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Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Printable Version

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RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Maero - 10-01-2009

(No, I dont, You know why I dont? Because I scrubbed it off my brain wrinkles! OK?! NO MORE BAD BRAIN WRINKLES FROM YOU!)

Tiffania wiggled in Nico's arms and said "I..I think I can walk...if you want me to." If let down she would lean against the wall and follow them wherever, she was as lost as that space marine. Speaking of the marine, she growled to herself but realized that Alex's words were all too true, and she could feel fractures in her arm, shoulder and legs, which meant she wasnt going to take this armor off any time soon, at least not without help.

Suddenly footsteps could be heard as someone else entered the house and began to make their way towards Alex. The kitchen door began to swing open but then the hinge snapped and it fell to the ground revealing...Mike, he was look around with wide eyes. He saw Alex and whistled, indicating to the broken down house and not the women. "What the hell is going on here man?" He asked before his eyes landed on Nico, then Tiffania, then the other elf, and then the space marine.

"Jesus H Christ man, what the hell is all this?! Some kind of power coseplay?" He said, more than a little shocked when his eyes landed on the disemboweled marine not to far away. "Holy shit, did the fourth wall break when I wasnt looking?" He asked, bending down and poking the space marines armor.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - MasterZero - 10-01-2009

(((Holds up rope, a hammer, an d knife) You want me to show you again, is what you're telling me, right?))

Alex turned his head and saw his friend Mike walk over. He smiled slowly and scratched his head. "Uhh...Actually, that is EXACTLY what happened," he said, and suddenly grabbed Mike's hand as he tried to poke the Space Marine. "Don't do that, she's cranky."

"Umm...Nico Robin, this is Mike, my best friend.....Mike, this is my girlfriend, Nico Robin," he blushed. He then began explaining what had been happening since yesterday. "Try to stay with me now, Mike. One day I was on the internet when Nico popped out of the computer screen. After about....a day, Nico and I got...close. After that, Asuna, from Negima, came out of my computer, and got scared and ran off. She then got hit by a car, we took her in the hospital, she's a little traumatized. Oh, and my computer has been spitting out fictional characters for a while, and one of them kidnapped my mother! Oh, and I can do this now," he added, making a normal tentacle popped out of his back, and then retracted.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Salem A. Delgado - 10-06-2009

Nods to Mike and begins walking off "It's good your here, we need help carrying people." she said simply, tltin her head to the marine as she lowered the elf girl and focused more on carrying the male elf.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Maero - 10-07-2009

Mike was more than a little shocked by it all...to say the least, and could only nod dumbly to Nico, Nico Robin from One Piece, as he walked over to the scowling space marine and stood there for a few moments. "Ok...wow...wow...What is it you want me to do again?" He asked looking back. "Cause...I think you said you need help carrying people...thats a space marine...chick. Do you have any idea what space marines can do to guardsmen? Which is basically what we are at this point. Also, Alex, dont let the" Mike nodded his head towards the marine while she wasnt looking and added "See your...um..cool new power." If the space marine saw him produce tentacles out of his arm, she would probably go buck wild and try to, and probably succeed in breaking out of the armor and killing him, or all of them.

"Now, just give me a moment." Mike said as he ran back to his car. While he was gone, Nico would come to appreciate just how...light the large elf was. She would reach down to pick him up and find that despite his strength and size, he was almost as light as Alex. The larger elf groaned and slowly opened one of his eyes, looking down at Nico, and then swiveling his eye over to Alex. "What is...this?" He asked in a weakened, but beautiful voice. "Where...where have I....been taken..." He was more wounded than they originally thought. As he stood with Nico's help, leaning heavily on her, she would find that his back was riddled with gun shots from who knows what. At least i wasnt bolter fire.

"Where is...Melkor?" With those words, the larger elf fell to his knees, which put him at eye level with Nico, and slumped forward. His wounds were healing rather quickly, but not so fast that they could be called wolverine like, and only by watching them closely could you tell that they were healing faster than normal.

The elf girl helped Nico carry the large elf, more than happy to lend a hand to the person that had saved her. Mike returned shortly afterward holding a syringe in his hand. He came up from the space marine's blind spot and quickly stuck her with it just behind her shoulder. The woman jerked by the pain from her arm blocked out the pain from the needle and before she could say another word Mike had done whatever it was that he was doing.

"What did you do?!" She demanded angrily. Mike only smirked and said "Dont worry about it, its for the pain, which you are obviously in." The space marine opened her mouth to say another word but suddenly went slack jawed and passed out. With that Mike sighed and began to try to pry her out of the armor. Luckily, the elf's attack had smashed her so hard that bolts, plats and sheer metal had been knocked loose or torn off altogether. With a bit of help from Alex, he would succeed in pulling her out and would quickly cuff her hands behind her back and her feet with some leather cuffs he had brought. "I play chaos." He explained. "So Im not about to let anything that might be remotely like a real space marine loose anywhere near me."

