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Religion....fuck them - Printable Version

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RE: Religion....fuck them - RyanCruey - 09-21-2008

Its quite normal not to beleive in anything. I dont trully know my own yet but i reall can say this. Not having to worry about being judged between if your good or bad....Must be nice sometimes.

RE: Religion....fuck them - Erethzium - 09-22-2008

Well, nothing has really happened to me that made me think: "Hmm, god must have done this." The only thing that I would think be caused by god is something completely insane. Like a building just flying up into the air and exploding for no apparent reason.

RE: Religion....fuck them - Lost - 09-22-2008

(09-22-2008, 01:57 AM)Angewomons_Lover Wrote: Well, nothing has really happened to me that made me think: "Hmm, god must have done this." The only thing that I would think be caused by god is something completely insane. Like a building just flying up into the air and exploding for no apparent reason.

I said I was sorry!

Masquerad Wrote:How could anyone be an atheist? That's horrible and depressing. How could anyone not believe in anything? That isn't normal. If you don't believe in God, okay. But you have got to believe in something! Come now, anything. Be polytheistic like the Romans, where there is a god for different things. Believe in something, and you will be rewarded in the afterlife. Atheists are the lowest beings on the religion food chain.

*Cocks rifle*

Despite the fact that we don't believe in religion, doesn't mean all of us disassociate with it entirely. The way I see it, the Bible, religion and all that, are the original fictional works.

I write fiction and whatnot for the Hell of it. Even though I'm an atheist, in a way, I have become a God. You see how this can now spiral into a paradox?

RE: Religion....fuck them - RyanCruey - 09-22-2008

(09-22-2008, 01:57 AM)Angewomons_Lover Wrote: Well, nothing has really happened to me that made me think: "Hmm, god must have done this." The only thing that I would think be caused by god is something completely insane. Like a building just flying up into the air and exploding for no apparent reason.

Now this would be fucking awsome! "Hey Ryan!"

"Dave man watch this shit." *Flys into the air and explodes*


"I know right!"

RE: Religion....fuck them - Tenjou - 09-22-2008

The only thing keeping me from being an athiest is that I can't deny the existence of a god. Maybe it's my catholic upbringing but I like to think that there is a creator up there and that there is an afterlife. I like to think of myself as agnostic. I can't prove there is a god so why do anything about it? I am sure that if there is a god I have been a good enough person in my life to not be punished in the afterlife

RE: Religion....fuck them - Masquerade - 09-22-2008

I agree deeply with Tenjou. Tenjou seems to be a voice of infinite logic and optimism. So, you don't believe in anything? Okay, that's fine. Just, be a good person. Just because you see that you have nothing to fear after your life has passed, doesn't mean that you should steal, hurt people physically or emotionally, murder people, etc. Faith tends to...keep people's hope alive, whether it be true or false hope, it is hope all the same. Their faith and values keep them alive in a world that has no mercy for its inhabitants. A person who has lost everything, their homes, their friends, their families, what do they have to look to? Nothing, for they have nothing. But wait. There is something that cannot be lost and that is faith. Sure, only a strong willed person can endure losing everything, but others have to have a crutch, so to speak. God could be that crutch. So, there may not be one. So what? In many people's minds, He's there. A mere figment of imagination so powerful, that it can keep a living person from giving up on life and maybe committing suicide. Is it possible? Or is there a higher power that seems to evade all efforts of probing and eludes the minds of atheists? Just keep this question in mind: When you have lost everything, what will you look to?

RE: Religion....fuck them - Kalyx - 09-23-2008

Just becaues you don't believe in God, doesn't mean you don't believe in "anything". Why can't atheists have values and direction in their lives, just like God-fearing folks. Does there have to be this magical, unseen and unproven omnipotent entity, somewhere "up there", controlling our destiny, creating all the "beauty and intelligent design" that is the universe?

Along with attenting Catholic Church, with my parents, I was forced to go to cathecism (Catholic school), from when I was in kindergarten through middle school. Of course, I was baptised, performed my First Communion and was eventually Confirmed, when I was 14. Each year I "had" to go I became increasingly disillusioned and fed-up with these "stories"...especially since I became more interested and accepting of the scientific method. (Earth sciences, genetics, evolution)

But just because I "believe" in these "teachings" doesn't make me a bad person. I have a heart and mind, and care for people and things. But, if and when things go wrong and tragedies strike, I don't have to turn to this "being" for strength and guidance; that's what I have myself, friends and family for.

RE: Religion....fuck them - Masquerade - 09-23-2008

I strongly agree that people should be able to rely upon themselves in time of need. And like I said before, atheists are capable of being good people and often are. And now that I think more about it, they seem to have more open-mindedness to other ideas which is beneficial and almost necessary to possess in a world as diverse as ours. I cannot stand people who use religion to judge other people, create problems for society, or, in extreme cases, justify war. All of that goes against the teachings they themselves impose upon other unsuspecting people. To tell the truth, I don't belong to any religion for I am open-minded to all religions and take to heart the in-depth cultural influence they have. I do believe in God, and I'm a very nice person. That is pretty much the extent of my "religion". By posting here, I've realized I'm trying to defend both sides, though the atheist route seems to have the advantage seeing as how religious persons aren't as moralistic as they wish to be. So, in conclusion, it is absolutely fine to be an atheist, and it is also fine to be religious. To me, neither are at fault. Atheists cannot criticize religious persons because they worship something that isn't there, but at the same time, religious persons would think it wise not to judge atheists for not believing in something they don't think is there. It appears as though both sides have reached an unbreakable and incomprehensible impasse that will probably last until the end of time.

RE: Religion....fuck them - Tenjou - 09-23-2008

I've actually met more open-minded athiests/agnostics than I have religious people. Maybe it's because they do not have someone else telling them what's right and wrong but instead follow what they believe to be right and wrong. I've always felt humans should take their own paths in life and not have someone else tell them how to live it.

RE: Religion....fuck them - Masquerade - 09-23-2008

That is sooooo true. Only the individual can carve his or her own destiny out of the stone of life. Their future rests in their hands and their hands alone based on what they say and what they do. The worst thing that the soul has to bear is remorse.