - Printable Version

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RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Casey the furry one - 05-08-2011

Raziel summoned forth a sphere of water in front of himself. He kept trying to mold it into ice; yet each time the water would start to boil just turn to steam. He just shook his had as he let the sphere drop to the floor as water went everywhere. Besides making the floor slippery it allowed the teens to their's and the basilisk reflection. He opened his eyes and started to charge the snake, when he heard a voice why do you fight? He didn't know who or what spoke to him; he felt like he needed to answer back. "I don't want to be considered just a book worm or someone who isn't helpless because they are weak," he hissed while he lunged at the basilisk. As he did one of the stone statues glowed bright blue as a pair of gauntlets appeared around his fist as he striked the monster freezing it solid.

Then he was in the deep ocean as he saw a beautiful water dragon. hello young one I am Calispso the first water dragon. From my scales was the crystal first formed to fight Sama'el. This is a holy weapon as long as you strive for the future my power will alway be there strike the demon down. The dragoness said as the gauntlets became a two handed hilt for him.

A moment later he was back in the hallway with a frozen basilisk in front of him. He gulped nervously as he looked down at it then noticed the hilt in his hand. "That was awesome I met a real water dragoness," he exclaimed.
Briget was running through the schoolyards and saw a number of students standing outside. She cursed her luck; but was glad she no longer knew her own future. Quickly ran inside looking for any sign of trouble.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - deathseal1390 - 05-10-2011

"shit..." he said looking at the balisk sending the shadow off to find a mirror as he started chanting a hex, dark energy filling the space near him red glowing glyhs floating around in, but his eyes widened seeing the balisk was frozen as the gylphs faded and the energy faded. and the sword appering in the shark's hand "well arn't you lucky?" he asked a tone of jelousy in his voice. before realizing. "shadow? where are you?" he asked not seeing the shadow around.

the shadow traveled as fast as it could looking for the mirror it's shadow told it to find. it soon got distracted seeing the woman run by, not so much by Bridget, not so much by her self, but the shiny objects she had. it raced towards her. linking onto her shadow as it found a necklace she had and dragged it into the shadows it's color and looks remaining in the shadow's hand. as it started traveling as fast as it could laughing loudly.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Frisk E. Coyote - 05-11-2011

Jack furrowed his brows at the old wolf's words. He was confused, and scared, but he was starting to piece things together. He was calming down a little.

"Trust him. He will guide you to your destiny."

The young wolf jumped a little and looked left and right. A voice had spoken to him in his head. It was a strange voice, he couldn't tell if it was a male or a female, one person or a thousand. Maybe it was all of the above? What ever it was, he trusted it, and he decided to speak to the old wolf. "Y-you... you're one of them, aren't you?" He asked, coming out from behind his hiding place and meekly padding toward Michael.

"One of the heroes who fought S-Samael? I... I read a diary belonging to another hero... I'm up to date." He informed the stranger, looking up at him for confirmation, his ears laid back respectfully.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - DragonMasterX - 05-14-2011

"A Basilisk...?" Lizzy repeated, still confused. Given Lupe's excitement however, the dragoness was sure it meant something bad. "Look! Raziel froze it!" she then exclaimed, pointing at the frozen statue that had been a threatening monster just a few moments ago.

"Awesome! How did you do that?" Lizzy asked the shark, blinking in surprise as she noticed the change in his hands, "Hmmm... What are those?" she said, starting to jump left and right in front of Raziel to check out his new weapons, her tail wagging excitedly and accidentally as well as carelessly bopping onto the statue behind her with enough force to knock it over.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Shadowknight - 05-15-2011

Michael laughed loudly, "Well, you're certainly quicker than your predecessor was." he said as he nodded in confirmation, "I was, and wheither through good or bad luck I was one of the group gifted with great longevity, so it has fallen to me to pass this task down to the next generation. People like you who were chosen by the crystals." he explained as he held out a hand, "Come now, we have much to do in very little time."


Lupe cautiously opened her eyes, making sure the basilisk was frozen before opening them fully. She glanced over towards Raziel, startled by his weaponry though she didn't want to say anything about them at the moment just to be safe. She began moving towards the lizard as Lizzy began swinging her tail around, "Hey, watch your!" She started just as the basilisk was knocked over as she was close to it, one of the frozen spikes on it's tail catching the front of her shirt and ripping through it easily, exposing the tape wrapped tightly around her chest for a brief second before she managed to cover herself, her face a bright red, "W-watch that tail of yours."