If there was nothing left to be done, Mike would carry her to the car, and squeeze them all in with him. the elf was almost to huge to fit and actually had to lay across everyone's lap in the back, which his knee bent in so that he could fit. His knees found a comfortably spot once inside, one in Alex's gut and the other in his face. It was not a comfortable ride to Mike's house.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - MasterZero - 10-10-2009

As they were all stuffed in Mike's car, Alex began to speak. "Mike, we have to find my mother. I don't know where she is. My house has gone to hell, and I'm worried about her. Plus, we need to drop off by the hospital to make sure Asuna is okay...Oh and...there's kind of one of more thing I need to talk to you about..." he added as the elf man's knee hit his face. "Damn it..." he muttered. "I...don't really know HOW to tell you this, but I...I've kinda gone crazy since you last saw me. My mind broke in two....It's like the Incredible Hulk, and I'm Bruce Banner."

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Salem A. Delgado - 10-14-2009

Nico shuddered noticeably as Alex spoke of his other self. The more she thought of him the smaller and more fragile she seemed "Mike, do you have one of those computer devices like Alex? If so would we be able to use it to find out about these other beings from other worlds?" she asked, hoping for something to take her mind of that monster.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Maero - 10-15-2009

Mike nodded his head all the way through their discussion as he drove. "Ya, ok, this is how its going to work out. We are dropping everyone off at my house, Nico can watch over them, and you and me are going after Asuna, who I can only assume is a character from Negima, and on the way you can thoroughly fill me in." He said as they reached his house. With a bit of trouble and a few trips, they managed to get everyone safely in the house and onto a bed somewhere. Tiffania had been silent this whole time, frightened of this new world and the things happening around her, but she helped them unload everyone else.

At the end of it they had the large elf laying down in the guest room. Mike had taken the liberty of disarming him and hiding the weapons, as well as removing the top part of his armor, since his wounds basically demanded that they at least be bandaged quickly. After that they left him on the bed, which he hardly fit on, and began to work on the space marine, who was named Angela Seraphos. As Mike had stressed before, he would not let anything anywhere near like a space marine loose anywhere near him, and so he quickly took off all her remaining armor like parts, basically her interface, and with a ton of hidden bondage gear, tied her arms to the bed posts, which were made of steel, and did the same for her legs, as well as tying extra restraints around her elbows, wrists, and ankles. If she got loose then she would have a hard time getting around.

Lastly Tiffania sat down in the kitchen, tired and scared from her long and strange ordeal. She looked up at Nico and offered her a sheepish smile, but couldnt hold it for long. Nico was now in charge of everyone at the house while Alex and Mike were gone. She could go check on anyone, or simply talk to Tiffania. Mike confirmed the existence of a computer in his room, and if she knew enough, she could try to use that find out more about space marines, Tiffania and her world, and if she could get a name from the mysterious elf, maybe even figure out where he was from.

Alex and Mike had to then drive to the hospital. On the way Alex would tell Mike whatever he wanted to tell him, but Mike would only nod. When they arrived at the hospital, they would find it less than in favorable status. Smoke rose up from one of the windows and the front door was smashed open. "What the hell?! How many things came out of your computer?!" Mike asked as he reached into the back seat and pulled out a Tonfa. "Im not even good at using this crap." Mike grumbled, wishing he had a gun or maybe a power like Alex did.

(Sorry for the long, power play post, but I feel bad for Salem since Nico couldnt really do much in the car, so I sped it up a bit. Hope you dont mind)

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - TempZero - 10-19-2009

"HOW SHOULD I KNOW!?" Alex cried as he saw the hospital. "Come on! We have to save Asun-AHHH!" he screamed, falling to the ground and holding his head.

Little pig, little pig. Let me in. Or I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll tear you limb from limb!

"NO...You're evil! STOP!" he cried, and Mike would soon realize he was, once more, fighting with his evil. "AHHHH!"

You need me. How else are you going to save your little friend...?


[b]Just this once Alex...You know you want to. The rush of power. The looks of fear you get. Come on..."

"No...No...." he whimpered, and he looked up at Mike, tears in his eyes. "Mike...If I triy to hurt A-Asuna...Kill me..." he begged, before letting out a loud roar, and falling to the ground.

After a moment on the ground, Alex sprung up. He rolled his arms, and let out a joyful sigh. "Come on, Mike. Let's go save the slut," he chuckled. It didn't take a genius to figure out Dark Alex was in control. Whether this was by the real Alex's choice, or not, Mike couldn't know for sure...

"Coming?" Dark Alex inquired, walking over to the hospital.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Maero - 11-07-2009

Mike watched it all with a mild look of confusion and interest as Alex battled himself and lost. "So..." He said as he pulled a bag out of the car, stowing his Tonfas, and followed Alex. "I take it your the fun Alex right?" He asked as he caught up with him as the entered the hospital, finding it a complete wreck on the inside. Still, there was not as much panic as one might have expected...it looked as though whatever had happened had happened way before they got there, maybe even before Alex got to his house. Still, there was enough disorder for them to reach Asuna's room unimpeded, and found her asleep, much the same way that Alex had left her.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - TempZero - 11-07-2009

"I'm...the Alex who just wants a good life. A few slaves, a couple billion dollars in money, and the cries and tears from anyone who ever picked on me. You understand, right?" the evil being chuckled. "Here's some advice for you. Tread lightly, or you'll be one of those tortured souls, know what I mean?" he chuckled. As the two found Asuna fast asleep, Dark Alex raised his brow and looked at Mike. "It looks like whatever was here, ain't here anymore. So....No monster. No anime or videogame threat. Nothing, but a hell of a lot of property damage.... Why don't you scurry along home while I go fuck Asuna's ass?" the boy joked/suggested as he began advancing to Asuna's bed.