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- Lord Patamon - 11-05-2006

*evil side*

"a very nicely done job, Primary Village now is such a masterpiece in destruction" Devimon said with a sadistic grin

*good side*

TK just stared at Dark Kari as he blushed. "Wait you mean that while the real Kari has feeling for me..... you like Davis?" he asks as he blinks and then looks at the good Kari. "it makes sense.... I think" he said with a slight smile but then turns at the dark Kari.

"but you realize you only gonna hurt Davis' feelings further? I mean you will have your fun but after that you will return with the good Kari back to my I mean the real Kari and I doubt she will remember this, but guess is only for Davis to decide" he said as he just looked at the good Kari not knowing what to say.

*Gatomon and Patamon*

Patamon rolled on his side snuggling Gatomon closer. "five more minutes Gatomon.... my love...." he said in his sleep nuzzling her gently.

- Gogglehead - 11-05-2006

Daisuke got a look of confusion when Dark Hikari mentioned a "time of fun", did she mean like a video game? But before he could respond Takeru did.

How can that guy just talk like I'm not here!?

"Hey! The original Hikari never said that! What are you blathering about!!" Daisuke protested loudly.

- Yoosei - 11-06-2006

*Evil side*

LadyDevimon grins deviously, enjoying the sight of the massive destruction on the primary village.

- Lord Patamon - 11-06-2006

TK looked at Davis realizing what he just said and blushes a bit. "Davis, it was Dark Kari who said that, I only asked her if my reasoning is right or not" he said not wanting to add anything else.

- Lady_Knight - 11-06-2006

Rika sighed and looked around. She saw a couch and sat down on it, telling Takato as she did:
"None of us blame you. We never have, and we never will. Come on Takato, you just need to believe in yourself."

- Gogglehead - 11-06-2006

"What?! Why...." Daisuke trailed off trying to think of a response, but he couldn't.
"I've got something to do." He muttered and dashed off to his room slamming the door shut. He collapsed onto the bed and smashed a fist onto the pillow in anger holding back tears.

(OOC: Oh and don't forget about Blackgatomon.)

- Master Grim - 11-06-2006

OOC: lol... :P Rika won't like what Peter and Saph have been up to...


"-uld have picked a better time!" Peter said while chuckling as he went into the hotel.

"Aww, cheer up!" Saph giggled, right behind Peter, seeming very much more giddily happy than earlier... if that could even be possible "Don't tell me you didn't have fun!"

"OK, OK... you win..." He gave up, smiling.

"Oh, yay!" She had to put a paw to her mouth to prevent her giggles from waking the entire building up "I just love winning!"

Peter just shook his head, laughing quietly.

- Lord Patamon - 11-06-2006

TK sighed as he saw Davis running off. "Oh man, this went from bad to worse" he said as he leaned against the wall while watching both parts of Kari.

- xvdjdamienstryker - 11-11-2006

**Some would think things as they are ...seesawing from left to right...things would look up...**


Good Kari: I'm really Sorry, TK...things are really looking bad..

Dark Kari: Arrgh..if you want something done right, Do it yourself! (storms off to Davis' room)

Good kari: Something tells me..we should leave her be...but (takes TK's hand) i would like to share my time with you, TK...if you let me..(blushes brightly) hmhmhm

**Dark Kari pounds at Davis' Door**
Dark Kari (angry): Okay Davis Motomiya! You open this door right now!! you and i have some business to talk about right now...(speaks in sweet, sexy tone) Pweeeeaaaaasee.....-^_^-

**the others**

BlackGatomon (eating the pizza):..................^_______________________^. That IS good..and who's this Takato? oh yeah^^. ibeing a wanderer is fun. always traveling...on the go. and you see so many surprises along the way..

**As the Music plays...DJ smiles to Matt, bowing a yes to reply...taking his hand**

{{Inserts "Fukai Mori" }}

Takato: ....(couldn't help but smile....before huggin rika)....

**on the move...Gatomon...carries Patamon as he sleeps...as they return back to hotel...she smiles to her love...kissing his forehead..as they return ....**

Gatomon: < i dunno if you can hear me...but thank you...you and kari are important in my life...everyone is...I'm going to try harder to protect everyone close to me. >

**on the DarkSide**
DraculeMyotismon (returning): Greetings...I can come back...and with..family..>=3.

Daemon: Excellent, Draculemyotismon. Well then...everything is set...we can now begin the next phase ...The digidestined won't know what hit them.

- Yoosei - 11-11-2006

**Good Side**

Matt gently holds DJ