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A Dark Love - Printable Version

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- Altima - 02-24-2007

Guilmon blushed, he returned the generosity, by standing on his legs, and licking his Partner's face.

- GuilmonForever - 02-24-2007

Takato smiled slowly and laughed gently at the lick and patted his partners head, Guilmon was always there when he needed him, a friend he could always count on. As they headed for the park, Takato wondered what it would like to be older, would Guilmon and he still be friends? Little did Takato know, that Guilmon wante dmore then friendship. As Takato lay down on the grass underneath the tree, he began to wonder about the future...

- Altima - 02-24-2007

Guilmon lied down on the grass, his head resting on Takato's chest. He could hear the steady heart-beat of his partner. He stretched a little as he began to sunbathe, yawning quite loudly.

- GuilmonForever - 02-24-2007

Takato smiled slowly and tried not to laugh at his silly little partner, using his chest as a pillow as he lay down on the grass. Staring at the sky, as the wind blew in his face and slowly looked at Guilmon and said slowly.

"Hey Guilmon, has something been botheirng you lately? You seem to be acting rather fishy" he said, but before he could reply, a boy came strolling by them and grinnd, he was tall, with brown hair and brown skin.

"Why hello there, whats your name" smile dthe boy slyly.

"Oh hi, my names Takato" smiled the young boy, but the older boy slid beside him and grinned slowly.

- Altima - 02-24-2007

Opening one eye slowly, he noticed another boy lay near his partner. Guilmon instinctively stood up, looking first at Takato, then to the new kid, then back to Takato.

- GuilmonForever - 02-24-2007

The boy clearly was chatting with Takato, making rather noticble compliments, and it wa snow becoming clear that he was flirting,

"Say you want to come with me, we could go check out the woods" smiled the boy slyly.

"No thanks, I'd rather stay here iwth Guilmon" he smiled slowly

The boy frowned and pulled Takato up.

"Look just come and see the woods" he said, his voice raising in anger.

"But I don't want to" said Takato more firmly, and the other boy seemed to get even more angry and took a swing at Takatos face, causing him to fall down and blood to dribble down the poor boys mouth.

(LOl lets see how guilmon reacts).

- Altima - 02-24-2007

Suddenly, in anger, Guilmon stood up, smacking the boy in the chest. "Don't you EVER hurt Takato!" he said, breathing heavily through his nostirls. "And if he says no, he MEANS it! Got that?"

- GuilmonForever - 02-24-2007

"Hey whats it to you dino-boy, you act like your in love with the kid" growled the boy and he slowly got back to his feet and glared at Takato, who was simply staring at the floor, a tera rolling down his cheek, as he remembered all those times he had been bullied, and nobody had helped him, just laughed and watched, it brought back bad memories.

- Altima - 02-24-2007

"What if I am?" the dinosaur spat back, not noticing what he was saying. He grwoled back at the boy, barring his teeth at him.

- GuilmonForever - 02-24-2007

The boy winced, not liking the look of those teeth, and ran for it. Takato had what Guilmon had said, and he could not believe his ears, he slowly looked at Guilmon, eyes wide and he simply stared, nobody else was around in the park, just them...