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RE: New Fantasy RP - Frisk E. Coyote - 04-19-2011

That's true. Shadowknight wants to make characters for both Legendarius and Archive, and everyone knows it's fun to be the bad guys sometimes. X3 So post post post, my lovelies!

RE: New Fantasy RP - Ninja_Kharlan - 04-19-2011

Archive are badguys? I'll have an archive one also then.

RE: New Fantasy RP - Frisk E. Coyote - 04-19-2011

*chuckles* Antagonists, really. They're not "bad", just immoral atheists who will do anything in the name of science, and for money. X3 And sure! Post your profile away!

RE: New Fantasy RP - FlareAkimoto - 04-19-2011

is it possible to have a character that's both legendarius AND archive? cuz I have this one character named Roxas who is a techie geek but he's also like, half-cat so he'd be considered a shape-shifter ._. btw, I know this was PROBABLY already asked but what's the character limit? oh and is it possible to have an archive character that isn't really evil cuz my one character Stella is more chaotic/insane rather than evil ._. God I feel like such a n00b but I'm WAY too lazy to read all 6 pages that are already up, yanno?

RE: New Fantasy RP - deathseal1390 - 04-19-2011

Name: Ratros
Gender: Male
Title: The shadowfrost warlock. Haveing left the univereties of magic to find his own scource of power he found a combination of two elements that have gave him great power.
Age: 26Appearance: tall (6.7ft), pale, with purple eyes and brown hair down to his neck. he often times where a black cloak around his body over a solid black shirt and pants
Brand: a snow flake on each hand, glowing a purple color
Affiliation: Legendarius
Classification: Hybrid Class: Necromancer and Invoker, Specializing in Black Arts (shadows) and Elemental Magic (Cryomancy).
Rank: Ex-dark arts intructor
Type: player
Sexuality: biexual
Past Relationships: He often hides his real name and self while going into town for what ever he needs and often times flirts with alot of women. mostly ones he finds attractive.
Turn Ons: power (not as in magical just rank),whips and chains, and domance
Turn Offs: gore, dead bodies, and red roses
Abilities: Combine the arts of cyromancy and dark arts he has crafted his own brand of magic caple of weaking and killing those he seems fit. He his caple of summoning a glacer of some of the coldest temperature of out pure shadows. and while on the darker side of his powers he is able to use chants and incantions to inflict hexs and other dark things.
Other: Haveing left the adminstators, he crafted his own brand of magic combineing parts of the elemental with the dark arts. He now resides in the woods waiting for those who wish to join him so he can wage a new war on those who have offened him. his only friend to date is his undead cat familar jonesie who he meet after dabbling in some necromancy.

my NPC that will follow my main charater everywhere":

Name: Jonsie
Gender: Female
Title: ghost cat, shadowfrost follower
Age: 506yrs
Appearance: a black robe, adjusted to the cat body with a hood fitted to let her cat ears through it. this covers her stiches that keep her together. her wepon besides her spells, a fish bone staff
Brand: a cat head under her hood, stiches holding her together while stuck in a black cat's body
Affiliation: Legendarius
Classification: familar
Rank: familar
Type: NPC
Sexuality: N/A
Past Relationships: loyal to her master only
Turn Ons: N/A
Turn Offs: N/A
Abilities: able to easily use acient hexs, incantations, and other curses.
Other:Being over 500 years old jonsie is able to use hexes and other dark craft from old times. After being summoned in a cat's body by her master she reamins loyal to him as he is the only thing keeping her alive. the familar speilzes in acient spells and hexes

(edited... better?)

RE: New Fantasy RP - johalt - 04-19-2011

Well, personally I think you, Backlasher, should take the spot of the AoN, just to keep things balanced... That and you do it so well >:)

