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- Gogglehead - 10-27-2006

"Hii!!" V-mon called back to Renamon waving his hand.

"This is Blackgatomon! I just met her on the roof." V-mon introduced her to Renamon.

- Lady_Knight - 10-27-2006

"Cool stuff," Renamon smiled at BlackGatomon. "How did you come to be here?" she adressed the last question to BlackGatomon.

- xvdjdamienstryker - 10-28-2006

OOC: My apologies for the kari/Dark Kari confuzzlement. Gogglehead is right to a point...i had Dragomon take the dark energy inside kari..but not the personality, Dark Kari...i kinda have a little plan for her before she's gone completely...but that ..and more Surprises will follow

Dark Kari: Huff. one moment (slams the door in TK's face)
**moment later..Dark Kari is back in Black shorts..a black and gray Tank top...and a look of Copping an Attitude**

Dark Kari: This better? I'm decent now..and Kari is fine...she's asleep in the bed..and she'll be asleep until i go back into her...but not before i get my fun in

Voice: but Kari neess us now...

**emerging from the sheets...another Kari..**
Good Kari (in her Digidestined attire): Greeting TK.^^ (walks to Dark Kari) we have to go back and help kari...or she'll...(starts to shed a tear)..she maybe gone...

**Two Karis...??...Oh boy..*wait...gone??!!

**In the hotel**
ONce inside ....Sounds of music begins to be heard...as the...err... Staff...helps the digiteam relax a bit..as music begins to play....but all the while

Blackgatomon: Greetings (bows to the Renamon). Friends of yours, Veemon? =^.^= (to Renamon): I'm a wanderer

Takato (to rika): Rika i may know it here..(points to his head)...but i'm not sure i know it ..here.... (points to his Heart)

DJ (by Matt): how nice...^^ some music to pass the tiime. They say music moves ya in funny ways^^.

Yukirenamon: Gabumon? would you like to meet my partner^^? i should warn you...she's...not like any human you've met^^()

**Gatomon and Patamon**
Gatomon (purrs into Patamon's ear): nyaaaaaa.......that was wonderiful... I never knew you were such a pawerful Lover... Patamon (nuzzles into his body)...Thank you...

**on the Darkside**
**Primary Village is in flames....of red....as Draculemyotismon goes on Digiegg hunt**

Draculemyotismon: i can sense you my son.... soon you will be reborn.. to the darkness. and in the progress...freedom and Love..will come in the progress... (laughs sinisterly)

- Lord Patamon - 10-28-2006

**good side**

"Two Karis??" TK asked in shock but his shock got bigger when he heard the good Kari. "Gone!?, my- I mean Kari will be gone if you two don't get back to her?" he said barely stopping himself from say my Kari as he was really worried now as he then looked at the Dark Kari. "please return to Kari, she doesn't deserved to suffer like this! she is a good person, the best person I ever met....... don't do that to her please....." he said as tear rolled down his cheek.

*Gatomon and Patamon*

Patamon smiled and kissed her softly and caressed her gently as he blushed from the compliment. "You're great yourself too Gatomon..... It was really amazing.... and love you" he said snuggling her close.

*Dark Side*

Devimon smirked as he could sense the events on Primary Village. "Gotta admit the father has a lot better style than the son" he said really impressed.

- Yoosei - 10-28-2006

**Evil side**

Lady Devimon: *Yawns* still I am unimpressed with all these shorts events

**Good side**

Matt: *blinks* I wonder where this music came from in all of a sudden

- Gogglehead - 10-29-2006

\"Ummm.....\" Daisuke trailed off seeing the bizarre event unfold. He calmed his breathing to try and get his horomones down. On seeing the second Hikari appear he couldn\'t help but ask.
\"Wait, which of you is the real Hikari-chan?\"

\"Yeah she\'s a friend, I just met her earlier today.\" V-mon answered. He hopped up on the counter and grabbed some pizza and brought them to Blackgatomon.
\"Try these, me and Daisuke really liked them.\"

- Lord Patamon - 10-29-2006

"Both are the real Kari. they are Kari's good and bad sides, somehow they managed to split out of our Kari, but if they soon don't get back to her to be one being again, we can end losing her Davis" TK said as he trembled a bit in worry and fear of lose one of the people he cares about the most

- Gogglehead - 10-29-2006

\"What!? Well how to we put them back together!?\" Daisuke shouted shocked turning to Takeru.

- Lady_Knight - 10-29-2006

"Well, you have to believe it. I mean, come on, would Jeri want you to be killing yourself from the inside out because of her? Jeri doesn't blame you for what happened, none of us do." Rika said firmly. "You just have to believe in yourself."

"A wanderer..." Renamon said softly. "Thats cool. Most of us here are partners to either a Digidestined, or a Tamer. My Tamer's Rika, and she's... somewhere...." she then heres what Veemon says about the food. "Yeah, Takato's a pretty good cook."

- xvdjdamienstryker - 11-05-2006

OOC: I am SO SORRY!!!!!!! a lot of test prepping has been eating into my time...@_@ ]]

**Evil Side**
Daemon: eeh....< no pleasing some people.. > ~_~....

Draculemyotismon: I've found you! (holds a black digiegg with red bat marks on it). Now...things are going to look up!! I'm returning now (Vanishes in a storm of bats)

**The Primary Village...left in ruins...most of the Digimon there...either Deleted and absorbed...or on the verge of Deletion...**

**Good Side~**

DJ: Do you dance, Matt? ~^^~

Yukirenamon (leading Gabumon): you'll see soon enough.^^ There she is..right by that gentleman..who is making her..blush X3

takato: You really think so, Rika? I guess i can try...

**He really needs a good convincing...who knew he carried these demons in him for so long


Dark Kari looks at TK's worried expression....her dark expression softens

Dark Kari: I hate to see a boy cry like that...and i guess Being part of a whole Kari isn't all bad...okay i'll think about it...but first...i want something in return.. a moment of fun...for the true her has feeling for you...i've had an eye...on you (looks at davis)...so how about a time of fun for us...and in return..i'll go back to kari**

Gatomon was wakin from her afterglow nap...looking to Patamon...nudging him some**

Gatomon: Patamon? hey..Patamon..we gotta go back..^_^. it;s really gettin late^^