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Digimon Protectors - Printable Version

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- ATOMICWOLF207 - 08-27-2006

henry:It's like a maze in here!!!

Terriermon:I know a way to get there!!!But you have to let me digivolve!!!


Terriermon digivolve to.....Gargomon!! 8)

Gargomon:Bunny Pummel!!!!(Destroys wall)there we go!

Henry:I hope we don't have to pay for that.

Gargomon:who's that!!

Henry:Beelzemon...mega level...watch out for his Double Impact!!!

Gargomon:I don't care what level he is hiya!!!!!!!

- Master Grim - 08-27-2006

Peter blinks at Gargomon as he put Sapphire down carefully "Whoa... Big bunny with guns..."

- ATOMICWOLF207 - 08-27-2006

Henry:ok lets try this DIGI-MODIFY POWER ACTIVATE!!

Gargomon STARTED glowing.


Gargomon glowing BLINDED EVERYONE!!

Gargomon:Bunny Pummel!!!!!!!!!

huge explosion!!!!!!!

BOTH digimon are gone.

Henry:Gargomon!!where are you !

Terriermon: In your D-ark!!!

Henry looks at in and in has a picture of Terriermon!!!!

Terriermon: I guess I used alot of energy.

Henry: Just relax and...oh-no I'm still getting Beelzemon's
signal...but I don't see him you must of
blown his a good distance away.

- xvdjdamienstryker - 08-28-2006

**with all the mess goin on....Kari begins to finally wake up...however...her eyes look very ...Dead..and glassy..almost...Zombie like..**

Kari (mono-toned): hello....

Gatomon: Kari!! you're awake..^^. Kari??

Kari: Hello there...

Takato: um...i think we got trouble

- Lady_Knight - 08-28-2006

"No duh... we always seem to be in trouble." Rika frowned. "It's just typical."
"Yeah, all of these things seem to happen to us." Renamon looked equally troubled.
"So... what happened to Beezlemon, anyways?" Rika looked around quizically.

- Master Grim - 08-28-2006

Peter looked up "The attack that... the bunny thing used seemed very powerful..."

Sapphire sat bolt upright "What the... Oh..." She frowned "I can never beat anything..."

- xvdjdamienstryker - 08-29-2006

**Just then..the spilky blonde...with the snow white Renamon begins to speak out...**

DJ: Um...i'm sure that Beezlemon was fierce and all...but can someone explain to me the Zombie

**She points to the reawakened Kari Kamiya...who looks close to being paler than a baby sea horse..**

Kari (monotoned): I dislike being called a Zombie...

Takato:...if sounding like my teacher BEFORE she knew about Digimon isn't a zombie symptom...i don't know what is

Guilmon (sniffs the air): I don't smell Any other Digimon, Takato..

Kari: I'm fine..

**is she really....?**

- Gogglehead - 08-30-2006

Daisuke\'s head snapped back as Hikari woke up.
\"Hikari!\" He called. At seeing her eyes he grew more worried.

\"A-are you sure? Maybe you should rest a bit more?\" Daisuke suggested nervously but quickly.

- ATOMICWOLF207 - 08-31-2006

Henry:I think we should go to a
hidin place so we can rest and plan a defense in case
Beezlemon come back.

- Master Grim - 09-01-2006

Peter nodded at Henry "That would be a good idea..." He turned to Sapphire with an encouraging grin "Saph, you know you can. He just surprised us."

She smiled back "Yeah... I suppose..." She looked at Rika "Hm... She looks kinda familiar..."

Peter also looked "Huh?" He blinked "Hey... you're right..."