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - DragonMasterX - 05-15-2011

"Something wrong?" Lizzy said as she backed slightly and looked over to a very flustered Lupe, at the same time giving Raziel a face-full of her huge knockers, or at least a very good view of them with Lizzy distracted by Lupe.

"Oh... your shirt got damaged. Erm, did my tail do that? I'm so sorry...!" Lizzy quickly apologized, turning to Lupe to bow to her repeatedly in apology.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - deathseal1390 - 05-15-2011

"do you need something luke?" kyle asked over hearing lupe's fake name in a conversation. "i have a jacket you could use if your not one of the types to like being shirtless." he added before feeling shadow tap on his shoulder and give him the necklace it found immedetly he went into a aurgement with it. "damn it shadow... what did i tell you about stealing stuff?" the shadow relying by pointing towards Izzy. "NO!" he shouted loudly as his eyes opened widely realizing just how loud that was blushing as the shadow put the necklace in his hand giggling on the wall as he back up slightly.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Casey the furry one - 05-16-2011

Ooc: The gaunlets Raziel had were the water weapon's last form is just a sword now. Also do you all want to move this to the mix section so johalt can join?

Ic:Raziel just stared at the hilt for a moment, then Kyle spoke up interrupting his thoughts. "Yeah.... I guess your right Kyle," he said softly so as not to wake himself if he was dreaming. Then he heard Lizzy say that the vile snake was frozen he just nodded. When the dragoness asked what he was holding showed her the bladeless sword, unsure what to make of it. A moment later he noticed that she that she had knocked over the snake.

Then he heard lupe speak and saw her shirt ripped open a split second later. His eyes widened as he saw the breast binding, realizing she was a girl. Her nipples were just barely poking through. He blushed crimson yet couldn't help staring her chest like a total pervert. A moment later Lizzy moved just right nearly smacking him in the face with her bosom. He gulped has his short began to tent view of Lupe's nipples and having Lizzy's bosom in his face. He looked back at the wolf girl to see that she had covered herself. He took off his damp shirt held it out for her, "Here so you...d.don't get nipplely," he said his eyes going wide as he realized what he just said. "Sorry...," he flinched, "don't hurt me!" he exclaimed.
Bridget felt something brush against her for just a second and then found her necklace missing. The ferret sighed realizing what had stolen her necklace. She grinned as closed her eyes and chanted the words for finding a stolen objects. A moment later she knew where Kyle at least was. She raced up the stairs to the history department. Then she found Kyle and as she approached she saw the other three and the basilisk. At least it was frozen for the moment. The she brought out her bow and strung it. "Sand prison," she said as let yellow energy arrow fly striking the basilisk and covering it in thick casing of sand. "Sand coffin," she cried out as the snake was crushed as the sand turned dark red. "Never leave a reptile or anphibian alive if you freeze since the can be defrost and reek havoc once more," she explained coldly.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Frisk E. Coyote - 05-18-2011

OOC: Sure thing! XD And that skill reminded me of Gaara's!


"M-me? I can't be chosen, I'm... well... I'm damaged goods..." Jack said meekly, looking away shamefully. "I'm dirty, I can't be a hero... but..." He hesitantly took Michael's paw, allowing himself to be lead away. "I'll go with you! Please- just take me away from here! I don't wanna live with Sam anymore!" He said, and with that, followed after the older wolf and former hero.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Shadowknight - 05-19-2011

OOC: Yeah that's fine with me.


Lupe's ears shot up as she noticibly flinched as she grabbed the shirt, glancing around at the other two, seeing if they'd heard or caught what he meant by what had been said, "Don't worry, slip of the tongue I'm sure, right?" she asked, almost growling the last word as she turned around to keep her chest hidden as she slid the shirt on, making sure nothing was visible through the wet fabric before turning back around. Before she had a chance to say anything the arrow struck against the basilisk, her reflexes instantly kicking in as she jumped backwards, glaring towards the newcomer as she bared her claws and fangs.


"You've been tempered, beaten down but never broken, a strong spirit like that is perfect for controling the earth. No matter how much you smack or chip away at a rock, it still stands strong and proud. It alone will continue surviving when all others will be knocked aside." Michael smiled at the boy, "I'll have to talk with your gaurdian, but the fate of the world comes before his own desires, you'll be coming and training with the others for the coming battles." He said, looking slightly forlorn and sad.