RE: New Fantasy RP - Ninja_Kharlan - 04-19-2011

Name: Eve
Gender: Female
Title: Witch Hunter. A witch hunter is a special mercenary outfitted with anti magic gear, hired by Archive, to hunt down and kill stronger magi.
Anti-Mag+ Gear, to be precise. This gear can only be used by a skilled gunner who have slain and captured magic using an Anti-Mag+ Generator. Thus, the only users of such gear are extremely capable.
Age: 24
Appearance: Medium height, at around 5'8 to 5'10. She wears light, florescent armor, when charged with magic, capable of absorbing up to 100% of a magical attack, depending on the strength of the attack.
She has blonde hair and silver-blue eyes, as well as a very slender figure.
Brand: A silver heart on her butt, thought to be a tattoo.
Affiliation: Archive
Classification: Technician
Rank: Mercenary
Type: Play
Sexuality: Homosexual
Past Relationships: Many.
Turn Ons: Being dominated, touched in spite of resistance, etc etc
Turn Offs: Strange things.
Manabuster - A powerful sword that cuts through all but the most powerful magic. Does significant burn damage to magic-users.
Mageslayer - A pistol that does significant burn damage to magic-users, and if it hits their stigma, even disables their magic altogether.
Ethereal Defender: A shield capable of blocking all but the most powerful magic.
Purgo - A laser rifle that completely ignores magic. Requires a fully charged suit. Consumes her bio-electricity, knocking her out soon after use.
God's Will - A suit of armor that absorbs up to 100% of a magical attack, depending on its strength.

Magic Technician Mastery: Eve is a master technician in the form of anti-magic.
Vehement Hatred - Adrenaline flows through her at such rates when she sees a magic user that she can move almost twice as fast, and hardly tires until the fight is over. The energy suction of her suit also slows slightly.

Other: Quirks: She's actually a super nice person if you're not a magic user.

RE: New Fantasy RP - Frisk E. Coyote - 04-19-2011

FlareAkimoto: The character limit is as many as you can play. X3 And unfortunately, no, you can't mix magic and science. You can be a former Scientist and switch to the magic side and vice versa, but mixing both science and magic is a little imbalanced. You can make a character that is both, and I will introduce him/her later as part of a third faction that wants peace between both Magicians and Scientists, so the two can progress together. X3 Archive isn't evil, they're just the antagonists. There is a big difference. Being amoral means one can't really decipher between right and wrong.

The Great Church of Mysticism and The Order of Legendarius for example, will not steal because their conscience tells them that they should not take what is theirs, and if they do choose to steal despite knowing it's wrong, then they are evil.

The Grand Council of Sentience and Archive Corporation on the other hand, will not steal because it is against the law. Stealing to them makes someone a criminal- a lawbreaker. Not evil. They have no sense of good or evil, just rules and regulations.

Deathseal1390: Your profile is good, but some things to change are "Ex-Administrator". X3 The science side uses Administrators, and the magic side uses Saints. It is impossible for an Administrator to cross over to the magic side due to their mentality, and the only way out of becoming a Saint is death. The use of incantations and chants is done by an Invoker, as explained in this post. Your classification would have to say "Hybrid Class: Necromancer and Invoker, Specializing in Black Arts (shadows) and Elemental Magic (Cryomancy).

Your familiar is also too powerful if it knows spells even the Saints know nothing about. Please tone that down a smidge. X3 The Saints are the most powerful magicians of their trade, and of Legendarius as a whole, this extends down to their experience and knowledge. What one Saint doesn't know, another surely will.

johalt: I suppose I can take the Administrator of Neurology... But only if no one else will. X3 I plan on taking the Administrators and Saints who have not been picked yet to use them more as plot devices and NPCs.

Ninja_Kharlan: Mnm, almost perfect, but if Archive has no idea how magic functions, so technology that absorbs magic or totally ignores it is highly unlikely. We'll keep that as it is and pretend it's prototype technology then.

Archive would not use religious figures or terms freely either. X3 They do not believe in God, or anything that cannot be proven by Science for that matter (making them practically immune to holy attacks due to their lack of belief, as Legendarius has learned the hard way). Science comes from the need to advance and move forward.

Magic on the other hand, comes from belief, and the need to keep everything constant, that's why they stay where they are.

EDIT: Added "Race" to profile skeleton!


RE: New Fantasy RP - Ninja_Kharlan - 04-19-2011

Psycho_Backlasher Wrote:Ninja_Kharlan: Mnm, almost perfect, but if Archive has no idea how magic functions, so technology that absorbs magic or totally ignores it is highly unlikely. We'll keep that as it is and pretend it's prototype technology then.
If you'll notice I didn't use a bar code for her "brand"
That's all I'm going to say on this character.

RE: New Fantasy RP - Lady_Rahl - 04-19-2011

So many ideas, so little time. Am I correct in guessing that the Archive would be less than merciful on one of their citizens who is suspected of possessing magic? The way they read to me, seems like they would want to capture and experiment on them at the very least. If so, then I have the perfect character in mind for this.